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steph Arnott

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Everything posted by steph Arnott

  1. Is there? Where is this rule because it is a new one one me. Last mathmatical premise is that even an infinate will not be random. So who stated that?
  2. WRONG, compilers do not over write the code. It does a basic conformaty test then converts it into what a computer needs. Your usage of integers instead of floats is converted every time the server come up against it. That causes extra memory. A compiler can be successfull and the server refuse its function. GOOD DAY.
  3. Laugh all you want. Compilers do not overwrite code.
  4. You show me were a compiler changes anything in a script. That is not the function of a compiler, it does a basic syntax test, nothing more.
  5. Wrong, it is done every time it is called. The server converts it to a float every time. The compiler does not convert integers to floats.
  6. It causes a convertion penalty. It also throws up errors. So no i will not take it easy. It is sloppy.
  7. Four prims to many on a limit is a real issue to them. They want a fifty prim look on a two prim object.
  8. What people ask is 99% based on not knowing a more conservative way.
  9. Does not change the fact four prims is three more than needed. RL mech in SL is a pointless endevour.
  10. Trying to get it to one prim and not multiple. The door does not need to be four.
  11. Which the server has to calculate. One prim with a basic texture applied is all that is needed. The shrink can be time linited to get a plausable closure.
  12. Yes, but it not vey realistic viewing wise. You can set the shrink to be a percievable movement rather than a snap, snap movement.
  13. If you slide them it is likely to judder horribly. Use the scale function. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetScale
  14. You try it. You will pattern very fast.
  15. It is recording the the number. When two numbers match it returns TRUE. It is so the script can reset. It was only written so i could learn lists.
  16. Issue is that humans do not choose random numbers. They think they do but they never do. Computers do not either. Mathmatically a true random number is impossible. Also games need to be loaded against the players else it is damned boring to play.
  17. I wrote this years ago for fun integer card; list cardlist=[]; integer limit = 10000; // <- bytes This was only for this script. default { changed(integer ch) { if(ch&CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); } } on_rez(integer num) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetMemoryLimit(limit); } touch_start(integer total_number) { card = (integer)(llFrand(50)); if(~llListFindList(cardlist,(list)card)) { llSay(0,(string)card+" You got a match, card number is "+(string)card); llResetScript(); } else { llSay(0,"card number is "+(string)card); cardlist += card; cardlist = llListSort(cardlist, 1, TRUE); } } }
  18. llFrand is a faux random number. Over a period it repeats the integer in a pattern. The smaller the range the faster the pattern occures.
  19. Having a blank above ones head does not seem a very good idea.
  20. Rollig is just saying that a new thread would have been the correct course of action. Nothing more.
  21. default { state_entry() { llListen(-1356,"","",""); } on_rez(integer message) { llResetScript(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if(llGetOwnerKey(id)==llGetOwner()) { //if the uuid of the object that sent the message is the same as the uuid of the owner of the object containing this script ////TO FIND A UUID OF A TEXTURE SELECT IT WHILE ITS ON A PRIM AND HIT CTRL-ALT-V then HIT CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-T this will return the textures UUID and put it here to control it on any prim without having to add textures. key tex1 = "6c92d507-7480-574c-f538-a081343906b5";////// CHANGE THIS UUID key tex2 = "44265cd9-4e17-20f7-91b9-d803d16275f8";////// CHANGE THIS UUID key tex3 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID key tex4 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID key tex5 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID key tex6 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID key tex7 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID key tex8 = "3ab7e2fa-9572-ef36-1a30-d855dbea4f92";////// CHANGE THIS UUID if(message=="1") { llSetTexture(tex1,4); } if(message=="2") { llSetTexture(tex2,4); } if(message=="3") { llSetTexture(tex3,4); } if(message=="4") { llSetTexture(tex4,4); } if(message=="5") { llSetTexture(tex5,4); } if(message=="6") { llSetTexture(tex6,4); } if(message=="7") { llSetTexture(tex7,4); } if(message=="8") { llSetTexture(tex8,4); } } } }
  22. Write a dedictated list like List whatever = [ "STOP", "START", "LISTINGS"]; Then call it in the script if(msg == "STOP") { DO THIS STUFF } else if(.........etc
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