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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. It depends on what you watch as to whether SL TVs will sync. 😎 YouTube TVs in SL depend on when each person clicks start/play. Most on-demand videos are that way. Something like Pluto TV has live and on-demand, a mix. All the live stuff will be in sync. The easy way is to have everyone over and watch one TV. But, you have to pay attentions to how the TV is setup. Some TV's make individual instances for each person watching. Others display an image in the region and everyone sees the same thing at the same time... or close enough it doesn't mater. The way to tell is start the TV playing. If someone with you can see it too without having to click, then you have one that will work for a group.
  2. Cloud Garden in Angel Mist. Strange mix of pretty-nice and odd-evil... Interesting lighting and glowy mists.
  3. That link has a really L O N G url. It would not work for me. But it does have the BUG-Report-Number. This is a shorter one: Bug-233315.
  4. @Oceanna Carissa There is nothing that says you have to buy anything. The classic avatar is pretty much just as it was in 2009. There is nothing requiring you to use the newer stuff. Take your time. Figure out if SL is more to your liking now before you start spending money. If you go with a new mesh body and/or head and stick with BOM enabled items, then the current mesh bodies and clothes are simpler to use than the old classic avatar and sculpty boots and clothes. Once BOM is enabled you never need to use the HUDs. You can teat the avatar just like you did in 2009. Wear system layers. However... understanding all the promotional hype and integrating all that and applier tech is initially over whelming. Take it slow and play with the demos. None of it is all that complicated.
  5. As said above, Release Candidate. These are the last testing phase of the QA process for regions. The Preview or aka Beta grid is where the alpha and beta testing is done. On occasion residents are called to help with the testing over there. I think the Server UG still meets there on Thursdays. There were 4 RC test regions in the main grid. I suspect there still are. About 20% of the grid is devoted to RC testing. It is possible to ask the Lindens to include or exclude a region you own. I used to download lists of regions in the RC groups. I have forgotten how. But there are some RC regions for people to test there stuff on. Blue Steel is one. As I recall, access is limited. One must belong to the Server group to get into those regions. At least at one time one did. That may have changed. The roll back is easy enough. BUT... if they find a problem during the RC phase that did not exhibit on the beta grid... they will be testing and troubleshooting while the problem is exhibiting on the RC. They are unlikely to start a roll back until they feel they have a good handle on what the problem is. It can take a few hours of troubleshooting. The Lab has some of the most experienced people in the gaming field for dealing with real time issues and keeping a system up. So as much as we want to bit_ch... it really isn't justified.
  6. This is one of the cutest builds I've seen in awhile. (Part of region Butter.)
  7. Wearing a 2019 look and exploring in Butter...
  8. ...and there are tattoos for fingers and toes to correct how they look.
  9. @Forgottenx There are several hundred different body brands. The costs range from free to thousands of L$. Ayashe lists just a few of the more popular bodies above. Searching for mesh bodies in the SL Marketplace is tedious and frustrating. Search on 'mesh body' then try selecting in the left column Avatar Components->Avatar Skin & Shape Combinations->[Male/Female] Avatar Base. But unfortunately not all body designers use this category. But it is as close as I've gotten. Prima is one of newer bodies, released Oct 2022. It is lighter then Belleza or Legacy and primarily uses BOM. They also explain how to use appliers with their BOM body. So... how to make a decision on which body to buy? I suggest you go places with lots of avatars. The Destination Guide (web and in-viewer) has a What's Hot Now category where you can see lots of people. There is a What is she wearing? app in the marketplace. I thought there was a free one. But I see what looks like a copy botting effort and the HUDs now cost L$10 to L$200 PS: What is she wearing free version You can use the HUD to see which body a person is wearing. So when you see a good looking avatar you can find out which body and head they used to make it. Take your time. Find out what people like and don't about the various bodies. Play with the demos. Ask questions. And the newer tutorials for SL are here: Tutorial Play List
  10. In Kawii City... great place for dramatic lighting.
  11. I think you pretty much have it. I was referring to the 'root folder' as being top folder in the inventory panel. Everything of ours is in that folder. I thin your root is more your main folder... but however you refer to it, I think you have the overall idea right.
  12. The problem is a "TIME-OUT" issue. Any folder can time out. From the root to the most deeply buried subfolder. But it is a per folder, any folder, time thing. It seems the code iterates through each folder taking each folder as a separate download. It has been a long time since I looked at the actual code. As I recall I think it was a recursive process. If any one of them fails, times out, then the whole inventory load fails and subsequently the login. The root folders are Inventory & Library. I have 53 items in the Inventory folder. However, Firestorm shows it as 66k and 8k in the root... in all other folders the 8k number is the number of folders within the folder. So apparently the root is a special folder. The 66k number for all other folders is the number of items within the folder and sub-folders. So it is difficult to figure out how many "items" one has in a folder as the downloader sees it.
  13. There are somethings to keep in mind. The big one is to limit how many items you have in any single folder. Depending on how good your computer and Internet connection to the SL servers are (which is different then your overall Internet connection), you can have problems when folders have >=5,000 items. So, stay below that limit. As the Internet improves that limit will be less restrictive... if you consider 5,000 items restrictive... You could have 4,000 folders in a single SHOES folder in clothes, each with 4,000 pairs of shoes or 16,000,000 pairs of shoes... which some of us might consider restrictive... Most people pick up on the idea of keeping things together, pants, dresses, SHOES, makeup, and so on. I put all that stuff in their respective folders in the System Folder Clothes. I also put boxes in the system OBJECTS folder. When I open then and file the contents of the box I put the item in folders named ~~Opened Boxes 2023 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The ~~ forces the folder to sort to the bottom of the list of folders. Incoming boxes sort to the top of the list of items when sorted on age. So the items and folders are close together saving on scrolling. After a few years in SL I started to run into problems figuring out which shoes went with which body and what was old and didn't take into account what used which new SL features. Like which was material enabled and what wasn't. Was it mesh, sculpty, or prim or system.. Now I categorize by date as well. So, Clothes->Shoes _/| ->2023->[Slink O or Slink H or whatever body they fit - and some meaningful to me description]. I do the same with dresses. tops, pants, etc. I make Outfits and name them to sort together. So... !Dress Micro - 2023-01 ROJE* - Tan White 85k I find that is enough to get me close when looking for a specific type of outfit. The ! at the beginning forces things to sort out ahead of Library stuff. I use !!Nude... for my starting outfits. The !! forces these to sort to the top of the list. This naming also allows me to search on !Dress Micro, collapse all the folders and see just my micro dresses for those days when I want to wear my legs. Learning to use the sort order of the alphanumeric characters gives you lots of added control for organizing and helps with searches. The ! ~ { } * are handy for controlling the sort. Then there are the things you wear that are less a part of your look and more for how you play in SL. So, your Amazon River gear for RP there or your Nanite gear for that RP. These can go into Outfits that you Add or Remove from other Outfits providing mix and match capability I've not seen in the wardrobe systems. I name those !!}!Add/Remove [whatever] and either select Add to Current or Remove from current. These are tricky to make but once you get the idea they are easy to make and save A LOT OF EFFORT. I prefer using the Inventory and Outfits panels because I find it free, less work, I can mess it up and easily correct (change a folder name or move to a new folder), the SL system is designed to be used this way... and I have found that I change over time and decide there are better ways then what I started with. I suspect you will to. Starting off with a rigid system while you are SL young and inexperienced will lead to later pain. And remember. SL is an inventory game. Take your time. Have fun, avoid making it work. _________________________________ *Redux Original w/Jen head w/eyes
  14. The biggest problem with separate feet is the consumption of Attachment Points. Many people complain about hitting the limit.
  15. While posting specific enforcement actions is not a good thing, you might want to consider posting some general stats on enforcement. This month 666 bans and 7 perma-bans and 42 Bad AV reprimands... It might shift people's thinking and would be a counter to "the Lindens never do anything..." claims.
  16. Oh... I would so NOT be sitting there... and looking up 😬
  17. @mercurial1 When you want to change someone's thinking you start by listening and asking questions. What person do you have as a friend that you have always known since your birth? Weren't most of your friends strangers at one time? What do you mean by "talking to people"? If you don't talk to strangers, how do you change the world or make new friends?
  18. Gestures can be triggered by text in local. You can press Ctrl-G to see which gestures are active. You can deactivate a problem gesture from the Gestures Panel and sort by available or active. When you have a tech problem ALWAYS say which viewer you are using. If you don't know and you installed the viewer, it is the default Linden supplied viewer or aka SL Viewer. You can click HELP in the top menu and look in About... to get the name and version of the viewer. If the tech problem is complicated just copy and paste the entire contents of the ABOUT into your post. Often you can change your Outfit and solve the problem when something you are wearing is causing a problem. Restarting the viewer will solve a load of common problems. Let us know what worked.
  19. So... you are the same age as OLD people? Is that weird or what?
  20. You need to see if the problem persists while you are wearing the noobie avatar. When you build your avatar back, do it one item at a time. Test after adding each item. I expect you will f ind one of the things you wear is the problem.
  21. I have Kuso animations that I like. Kuso makes them in 3-sizes, which is a big help.
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