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Mags Indigo

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Everything posted by Mags Indigo

  1. Venus Petrov wrote: You are not breaking anything, Mags. The transcript has been published. +2 Kudos Whew :smileysurprised:
  2. Prokofy Neva wrote: I find that the worst people can be friends of your friends on Facebook. In SL, it doesn't always work that way. Is this about weak ties getting weaker on social media, and virtual world immersion being a better substrate for human relations? The only people I'm friends with on FB are people I have an RL connection with (I don't have an account in my SL id there). I don't feel any pressure to make friends with 'friends of friends' so whether I like them or not tends not to matter. I don't use FB a lot to be honest - more of a way of keeping in contact with people I can't see that often so I log in once or twice a week at most. In SL I really only spend time with either new acquaintances - getting to know them - but mainly with old friends. I don't have too much time inworld these days so I try to make my time there count. I do think that you can build quite intense relationships with people that you spend a lot of time with inworld - I'm not sure that could be replicated in a 2d environment such as FB. But I do have a feeling the answer to this will be as varied as the number of people viewing it.
  3. Suspiria Finucane wrote: With kudos now being implimented (announced in today's meeting), are kudos only to be awarded in the answers section of the forum? I hope I'm not breaking TOS by pasting Lexie's answer here from the meeting [2011/03/10 13:12] Lexie (lexie.linden): <snip>, only in Answers, KB and Content creation
  4. Carole Franizzi wrote: Wow! Which community GUIDELINES??? I'm not even sure what COMMUNITY this is.... Jeesh! I turn my back a couple of months and it's major make-over time. This IS Second Life, isn't it? What happened to the old forms I loved to hate to love to hate? Now I'm scared to actually log into SL. It does still exist, doesn't it? Ohh 'tis the auld fa... erm I mean the always delightful Ms Franizzi - nice to see your most lustrous avi gracing the forums once again. :smileyhappy:
  5. I'm probably a bad person too Irene because I voted for your Jira a bit ago and have been trying to encourage other people to do so as well. :smileywink:
  6. Henry Darkthief wrote: To be honest, I don't think limiting the number of threads or posts limits creativity in and of itself. However, it does limit the free exchange of ideas, which is a component of the creative process. I tend to agree with you Henry
  7. Suspiria Finucane wrote: I believe that ideas need to be discussed in order to look at the pros and cons of any negative/positive contribution that affect an entire community or society. I'm still at a loss however as to why people are ridiculing/judging the creativity of an individual instead of discussing the pros and cons of limiting threads which is what the OP is about. I for one, don't relinquish my support for a cause due to ridicule. Ridiculing a single poster is jejune behavior at best IMO. “Ridicule is the tribute paid to the genius by the mediocrities.” ~Oscar Wilde PS Was Picasso revered in his lifetime as a great artist? I also believe Leonardo da Vinci was ridiculed and persecuted for his ideas. In fact he had to hide most of his revolutionary ideas. I really thought civilization had advanced. Once again it's interesting to see how one observation can lead to something totally different. I guess that's how people are :smileyhappy:
  8. @ Suspiria - I'm presuming you have 'created' this thread to demonstrate your opposition to limits on the number of threads that any person can being in a period of time. A number of people have given quite good answers (both for and against) to this subject and I 'm sure you have read through them all. Most of all I see that you are displaying your own creative talents by bringing the interpretation of creativity to it's widest possible definition. I guess that in itself could be seen as being creative by some people - I'd still hesitate to put it on a parr with the creative juices of a Leonardo, Picasso or a Duffy. But that's due to my own narrow views no doubt. Nice discussion :smileyhappy:
  9. @ Rolig & Persephone - I too would be very much against limiting the number of posts - it would really make it difficult for discussions to take place or for answers to be followed through in detail as both of you have pointed out. I know that some people are very much against limiting thread creation to a set number per day as they believe this would inhibit creativity - I guess in the end this depends on peoples personal definitions and interpretation of what creativity actually is. To me limiting thread creation might stop the constant duplication of seemingly frivolous thread subjects and allow for more original threads to remain in the 'front page', more importantly it would also stop the spammers hogging the front page. It might also encourage new people to 'create' threads as more names appeared in the front pages. I'm at work so apologies if I'm not as clear on this as I might be - if I get a chance later I'll return to it.
  10. Rolig Loon wrote: It doesn't bother me much that you can't see who a reply might be directed at, since I never found much use for the threaded view of the old forums anyway. I can see that it could be confusing in some marathon threads, however. Limiting the number of new threads (not posts) that a person might create in a day seems like a decent idea, though. Aside from cutting down on the Easy L$ spammers, it might help even the most creative and prolific forum dwellers to focus a bit more. After all, how much attention can you devote to more than three or four good, completely new ideas in a day? Reading across the various threads this evening there does seem to be a sort of general support for limiting the amount of threads any individual can begin in a day, also some thought to limiting posts for newly registered people seems to be a reasonably popular idea. I know not everyone minds too much about who is being replied to in a thread, but I do notice a few more people seem to be on my wavelength about that. Things to bring up at the group meeting tomorrow I guess. :smileyhappy:
  11. It's one of these things in SL - there seems to be a lot about from time to time - then they die out for a while and then you get another spate of them. I find it hard to believe that they can be hugely successful, and as yet noone seems ready to come up with any 'argument' for or against. I guess it's one of those ventures that people are a bit reluctant to talk about success rates... no idea why.
  12. For the last while I have seen employment agencies come and go in SL. From ones that try to put dancers and DJs in touch with Clubs to modelling etc. Do Employment Agencies really work in SL or are they just another 'phase' within SL?
  13. To be honest I'm fairly sure that as time goes on LL and the platform will come up with the process to keep spam under control - it's all still fairly new and loopholes are there for exploitation. I am not that aggrieved about it at the moment - however this time next month I would be expecting spam to be a very 'transitory' problem. Fingers crossed.
  14. And indeed Berlin has some great shows on too - I've seen awesome stuff there - the old theatre and the place near the football grounds (old sim). Any place else anyone - this is 'real theatre' we're talking about. :smileyhappy:
  15. For me the most annoying thing about the new forum platform continues to be the difficulty I have in following who is replying to who in threads. I know this has been mentioned many times but I though it would do no harm to mention it again - and in the proceed block out a spammer.:smileyhappy: Secondly I know there has been discussion that maybe limiting the number of new threads anyone could start in a 24 hour period would not only make it more difficult for spammers, but might actually improve the quality of discussion within the forums, as people would perhaps give consideration to the 'issues' that concern them most and post about those rather than just about anything that enters their minds. I think limiting new threads to 2-3 per 24 hour period should not really affect any member of the forums too drastically. Seems like a reasonable step to me.
  16. Blue Moon Bar has some really fun shows on Saturdays and they travel about a bit too - it adds another dimension to getting out and about in Second Life. Do you have any favourite theatres or show houses where the entertainment goes beyond 'some music and a bit of stripping'? This is essentially an anti-spam thread - but it could be fun and informative too. :smileyhappy:
  17. I am friendly with quite a few people inworld, and friendly with some here now too - which is great. Real friends I find come to rl and that's where they become real friends - however the friendship starts for it to be 'real' I guess it ultimately has to be real. That is not to say that some sl friends haven't been great fun, supportive and very engaging. It's just different I guess.
  18. I'll pass ta- I tend not to 'do' lunch. :smileyhappy:
  19. Prokofy Neva wrote: I think people who have their established posse in SL already should use offworld forums for reinforcing their posse, and not try to exploit the SL forums for this purpose, especially when their posses aren't open to recruit new members. Which kind of proves my point to be honest.
  20. Mags Indigo

    SL INK Spot

    Venus Petrov wrote: Mags Indigo wrote: I really, really must learn about tattoo layers - I'd love to make my own tatts based on my rl ones. At the moment I have a set that do, but I'd love to make my own - shame I'm so lazy/incompetent really. How about post a question in the Answer forum? There's that 'lazy' thing I mentioned :smileytongue:
  21. Mags Indigo

    SL INK Spot

    I really, really must learn about tattoo layers - I'd love to make my own tatts based on my rl ones. At the moment I have a set that do, but I'd love to make my own - shame I'm so lazy/incompetent really.
  22. Storm Clarence wrote:<snip> I like girly girls. I like strong girls. I like all girls. Me too :smileywink:
  23. Cato Badger wrote: My favourite unchatup line was from someone who told me I was almost clever enough to be a guy. That must have been very reassuring for you :smileyhappy:
  24. It's simply not that easy is it? What's negative to one person may be just being realistic to another. One person's positive may seem twee and sickly sweet to someone else - or indeed come across as politically manipulative. I try not to think too much in terms of positives and negatives and try instead to see if there is value or substance involved. Negative to me doesn't go hand in hand with abusive - I may think that the new profiles are awful (I do) but that's my opinion and I believe I'm entitled to air it (I also know they're not going away). Now if I said the new profiles are awful and anyone who likes them is a... (insert various insults) - that's being abusive. It also works the other way round - I think V2.5 is terrific and anyone who uses a tPV is (insert same insult). So positives are nice - negatives can be informative - the main thing is the intent - I think.
  25. Suspiria Finucane wrote: People that frequent the forums are a small minority in the realm of SL. Most of the people who don't use the forum don't need more widgets cluttering up their dashboard. But perhaps more SL Residents would use the forums if they had a way of actually seeing what is being discussed there - that's what drew me to them in the first place. Just 'knowing' that there's a forum somewhere is really not enough to get ordinary residents involved - hide the forums and you really do make it a 'minority sport'.
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