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steph Arnott

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Everything posted by steph Arnott

  1. Firstly you changed it back to a key when they are in a string format. Secondly, you do not need a timer zero at the start because it serves no purpose. The fact that the channel is never closed before detatch is never addressed. The script is a beginners attempt and as such it needed to be simplistic so i seperated the UUID strings so the main was uncluttered. Also i put the ID filter in for a valid reason, at the moment the whole channel is being evaluated.
  2. I put them there for convience. Also even though they are a UUID they are in a string format. The script is as crude as it gets and the OP is already struggling so i decided so seperate those strings so the body could be clearly seen.
  3. string tex1 = "6c92d507-7480-574c-f538-a081343906b5";////// CHANGE THIS UUID string tex2 = "44265cd9-4e17-20f7-91b9-d803d16275f8";////// CHANGE THIS UUID string tex3 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID string tex4 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID string tex5 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID string tex6 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID string tex7 = "0c0bdbe7-ca2b-0201-10c8-ddf69ef2108a";////// CHANGE THIS UUID string tex8 = "3ab7e2fa-9572-ef36-1a30-d855dbea4f92";////// CHANGE THIS UUID key owner_id; default { state_entry() { owner_id = llGetOwner(); llListen(-1356,"", owner_id, ""); } on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if(message=="1") { llSetTexture(tex1,4); } else if(message=="2") { llSetTexture(tex2,4); } else if(message=="3") { llSetTexture(tex3,4); } else if(message=="4") { llSetTexture(tex4,4); } else if(message=="5") { llSetTexture(tex5,4); } else if(message=="6") { llSetTexture(tex6,4); } else if(message=="7") { llSetTexture(tex7,4); } else if(message=="8") { llSetTexture(tex8,4); } llSetTimerEvent(5.0); } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } changed(integer ch) { if(ch&CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); } } }
  4. Tends to increase its meaning in mine. But is not anything worth worrying about.
  5. Well i understood what you stated.
  6. Did not think it would. You never did a version check or set the integer RLV channel. I assumed some one else mentioned it.
  7. It is a mathmatical deterministic certainty.
  8. You can run a scrubber script which nearly always solves the issue. Also heavy script editing inworld can cause corruption of that script. A clean copy of the object should allways be kept as backup incas of a terminal case.
  9. Law in mathmatics is just a procedure rule. That rule is not immutable. 'random' is philosophical, not a law. Also numbers are only called random with a Kaizon upper and lower limit of what that random scope is used for. Things like online banking access numbers are not random at all. They are a paired algorithm which change when a timer triggers, both seeded with the same start number. Both have to match the paired algorithm result. Random numbers are too easy to crack by another computer. Once it identifies repeats it can copy the funtions output result.
  10. No, a list and a JSON are two different beasts. You use one or the other to siut its purpose.
  11. Um yea, but a light switch does not reqiure the priorty, so use the first.
  12. If it a few prims then click edit and check the linked prim box and click the reqiured prim the number is usually 1 either side of what is said.
  13. The third block down tells you what you needed. Link numbers start a 0. Issue is that when in edit object the link number does not match the true number. If you have only a few prims you can just manually change the number. Twenty odd you have to do a search by name. IDK why it is wrong in the object edit.
  14. Really? Many of us have stuff on it from like ten years ago and the are still waiting.
  15. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkPrimitiveParams#llSetLinkPrimitiveParams
  16. And where is your logic conclussion to that? We have not seen the script so you are just guessing. The JIRA is so back logged with garbage that LL do not even bother any more. This page and many groups in SL are set up to work out script issues. If the person thinks their thirty two line script is new they are in for a reality shock because a thousand before have written the same.
  17. Also stop making random reactions which do not even match the comment. You have no idea how the script is constructed and your first and as often response it to clog the JIRA up.
  18. Stop posting a JIRA for every excuse as to why a script fails. 99% is the script writters fault. That is NOT what the JIRA is for. All these knee jerk JIRAs push off priority listings of genuine bug etc issues.
  19. Then the question can not be answered. Sorry, crystal balls do not work except in fantasy films.
  20. Well an 'Internal server compile error' does not allow anyone to answer you question.
  21. Well unless we can see it there is nothing to work out.
  22. No. Compilers are not reliable source indicators. A un-runable script can compile.
  23. Am not upset, you are a sloppy coder. You then make bogus claims. A script is NOT over written by the compiler. You introduce lag with your code. END.
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