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steph Arnott

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Everything posted by steph Arnott

  1. Do you intend to actually contribute to the thread subject or just keep posting nonsense?
  2. 'Never trust a person with one book'. You can look that quote up for yourself.
  3. Could have been removed, many pages have been over the years. But even so you can still read between the lines. 64kb is not going to be increased and that is LL's stance.
  4. Look in the wiki. I read it a few years ago and am not going to trudge through it again. Even a fast scan tells you this ' In some extreme cases Mono scripts can use up to four times the memory as LSL2 scripts. To maintain backwards compatibility, the script size limit has been increased from 16KB to 64KB. '
  5. FYI. LL only intended an increase to 32kb. During testing it was found that certain 16kb LSL2 scripts were using for times the memory when converted to Mono. LL decided that in order not to break those scripts the increase would have to be 64kb. Now seeing as LL never wanted 64kb in the first place but had no choice then there is zero chance of them increasing to 128kb. That information is somewhere in the wiki. By a qiurk fate we have 64kb scripts and we should be thankfull for that quirk of fate because otherwise we would only have 32kb scripts.
  6. I know what the subject is about and it was only set a 64kb because of LS2.
  7. Wish you would use floats and not integers where there should be floats. The server has to convert them.
  8. Well it is not going to happen. LL have decided that and they are not going to change that decision.
  9. Not sure what you mean but if it is a level indicator i create a texture with say half green and half black and script move the texture offset. I use Gimp.
  10. Something that never ceases to amaze me is why do some people write loads of function with a few lines when those functions takes a set memory allocation of 512bytes each? I just do not understand that.
  11. Save your pennies and the pounds will add up. Good advise from my mother that.
  12. Well all you are doing is proving what LL proved. Many people write badly inefficient scripts. This is a very basic example if (llListFindList(sims,[sim]) == -1) if( ~llListFindList(sims,[sim]) ) Both do the same job, but the last uses less byte code and runs a lot faster.
  13. Was done eight odd years ago. LL are not going to raise the limit from 64kb. It was only set at that to keep the old LSO scripts running.
  14. Because ten identical scripts that are a copy of the compiled original act as if they are one script. Filling up one and moving to the next has already achieved what you want. Also LL ran a feasability study and concluded that giveng people the ability to use what was reqiured threw up an issue that Fionalein pointed out. Most will just write bad scripts. Also php (if you know how to use it) is vastly superior than increasing script memory allocation. Personally i do not do anything that needs resorting to an external server.
  15. And multiple scripts that were copies of the original do bytecode sharing. .
  16. 'less efficient and therefore laggier scripts' the only lag would be the server trudging through the script looking for the releivent data called for. Have a 128kb script and it will take forever. Also i use sorted memory scripts so the main only has to go to the one which contains eg D to F. '128-kb script is dramatically superior to two 64-kb scripts having to work in concert' and your proof of that is? Also LL do nothing if there is no profit. Sansar was paid for by speculating investors.
  17. 64kb and the ability to have multiple scripts is enough. Any thing reqiuring more can be done externally. Most lag is caused by badly written scripts or certain types. Also nearly all attatched scripts are not using 64kb any how. Script counters can not access actual script memory usage. They just count how many scripts the agent has and produce a count that is meaningless. It can not even determine if the script is disabled. I would be more happy if LL actually did what it said it would and implement such things as non owner llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords. Also L$500 is US$2.00 would pay for nothing of worth and LL do not do things that cost more than paid for..
  18. Use the employment for a scripter page.
  19. Can not say i get the whole idea of breast physics. Thankfully i am not cursed in RL to need a bra that restrains them. Men may like big breasts but very few women with them do.
  20. Poking each others make us think in new ways.
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