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Mags Indigo

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Everything posted by Mags Indigo

  1. Lexie Linden wrote: @Cato: "Hand on heart" the moderators on these forums are not secret residents. They are experienced moderators. ~ Lexie Thanks for clearing that up officially Lexie - it will be one less 'conspiracy theory' that we will have to listen to innuendos about. (I hope).
  2. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Why do people use viewer 2? I really don't get it. I hated it at the beginning but I'm the stubborn sort and told myself (I was in the Club/Venue business back then) I'd better at least know how to use the official viewer so I could help newbies etc. As time went on and improvements came I found myself using TPV (Phoenix and Imprudence) less and less. These days I hardly ever log on with a TPV - but when Firestorm is finished I'll deffo try it. For now, for me, V2.5 is way ahead of the pack - for my wants and needs. And to be honest I think that sums it up - it's whatever you like/need in a viewer that should determine what you use - not some sort of 'popularity' contest. :smileyhappy: Choice is a truly wonderful thing.
  3. Caitlin Tobias wrote: What I really would like to see back is the widget on the dashboard, with the latests posts/threads! Completely and totally agree with this - I'm not sure I'd have ever visited the forums in the beginning as a lurker if some of the topics on the Dashboard hadn't caught my interest.
  4. Ciaran Laval wrote:<snip> I won't be going to the off topic forum often either as that's a recipe for disaster, I'm a shy boy Suella, I don't like badges and prizes and never have. Well now that we know that any posts in the 'Off Topic' forum won't count towards totals post count it will be interesting to see if many of the most 'visible' in the old GD will bother anymore - not that I think for a moment people only posted for post counts - but some did. Anyway - will be interesting to see whether in the absence of any 'official' recognition if multiple postings in OT will be anything as popular as they were in GD. Maybe I'm just cynical :smileyindifferent:
  5. Mine - although a line from a song by one of my favourite artists - reminds me that in the end we are all responsible for what we say, how we react and how we conduct ourselves. We are essentially our own conscience - and if we ignore that to gain points, look smart or show up others perceived weaknesses - well we then have ultimately to answer to ourselves. That (in my experience) can be rather more uncomfortable than coming up with glib excuses to other people. Oh and that goes for the forums and Second Life just as much as it does in Real Life - for me anyway.
  6. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: No worries, elf or pixie doesn't really make a difference to me I respond to both, and I don't really role play either one. The elf ears are just a fashion statement for me, and an attempt to look somewhat unique in combination with the pink skin and blue hair (the gender-related symbolism of those colors is just a nice coincidence btw. I tried a golden-orange look first, but in the end I liked this better). *Looks vaguely disappointed that my pathetic attempt at provocation proved to be just that - pathetic. :smileysad: I think you look great actually - for a pink pixie thingy that is. :smileyindifferent:
  7. Darrius Gothly wrote: So please, when replying to a message/post, make sure to use the Quote button then edit the quoted text to JUST the part you are replying to. At the very least it will get your reply a much better reception and may spare you some time spent defending yourself. Yup - very well put Darrius - a good piece of advice as we begin lives lived in Lithium (or is that 'on' Lithium?). Kudos :smileyhappy:
  8. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Kelinda wrote: Couldn't we give the rank of "Troll" to anyone caught behaving badly? Now that's a rank that I wouldn't mind earning Reverse psychology at work. You're just one of those 'anarchists' - and a pink one too... Ohhh and it's pixie not elf - sorry for all the offence in prior posts when I referred to you as a pink elf thingy. From now on I shall strive to be accurate - so it's 'pink pixie thingy' I guess. *Smiles innocently :smileyhappy:
  9. Just as grand as I imagined it would be Suspiria - lovely :smileyhappy:
  10. Ohhh that's a great place Ishtara - and it's not pink or anything... It's really homelike - love it :smileyhappy:
  11. Imagine if we could do that in RL... In some ways I guess some stores do - I'm thinking of 'loyalty cards' etc where customers sign up for perks. Of course the difference there is they actually sign up usually in full knowledge it means that all their purchases will be put under scrutiny in the cause of 'marketing'. In SL of course we are still talking about non RL identities so I guess it's not as invasive, but the basic concept of it goes against the grain. Personally I have nothing of huge importance to hide - I have a few alts - if they ever see the light of day it's for purely entertainment purposes... so anyone can scan me and I'm not especially bothered - but again - it's the morals of the thing... Anyway - I'm sure all those business people who do will be happy to contribute to this thread - otherwise they'd be doing something that they're a bit ashamed of... or something. I guess :smileywink:
  12. WOW! Well there's nothing else to say really... other than wow!
  13. Although your previous home looked wonderful Ceera - this one looks very peaceful - lovely indeed.
  14. Ohhh very exotic Wildcat - the jetset lifestyle ala SL :smileyhappy:
  15. Ohhh - very Grand indeed Ian - it looks superb - well done indeed.
  16. Oh yes I have 'treated' my avatar to a prem account almost right from the beginning... she has actually cost me a fortune. The reason I like prem membership is it shows 'support' I guess for a platform I love and it allows me to own a wee bit of land for my pub - I mean home... pub!!! I know many people who aren't prem members and they spend just as much as any prem member in SL - so it's kind of hard to say who is being most 'spoiled' I guess. :smileyindifferent:
  17. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: Thank you, Mags .. I'd make a pub my home anytime too though, but I don't see you in it .. not under the table or tap already, are we ? Shhhh - you're not supposed to tell anyone - I'm hiding by the window :smileywink:
  18. Cool home Wil it looks homely and really nice and comfy. I live in a pub... there's a surprise.. I guess!
  19. Deltango Vale wrote: I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but I didn't find anything in search, so am starting a thread. It makes far more sense for SL join date to be displayed on the avatar instead of the date one joined the old Jive forum. Yes... and no. Someone might have been in SL for years but today could be their first day on the forums - 'registered 1997- first post 2011' it sort of sounds a bit odd. At least knowing the date a person has registered for the forums gives an idea of how well they know their way about the forums. Then on the other hand - when it comes to Inworld knowledge - someone with 6 months on the forums (and roughly the same inworld) can seem like an expert - where the low post count but long time member of SL would obviously have more knowledge of SL. Unless of course they didn't spend that much time there and/or 'gave' their ID to their kid brother/sister gf/bf or whatever. Yes I see ... I think. Best ignore me eh?
  20. amana wrote: Yes, animated badges can be annoying just as much as RL picture in a forum avatar pic. *Falls about laughing - some people do feel so strongly about things :smileyvery-happy:
  21. That is terrific but once again we can't give you Kudos. *Growls You're a genius - obviously :smileyhappy:
  22. Henry Darkthief wrote: I actually liked the threaded view that we had before. Is it possible to config things to do that with this new 'ware? Currently, when I click on a topic I get the OP of the thread and then a list of the names of all the responses below, but those posts are not displayed. Please don't refer me to the Knowledge Base and such, been there, done that 3 times now. I have also gone through everything under 'My Settings', Community Help, the SL Answers Forum. Yeah it's not the best system in my opinion. I really liked being able to see clearly who was replying to who in threads etc. Now it's really confusing and even the new 'threaded view' isn't much of a help to me. We did bring this up at the last Community Feedback Meeting and will bring it up again. It may change - fingers crossed.
  23. Cerise Sorbet wrote: I think it should be practical to only show the "extra" text on mouseover, and will play with that this afternoon. That sounds like a great compromise - if you can do it please post the link where we can give you Kudos- good work deserves recognition. :smileyhappy:
  24. To be honest it is kind of important to have a place for info - in my opinion. Sure if people want to play with the badge fine - but if there's info to be seen - we need the ability to see it. Surely every thread doesn't have to be a vanity one! Just my 2p worth. :smileyindifferent:
  25. Cato Badger wrote: @Mags: I think it is dangerous to presume anything about a non-transparent system that is being touted as arcanely algorithmic, while probably in practice being in the gift of a Linden or two. But if we didn't ever presume - where would the forums be???
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