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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Thx Cio. I have started an effort to get out a show of support for the Mesh Deformer Project. I'm not much of a fashionesta. So, I only know a limited number of designers. I am reaching out to those today. I have a 6-step plan for getting a show of support up on the blog now (5PM Tuesday). Any help others can off would be appreciated. See: http://blog.nalates.net/2012/05/08/sl-mesh-defomer-at-risk/2/ In the article I get into the communication problems we have with programmers reaching the fashion designers. I am reaching out to other bloggers too. Hamlet has an article up too, but he didn't give any steps for showing support. http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2012/05/linden-lab-needs-mesh-for-qarl-deformer.html I've IM'd him to ask if he would.
  2. You may want to read these two articles that have Land Impact information. Reducing Prim Count #SL Content/Mesh News Week 19 There are some peculiarities being found with how one implements a mesh object in Second Life®. One of the mesh builders found that including the physics layer with the mesh upload consistently created a higher prim cost for Land Impact than separate uploads. They found that if they uploaded the physics model separately and then linked it to the mesh object, the separate upload process reduced the final prim count by 35%. That is significant. Today the builder was asking if this is a bug, likely to be fixed or were things working as intended. Nyx is examining the model to see.
  3. The camera is controled by selections in the View Controls. You can access the control via several paths. In the top menu select: Me -> Camera Controls. In the little panel that opens select the Eye like icon and select a view. You don't say which viewer you are using. I am assuming the main SL Viewer. You can learn more about camera position here: Camera Position Tips
  4. There are several possibilities. Eliminate a number of them by restarting your computer. Also, use your web browser to to visit http://search.secondlife.com/. That offten gets you the certificates and cookies so that the viewer's browser can more easily connect. You may want to save the URL, as many of us find going directly to search with our default browser is faster than using the viewer's browser. If you cannot get the web page open with your browser, suspect your connection is having a problem. Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection. If you are using Windows, try installing the Safari web browser. You don't need to use it. The install adds registry entries that may be missing on a Windows machine. Since Safari is Webkit based and the viewer's browser is also Webkit based, the install can resolve some problems. If you are on a Mac, you may be having some DNS problems. If you have problems with other features that rely on the web, like What's Hot, Events, Destinations, Profiles, and similar ones, then it is more likely a DNS problem. Search Answers for DNS. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.
  5. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post. The usual reasons for login failure include a poor connection. Internet connection quality is constantly changing. Of the millions of components that make up anyone's connection some part is likely failing or overloading. So, when you have a problem test the connection. Make sure you use the testing techniques in this: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection. There are many other reasons you may not be able to login. If your connection proves out, read: I Can’t Login. That article gets into more of exotic reasons for not being able to login. Without the info that Rolig asks for, all we can do is guess. Be very specific and include all the SL related info when asking a question. That will save you having to deal with our guesses and get you a faster answer.
  6. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post. We'll assume you are using the Linden Lab viewer. What type of attachments are we talking? Are you Adding them or wearing them? Check the PING time in Viewer Statistics (Ctrl-Shift-1). If the time is high, over 500ms, that might cause things to move. If you have high packet loss that may cause them to move. In which case is what is happening is the updated position is in your viewer and its not making it to the SL server. When you add a new attachment your attachments are refreshing and moving the previous attachment to an old position because the server never got the new position. I've seen this happen in OpenSim grids. I've not seen it in SL. ...that is about the best guess I have with what you gave us.
  7. From what you say it is hard to say what is wrong. It may be a DNS problem or your connection may be having a intermitant problem. Use Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection to see if there is a problem. This is about more extensive testing than most of us do. Run the tests when you are having problems. If you change to Google's DNS, be sure you keep one of your ISP's DNS servers in the list.
  8. I doubt there is much difference. Maintaining different features sets for 32 and 64 bit versions would be added work. Its unlikely they would expend the effort. To get a real answer ask on the Blender forum or Blender Artists forum.
  9. That is a difficult question and is based mostly in personal preference and what one can afford. NVIDIA is a better choice than ATI/AMD. The reason is that nVidia has done a better job supporting OpenGL, the graphics language used in the SL Viewer. The new nVidia 600 series cards are coming on the market. Those are the best available (IMO) but they are expensive. SL Viewers work well with nVidia 8000 series cards and newer. With nVidia the later digits indicate the power or ability of the card. A 260 is better than a 240. A 260 can be better than a 440, but check the published benchmarks. I expect 500 series cards to start appearing on eBay as people upgrade to 600 series cards. There will be some deals to be had. IMPORTANT - The CPU is as important as the GPU for those of us running SL. The later Core2 are good but lack the improved task switching that SL Viewers need. The core i3, i5, and i7's are way better. For SL the i5 and i7 seem to give better performance. The operating system is important too. Win7 - 64 bit has better OpenGL support and provides about the best performance figures I've seen. Linux is for the geeks but they get amazing performance with it. Apple has dropped the ball with OpenGL and 3D in general. Rumors are that they are getting better... but, I think that is something we'll only see "some day."
  10. Je m'excuse pour le mauvais français. Il s'agit d'une traduction de Google. Google fournit serveurs DNS publics. Vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur eux et comment les utiliser à l'adresse: Google Public DNS. Les gens changent souvent à des serveurs DNS de Google parce qu'il FAIfourni les serveurs DNS ... eh bien ... ils sucent. Google a tendance à être très rapide, qui permet à votre performance des systèmes un peu petite. Mais, en changeant vous pouvez créer des problèmes pour vous-même. Informationsendroit spécial Certains FAI là serveur qui est juste pour leurs clients. Pouréviter de marcher dans ces problèmes, il est une bonne idée de garder un ou deux de vos serveurs DNS du FAI dans la liste. Ajouter un serveur DNS de Google en tant que votre premier essai ou serveur DNS primaire. Un mélange de serveurs DNS peuvent vous donner le meilleur des deux. En outre, certains fournisseurs d'accès bloc les ports DNS pour restreindreleurs utilisateurs d'utiliser leurs DNS. Collèges et sont connus pour cela. Il leur permet de bloquer l'accès aux sites. Vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur ces problèmes: Comment faire pour tester un port DNS Certains FAI configurer le routeur pour utiliser un serveur DNS spécifique. Si vous avez exécuté le logiciel à installer le modem de votre fournisseur d'accès / routeur, vous pouvez avoir ce problème. OpenDNS pourrait être en mesure d'aider avec ça.
  11. Since you are asking why YOU can't FIND an answer... it would have been helpful if you had described how you tried to find an answer. Offhand I would say it is because you got frustrated and started acting out the frustration rather than using your intelligence to solve the search problem. But... that is just an opinion based on how poorly you asked your question. The problem certainly is not from a lack of an answer. Here in the Answers section the question "Why can I not Login?" has been answered numerious times. I am confident that every reason for a login problem has been found and is in this forum. Google shows 107,000,000 hits for the search terms: second life cannot login In Google of the top five hits returned 4 point into this forum. There is even a YouTube video about login problems. Plus my blog article on login problems comes up 9th. SLUinverse comes up 10th with a discussion of recent login problems. So... I suppose we could speculate on why you can't find an answer and list a load of wise-butt possibilities... ...or show you a bit of empathy and stop here.
  12. It can be a port issue in your firewall. Check the SL Wiki - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Voice/Technical There is a test areas in SL called: Voice Island. You can do testing there. Firewall Information It can be an anti-virus problem. Check the install folder to see if these files are present: vivoxoal.dll vivoxplatform.dll vivoxsdk.dll You can also look in a file named: VivoxVoiceService-2012.04.14.log. This may give you some troubleshooting information. Also look in the SL log. Search for error and/or warning. That may give you some clues. The log is in C:\Users\[win_login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\[viewer_name]\logs\ When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post. Also, it is unclear but your wording seems to indicate you think you are addressing the Lab's support personnel. That is not the case. I think it is a near certainty that none of the support people can take time to look through the forum. There are some Linden programmers and managers that do follow parts of the forum. Generally just those parts of the forum that are about their projects. A few Lindens, like 1% or less, may actually read the forum for more recreational than work related reading. This forum is mostly read and responses are from SL users. To get the Lab's support people to help you, try visiting https://support.secondlife.com/. There are more support options open to Premium Members. If you are a Free Account user, the Lab's Support people will usually only help you with login related problems. This Answers section has most every question answered multiple times. I know because I write answers and save them in a Word document so I can repeatedly paste them in. The clue here is toward figuring out that one can get faster answers by searching Answers and the Knowledge Base. If your question shows no answer returned from a search, reword it. There are extremely few new problems in Second Life. People do describe old problems in new ways. So, with some effort you will likely find an answer and not have to wait.
  13. You can test to see where a problem may be. See: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection. The article tells you what you need to know when telling your ISP, or IT peeps in your case, what the problem is. As Peggy said, on a campus it is likely they have SL blocked. If not deliberately SL then some of the needed ports. Also, see Using Second Life with a Firewall. This will have the technical info they need to open ports in a Firewall. You will probably have better luck if you have your professor contact the IT department and request the connection. You may also be able to find a proxy server that will allow you to conect through the campus Firewall. I wouldn't give it much of a chance because of the complexity of SL. But the viewers are designed to work with proxy servers.
  14. I'm not sure why you think the Lab doesn't listen. They have been going through cleaning up the JIRA and are in the process of adding a number of things people have been asking for. As to changing the terain model... I agree, not any time soon. But, the basic SL terain can be flattened and Mesh used in its place. That is not as interactive as most would like, but it is an option. Pathfinding is adding Navmesh and will soon be moved from Beta only status to release testing in the release channels. The biggest difference in status is probably the removal of most of the debugging code and the improved performance. The complexity of terrain and interaction with the physics engine is improving.
  15. There are numerious causes for the problem. Your connection is the most likely reason for a problem. There are some problems with the SL system that can also cause the problem. To understand those problems and the usuall fixes, read on: Rendering the avatar is a special case. It is a more complex process than rendering in the rest of Second Life. The idea with avatars is to save CPU cycles on users' computers and the SL servers. The idea requires your viewer to download all the textures that make up your avatar and its clothes; a shape, skin, top, pants, hair, and shoes textures. The viewer ‘bakes’ those into a single composite texture. You see your avatar render nice and sharp when that bake completes. Then your viewer uploads that composite texture for all to see. That saves others downloading all the individual textures and baking them. Your avatar goes blurry as it downloads and decompresses the composite texture you just uploaded and it becomes sharp when that process finishes. You are the only one that sees the double blurry for your avatar. If that process hangs or fails there is a problem. Where it fails affects what you or others see. You can try the old standby quick fixes for avatar rez problems: Change your active group or group tag. Press rebake (Ctrl-Alt-R) once a minute for 3 minutes. Change your bald. Change your shape. Move to another region and try 1 to 4 again. When those fail, check your connection as it is the most likely problem: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection There is a longer explanation of the problem here: #SL Clouds, Grey, and Blurry Avatars More indepth fixes are here: Avatar Render Problems: Ghost Cloud Smoke Ball Ruth.
  16. RLV can be added to the main SL Viewer. RLV is Restrained Love Viewer. There is a viewer with that name. The people writing that code have made it available to other Third Party Viewer Developers. So, the features are in many viewers. The idea with RLV was to enable bondage and dominance role play to be more realistic. Coding was added to allow another person to have control over your viewer. The code also provides API's for scripts to control your viewer. The features are also used for various automation tools. The RLV API's have wider application than just for BDSM play. The new Experience Tools that are currently in closed beta have some similarities to RLV in that they allow scripts to control more of the viewer. You might imagine how such features could be misused. So, work is proceeding on some type of permission system to limit who can use those features.
  17. There are some other problems that can cause apparent loss of inventory. A poor connection can interupt the loading of the inventory list. See Lost Inventory and Missing Inventory Fix – Help. To check your connection see: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection. There are a number of work-around methods that have been worked out over the years. They still work. Also, while the Lab is working toward getting Direct Delivery to replace the old Magic Boxes, that change over is far from complete. So, it is hard to say where incoming items will land. If they come from the new DD system they will be in the Received Items folder at the bottom of inventory, assuming your using a newer version 3 viewer. But, they may arrive in the OBJECTS folder. They may also arrive in the root My Inventory folder. The new DD system will soon have all things bought from the MP arriving in the Received Items folder.
  18. All of the answers I find to this problem are indicative of a virus having made it into the computer. The Alvira likely clears the problem but breaks numerous Operating System files in doing so. Alvira is rated weak in handling Trojans and mediocre overall. The standard fix is to repair the Operating System. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post. Without knowing which OS you are using, its hard to tell you how to repair the system. In Windows you can try running SFC (System File Check) or System Restore. Mac's are no longer virus proof. More and more viruses are targeted at Mac's as their popularity increases. But, I have no idea how to fix them. If you are using Windows you can also try reinstalling Internet Explorer. That has solved the problem for some people. Installing and attempting to run the SL Viewer did not create the problem. If you tried a Third Party Viewer from a source other than Linden Lab, that could be a problem. The TPV's on the TPV Directory are used by thousands of us without problems. If they were a problem, this forum would be full of complains. So, I feel those are safe. BUT, there are a number of viewers that are listed as Copybot viewers that are used to steal ID/Password and have been known to be made by those trying to take over people's computers.
  19. There are something you seem to overlook. Adding the tools to edit vertics and UVMaps would require adding a program like Blender or 3DS into the viewer, no small undertaking. That would also spike up the learning curve for new users. The time to maintain two design systems and the support needed to teach people how to use a Lab designed modeling system like Blender seems prohibitive. Expect the vertex editing to stay outside the SL Viewers. As to editing the vertices in existing prims like a cube... The array of vertices that make up a cube, deformed or not, is built into the viewer. The vertices array does not live in the asset server. So, if you change a cube's vertices in your viewer there is no way to transmit that change to others in SL. The use of parameteric primatives was done to reduce bandwidth and asset bloat. The change to the system to allow one to edit verices was the addition of mesh. Trying to take that to editing basic primatives or as some now call them: legacy prims, is just counter productive and seems redundant.
  20. May be. For a definitive answer run down Gaia Clary of Machinimatrix.org. She will know for sure. For definitive answers to questions like this we need to know about your system, particularly which viewer you are using. In Preferences -> Graphics -> Avatar Impostures Try disabling Avatar Impostures. This may be the problem. I'm not sure.
  21. The problem is often on the SL side of things. If the problem does not correct in 24 hours, test your connection with Second Life. Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection
  22. Bake fail is an annoying problem. Rendering the avatar is a special case. It is a more complex process than rendering in the rest of Second Life. The idea with avatars is to save CPU cycles on users' computers and the SL servers. The idea requires your viewer to download all the textures that make up your avatar and its clothes; a shape, skin, top, pants, hair, and shoes textures. The viewer ‘bakes’ those into a single composite texture. You see your avatar render nice and sharp when that bake completes. Then your viewer uploads that composite texture for all to see. That saves others downloading all the individual textures and baking them. Your avatar goes blurry as it downloads and decompresses the composite texture you just uploaded and it becomes sharp when that process finishes. You are the only one that sees the double blurry for your avatar. If that process hangs or fails there is a problem. Where it fails affects what you or others see. You can try the old standby quick fixes for avatar rez problems: Change your active group or group tag. Press rebake (Ctrl-Alt-R) once a minute for 3 minutes. Change your bald. Change your shape. Move to another region and try 1 to 4 again. When those fail, check your connection as it is the most likely problem: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection There is a longer explanation of the problem here: #SL Clouds, Grey, and Blurry Avatars. More instructions for fixing the problem are here: Avatar Render Problems: Ghost Cloud Smoke Ball Ruth
  23. You need to know about Grid Status: Second Life Grid Status Reports Always check this when you start to have problems. It can take a couple of hours for problems to show up here. So, keep checking back while you work to solve a problem. Lost Inventory and Missing Inventory Fix – Help - This is a more extensive Help article than the SL version. I wrote it for those that use multiple viewers. So, there may be more info than you need. But, it should get you a better idea of how SL works and what to do to get all the inventory to load. We have very little real inventory loss now. But, it is common for inventory to fail to load, thus giving you only an incomplete list. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.
  24. I'm with Flea on several points. I'll also point out that the idea no one asked for Direct Delivery is misleading. We have years of complaints about failed deliveries. We have years of new users complaining about the difficulty of buying things and being able to wear or use them. The Lab's answer is Direct Delivery/Received Items. We asked for improved delivery. If this lesson doesn't teach one to be careful what they ask for, nothing will. How many fables do we have about people making wishes and the genie granting wishes in ways the person never thought of? I think from a number of other development areas in SL we know what management is doing. They have aggressively tackled the JIRA lists and have been knocking down problems at an amazing pace. In some areas we have seen the development teams disappear and work off the radar. Others work in public, at least to some extent. In all cases we are seeing problems falling before a steady stream of changes, fixes, and improvements. Some of the problems are requiring extensive changes. In this complex system we are seeing mistakes and missteps. It is a mistake to think these problems are malevolently intentioned or part of some insane conspiracy to destory their own business or kill a cash cow. Search and the Market Place are disasters in my book. But, those were placed on a road map to be fixed. The fixes are not very popular. But neither was the existing system. And the fixing is incomplete. I think they could have better people fixing the problems, but I don't know that and I'm not arrogant enough to insist I know that as a fact. Whatever the problem with search is, my simple take is: It Don't Work. The Market Place sort of works. Enough so that business is stuggling along. Management is aware of the MP problems and I think they have a pretty good idea of how frustrated users are with the Commerce Team and MP. All the information I have says managment is watching the JIRA and use stats. We don't always see that. But, thinking managment uses the same crietia we users find important, is a mistake. Filing and Watching JIRA items has an affect on managment. It's not the closely coupled connection many seem to expect. But, active JIRA items do draw attention. Don't give up. Keep filing JIRA's and clicking watch. Talking about a problem here? Include a link to the JIRA. Get more of us clicking WATCH.
  25. There are some deep problems. OpenGL runs very well on Windows. If you dig into OpenGL you will find that they are rather adamant about OpenGL running as well as DirectX/Direct3D. If you played in Blue Mars and ever looked at the FPS rate you saw their high-end graphics ran at great FPS rates. Several times what we see in SL. OpenGL is an open source competitor of DirectX. The video card makers create DirectX and OpenGL drivers for their cards. These are the systems that provide API's to the game makers. This is where the problems start. In Windows there is a basic OpenGL driver or ICD (Installable Client Driver) named opengl32.dll (C:\Windows\System32\) which is written by Microsoft. Apple has an equivalent written by Apple. These are usually designed for maximum hardware compatibility and as simple and basic as possible. All they mostly need to do is draw the Windows or Apple windows and get text and pictures on the screen. These files tend to use only the older OpenGL versions. However, they are supposed to check for 'newer' OpenGL drivers. So, they should find the nVidia or ATI OpenGL drivers that get installed with your video card. Both the Windows and Apple graphics systems have to provide API's so OpenGL can reach the hardware. This gets complex because exposing the hardware allows mistakes to crash the computer, essentially breaking or confusing the kernel, core computing process of the operating system. In Windows the most direct-to-hardware API's are via Direct3D. I'm not sure what the Apple side is named. Whew! So a game provides an ICD that accesses the system's ICD that hands it off to the video card maker's driver which accesses the system's graphics engine, Direct3D/DirectX on windows. That is overly simple... but you start to get the idea. ATI and Apple have not put as much effort into OpenGL as nVidia and Windows has. The OS drivers and video card drivers are just not as good on the Apple side. Linden Lab targets the larger user base and writes the OpenGL interface (ICD) for SL. They are optimizing for older hardware and then moving toward newer hardware. But they are walking a mine field. Problems in the nVidia driver or the Microsoft parts can cause problems. The same on the Apple side. We saw that with the Pink Textures problem that was caused by the Catalyst driver. We also saw nVidia problems that were also common in Battlefield, WoW, and other games. The JIRA's relating to those problems here in SL were marked 'Won't Fix' because it was a problem in the nVidia driver. Because of the weak drivers on the Apple and ATI/AMD side the Lab has to create work-around fixes. They are not in the position to fix either Microsoft's or Apple's drivers or the card maker's drivers. The Lindens are limited in what they can fix. They also self impose which features in the various versions they will use. Things will get better. When is the question. The user and Linden time scales are radically different.
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