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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Welcome back home, Storm. I know you now have a vacation home that you visit regularly, but please don't let your original house fall to ruin. Here is a little cliche montage of overused inspirational quotes, but it comes from the heart:
  2. lol - I saw that... I just wanted to get an opinion in on the derail... It was too good to pass up. Then I thought I would throw something in about the original post, which wasn't quite as exciting.
  3. Latisha Pexie wrote: Wasted generally responded to people in the same manner in which they would reply to him. He never seemed to mind me, even when we would have differing opinions. lol but he WAS notorious for starting dozens of threads in the same day with the exact same topic. (Which is where I was drawing my comparison..Or rather, contrast, to the current situation.) It really is unfortunate that we experienced Wasted around the same time period as the mass linden spamming. Someone as epic as Wasted really deserved the spotlight all to themselves. and: No, not at first. When Wasted first appeared I was able to have several exchanges with him when he kept his cool and reason. Our opinions differed greatly but he never lost control like he did later on. People on the forums found his ideas so preposterous that they started throwing insults and he responded in kind. After awhile people would AR a thread without even reading what it was about just because he was the author. In fact, for awhile it seemed that every thread he even posted in would disappear, regardless of content. Some of his ideas were out there, I'll never deny that.. But make no mistake.. What he became was the creation of those around him. He was attacked and ridiculed from every side. The more he was attacked the more defensive he became and the more outlandish his tactics. If people would have ignored rather than ridiculed he never would have become the forum legend he is now. Rene Erlanger wrote: lol same here....i often defended him, even though his behaviour was bizarre at times. I guess I tend to side with the underdog or someone that is rounded on by the masses.(gang-banging!) No, Wasted Engineer wasn't a griefer! The complaints he wrote, he believed in passionately.....it's just that he went about his protesting in the wrong way. Some of his protests and ramblings were actually proven to be correct and ones that i supported him in..e.g the call for Jack Linden to resign.....who in the end, was booted out by LL and rightly so. and: ...well it comes down to one's own tolerance levels.....some here are very intolerant you only have to sneeze the wrong way and you're in the dog house....whilst for others it's water off a duck's back! In the grand scheme of things, arguing on Internet forums over non-events....is wasted energy imo! I liked Wasted Engineer for all his craziness...because his threads broke up the tedium of the Forum at times ,when there were a lack of interesting topics around. He offered something different (even if it were wacky.....but he was sincere in his beliefs) ______________________________________________________________________________ Perrie Juran wrote: Sometimes I really do miss Wasted. As crazy as he was it made for some great threads/discussions and I did admire his tenacity. I never looked at him as just being a 'griefer.' I think he honestly believed what he posted about. _____________________________________________________________________________ And all THESE are why we should think twice before we decide to AR someone for their ideas or opinions. Forums need these kinds of people to thrive. Forums need these kind of people to show a cross section of humanity. We are all different and human - we all communicate if different ways. I am NOT saying we should put up with abuse, just that we should be a little more tolerant at times. We should allow people to have ideas and views that are different and allow for the many different communication styles that are present. What was this thread about? Oh yeah - LL has some things to fix - they know it. I am able to use SL on a computer that is a few years old. I just mess around with my prefernces a bit to get an acceptable experience. I crash about every 5 times I go in - usually my fault, but sometimes I don't know why. Lag is bad sometimes and other times I get around just fine. I don't use voice, so I can't speak to that issue, but you do not need any money to enjoy yourself. Almost everyone I have met in-world has been very nice - Maybe it is the places you hang out. There is no way The Lab is going to please EVERYBODY. You sound very unhappy with your experience, Trasweneni. I hope it gets better for you.
  4. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: If you ever get this attitude again, tell the person that you're doing a Social Research Project to see if beautiful avatars, have beautiful personalities. Then thank the person, for providing valuable data, that supports the concept that, "beauty is only skin deep". HAHAHA!! I have never been caught camming - not that I would feel bad about it - but I am using this^^^ if I ever do. Next time I am in, I will have to see if I have turned off broadcasting my crosshairs to others. I know I don't see anyone else's. It was annoying seeing all the X's hovering when in a crowded sim and the crosshairs show up in photos.
  5. Lights a lovely sage smudge stick to purify the forums and get rid of any leftover, negative vibrations...
  6. In the last few months I have had fun trying on different characters to see how they feel. Still feel best in jeans, but it IS fun to play around a little. When I pull these off of my feed they are .png files. Does anyone know a way to make them jpeg instead, or will I just have to change the format myself each time? Thanks
  7. There are some really nice pics here and all the photo tips mixed in are excellent, too. I will have to see if I can find the depth of field thing next time. Here are 2 I took at a random place in the destination tab in the newest sl viewer:
  8. Welcome home, Hippie! (((HUGS))) Yes, the fire is warm and so is the company. /me passes Hippie a stick and a marshmallow. Cinn
  9. Thank you, Pepine, for some much needed perspective. I am still excited about Hippiestock and will be there for as much of it as I can. Cinn
  10. I find having a really good broth is the best way to start. The broth you choose for the Stew should compliment the rest of the ingredients. Perhaps this Stew needs a vegetable broth, but I think something meatier would work better.
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Ian Undercroft wrote: Having read this thread, why is it that the phrase - "Smile, you're on Candid Camera" - comes into my mind? I've been thinking a similar thing for several days but have refrained from saying it. I am guessing that we have both noticed the same thing. Oh, how I hate to spoil the fun though. It is fun to play along... Don't you guys have some advice for Stew?
  12. I have to say WOW, too. That was amazing and fun to watch, Argus! Cinn
  13. No list would be complete without the most prolific threads Hippies Where are all my friends? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/Where-are-all-my-friends-Come-on-in-and-lets-get-comfy-by-the/td-p/710077 Storm's Vanity Thread http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/Where-are-all-my-friends-Come-on-in-and-lets-get-comfy-by-the/td-p/710077 There was another one. An RP one that I had a great time reading. It had the fight against the measlies and an adventure story. I never posted to it, but I enjoyed it immensely. Maybe someone else has the link? Edited to add the link http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Favorite-Destinations/You-Only-Live-Twice/m-p/835523/highlight/true#M728
  14. Just out of curiosity, has anyone thought to invite the forum moderators? They dwell here, too.
  15. Eloise Baily wrote: For Ceka because she likes videos, and because this is how I see things here. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *wipes a tear away* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT is perfect!!!!
  16. Congrats Val and Wildcat. I can't think of a better thread to post such milestones! I don't make a very good Hippie stand-in, but he is away so I just want to say: Groovy! And Peace! I have decided, for my own sanity, to temporarily send myself to the positive threads. I stepped outside a few days ago and found this out there: I much prefer kittens and pandas. Cinn
  17. StewPidmodd wrote: Hello all. I am a young widower with grown up kids and I have come to Second Life at the suggestion of one of them because I behaved like my name and was stupid enough to slip on some spilled beer in our kitchen on New Year's Eve and break my ankle so I am stuck at home for at least two months. I wasn't even drunk. My younger son is a psychology student and has used Second Life in his studies and suggested that I might find it a way of passing time while I was immobile. It's either that or write the book I have always threatened. Or both. He got me going this morning but he says he is too busy to help me get going and all I have done is complete the official beginners orientation so I know how to fly and stuff. I am using the Pheonix browser because he said if my PC was a horse it would have been shot and it can not run the more modern browsers. He said that I should come to these help forums and ask about a few things, like improving my avatar and getting some new clothes although I don't see why that is important. So with daytime TV showing a succession of movies about talking animals and repeats of gameshows with celebrities getting gunged what do I need to do to stop mysel being bored out of my mind for the next couple of months? Stew I came to SL under similar circumstances - stuck in bed, bored out of my mind. I clicked a random ad somewhere and arrived here. It takes a while to get the hang of things, but if chatting and meeting people is your cup of tea, then your current old horse of a computer should be fine. Filling out your profile is a good idea, but it is not mandatory. People put all kinds of interesting things there - quotes, poetry, a bit about themselves or the character they are playing. You can always sit inworld and read people's profiles to get an idea of how varied they are. I don't personally care about in-world fashion, but a simple make-over with freebies and a simple AO (animation over-rider) is really all you need. If you plan on dancing with that 'someone special', you may want to have a few extra outfits. I was advised to have a summer and a winter outfit, a casual and a formal outfit and an AO as the minimum to get by. In my nearly 2 years, I have never worn the gown... There are many places to check out, too. You can probably even find that lady to go get you virtual beers and snacks. You haven't told us what your interests are, but if you type one into search you may be lucky enough to get something good back. Join a few groups and check out some of their activities. Good luck, Cinn PS Isn't it just like a kid to hand over a new toy and refuse to give you the instruction manual...
  18. Aawww!!!! Gordon is a cutie!!! I think he may have pulled off the bow you attached to his ear, though. It looks like he is currently using it as a chew toy... LOL Happy New Year everyone! I bet Hippie had a great time partying on his cruise, too. I am a little jealous. Cinn
  19. I can't wait!!! The line-up looks great, I have the day off work and finally decided to look for some low-lag hair and clothing... I will probably show up barefoot... It is better for hippie dancing, anyway.
  20. Hahaha!!! I love it. The unique avatars are always fun to spot wandering around in barbie-land.
  21. Lovely winter decorations, Parhelion! Handsome avatar, too. It is a bit hard to find decent mature avatar choices. Cinn
  22. Lovely pet, Marnie, he really stands out against the snow. Cute shirt, too. Welcome to the forums! Cinn
  23. W00T!!! Christmas Eve in another hour or so!!! A couple of festive little videos in honor of the occasion. Happy, happy day to all
  24. Perrie Juran wrote: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I am feeling the love, Perrie. That song just put the holiday spirit right here /me puts her right fist to her heart. I always wanted a smile as a gift - thank you!!! Cinn
  25. I may or may not have this figured out (please correct me if I have any of it wrong) Privacy settings for your feed (what people can see): Nobody - your feed is turned off. No one can see it including you. Neither friends or followers or random weird strangers will be able to see that you even have a feed. Friends only - only your friends can see your feed. Friends are automatically following you and there is nothing you can do about it. Even if you de-friend them, they are still following you and there is nothing you can do about it. SL - everyone on SL can see your feed - all this has nothing to do with who is following you. The feed is a part of your profile. If your setting is 'SL' anyone who views your profile in world or in my.secondlife.com can see your feed whether they are your friend or not - just like the rest of your profile. All they have to do is search your name and there it is. If someone is following you (friend or not), your posts on your feed show up on their feed wall for them to see and enjoy. Everyone - everyone with access to the internet can see your feed. Privacy settings for your feed (what people can respond to or 'love'): This part of the privacy settings is only about who can write something on your feed wall or respond to something that you posted there. It has the same settings as who can view/read your feed except that this controls who gets to write something there or 'love' something that you post. *one more note - if your settings are Everyone or SL, your posts are viewable whether someone is a friend or not, whether they are following you or not. It is your profile and therefore searchable by anyone who types your name into search. This means that 'following' is nothing except a shortcut to your feed. We all still have access to it directly through your profile even if you were able to remove us as a follower. If you post something to a friends feed and their settings are SL or Everybody, then it is visible to SL or everybody. You just left the safety of your feed and ventured out into the unsafe world of random strangers. :smileysurprised: I sure hope I got all that right. If I didn't please enlighten me.
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