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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I was under the impression that we could have 5 accounts, but I don't remember where I got that information. I made 5 accounts - 2 female, 2 male, 1 non-human. I use my main (Cinnamon) about 80% of the time and when I am feeling antisocial (pretty often lately), I log in as an alt.
  2. This looks different, but I still see some of the same people to say hi to. /me waves
  3. Noooooooo, Hippie. You can only have Christmas lights up before Thanksgiving if you left them up all year. /me grabs a special brownie from the dessert table That spread looks good though and I need food. Living with 3 vegetarians sucks some days  Happy Day of Thanks to all of you :matte-motes-kiss:
  4. AAAAHHHHHHHH a day off! The best way to avoid the last lawn mowing of the season is to login to SL and play for a while.. Here's to a lazy day. 
  5. /me hands Pamela a cup of chamomile tea and an organic, vegan, gluten free, no-sugar-added, low sodium muffin. Enjoy. Cinn
  6. This may not be the advice you are looking for, but you do have to be on land that allows scripts to run in order for HUDs to work. Look at the bar at the top that has the address you are located. At the far right are some little icons. If there is an icon that looks like a piece of notebook paper with a little red circle by it, then scripts are not allowed to run where you are. Try finding a sandbox or other land that allows scripts and try your HUDs again. Good Luck!
  7. Happy nearly-over Sunday. Mine was great because I was snowed/iced in and didn't have to work. I even slept in until 8am! Unheard of! Happy Monday, too because a few of you are already living Monday. 
  8. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I like the sentiment in this (thanks for the reminder, Dil)... Happy Peak of the Week, Kids!!! I like! Thanks for sharing :matte-motes-smile:
  9. Ooooh We're sharing holiday songs! Yay! Here is a traditional one played in my household: Happy days-getting-longer time of year!
  10. Me after being hit by too many snowballs this morning *looks pointedly at Hippie* :smileytongue: 
  11. Here is a thread from 2011 with some fun SL facts as well. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/SL-factbook/td-p/1077193
  12. Did you mean to ask this in a 2 year old thread about textures? What update did you do? Viewer update? Which viewer do you use? Did you do a clean reinstall? Did you update to Win10? Might want to put system info here. If you are missing inventory, you can try relogging into a nice quiet sim and wait to see if it just needs time to load. You could also try clearing cache and forcing your inventory to reload. You can check your internet connection. If you use wireless, try plugging in instead. There is not enough info in your post to know how to help you. You can also try the "Answers" tab at the top of the page. They like questions there because they like giving answers.
  13. It's possible both items of clothing are attached to the same part of your body. Try right clicking the item in your inventory and choosing "add" instead of "wear". That will add a second item to the same attachment point. You could also try right clicking the item in your inventory and attach it to a different part of your body. I believe many clothing items attach to your right hand by default, so you will lose your clothes if you wear a box for an item you are opening.
  14. Dresden wrote: Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: I figure they must have actual creativity in their makeup :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: I have tons of creativity in my makeup... Especially the blush. ...Dres (It wouldn't have been the same without the blush.) Mmmmmmm sexy look! The blush really does add to the overall artistic expression, but that lighter than air tutu is the icing on the cake. You had a Rez Day a week and a half ago and I forgot to toss glitter and feathers all over your feed. Happy Rez Day (late) Dres!
  15. There are several ages you can find looks for in SL 15, 25, 60, and 80. There isn't much available for the 35-55 aged crowd. This happens to be the age I find most attractive in RL - imperfections and all. I seem to see more mens skins available in that age range than I do women's skins, unfortunately. Clothes are the same way. When I first discovered SL I tried many different looks all in the 25 year old age range. As time has gone by (and I found many more interesting shops) I tend to dress my avatar more like the real life me - rather conservative with little skin showing. I will put on a character when out exploring RP sims, dress sexy for a night out dancing, or if I am going to a themed party, but in general my avatar dresses much more maturely than 5 years ago when she first rezzed. Finding the right parts to age my avatar has not been easy and I still look for items to age her correctly. Skins are perfect, unblemished, clothes fit perfect 20 year old bodies. Tattoo wrinkles and aged skins look too old, angry and unnatural, so I have tweaked my shape bit by bit over the years. I've worn and modified the same shape for 5 years. The profile picture I have here in the forums is 5 years old and looks younger that the more current profile picture inworld. I suppose I am just more comfortable being me, but I do envy those that can become characters very different than their real life selves, those who can immerse in their RPs. I figure they must have actual creativity in their makeup :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  16. /me runs in and screams HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Looks at the calendar... *sigh* I may be a bit late, but I have leftovers to share. Dig in! 
  17. theappleguySL Resident or theappleguySL.resident
  18. Ignore him and block/mute him. If an alt comes back, block that one, too. Do NOT interact with him. Do NOT respond in any way. If you are not fun to harass, he will find someone else. I don't know how many times I have given out this advice. It works. Do not respond no matter what idiotic title you are given. If the harasser is muted, you won't be able to read anything he says in public chat and you will not receive any private messages from him either. Make yourself boring - really boring. I am going to repeat the advice one more time - Do not respond in any way. Block. Ignore. You lose if you ignore once and respond the next time an alt logs in. Just roll your eyes and block the alt. If you want this post to stay, you will need to remove his name from your original post. It is against community standards to name and shame. Enjoy your second life.
  19. What a beautiful city Paris is! Thank you for sharing photos of that beauty. My thoughts are with all who are touched by the violence. :-(
  20. Oooooooh *makes strange noises* Time to pop some popcorn and wait for The Karen Show. :-D
  21. Empty your notification folder occasionally. Check your received items folder. Ask for redelivery if you need to. Have fun shopping on Marketplace. You can turn off notifications (so the notification folder doesn't fill up) and turn on automatic delivery (so they never pass through the notification folder) in preferences and in group profiles. No refund is needed and you can still get your stuff.
  22. I may not be understanding what the issue is, but the applier applies the skin texture to the mesh body only. Your standard system body head still needs to wear the skin to match it. 1 wear the skin 2 use the applier to put the matching skin on the mesh body There are 2 places that need to be covered - both body (applier) and head (system skin layer)
  23. Perhaps if you asked this question over in the answers section...
  24. Have you tried any fitmesh? It should work with some of the sliders. I am not sure how far out the stomach will go and you may not get actual man-boobs, but it might be worth a try. Check out the demos first! ETA: I am not sure what kind of old guy you want to be, but old guy golf pants? (no demo) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RGDW-Cargo-Pants-for-Aesthetic-Fitmesh-Brown-Tartan/7645895 Matching shirt (maybe you can get some curly gray chest hair to stick out of the shirt) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AS-Aesthetic-Polo-DEMO-BAG/7530098 (this is the demo - you can get it in a plaid to match the pants) Thus demo buttons up to the neck so no chest hair needed https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GAS-Long-Sleeve-MESH-Shirt-New-Orleans-11-colors-wHUD-Demo/7211536 Old guy sweatshirt jacket? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DEMO-LQMesh-PoloJacket-REDGRAVE/5324351
  25. Oh shoot... I forgot if this is the same person who asks for help and then doesn't follow any of the advice. I should read the forums more often.
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