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Rhonda Huntress

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Everything posted by Rhonda Huntress

  1. I wish Amanda would land on top of me sometime.
  2. I save the gif (pronounced jif 😛 ) to my computer first and then upload like normal.
  3. You can view your transaction history for the past 30 days. https://accounts.secondlife.com/transaction_history/?lang=en-US#/ If you paid but didn't receive the item, jot down the transaction number and send that in a notecard to the person that owns the vendor explaining what happened. [Edit] NM, trust Rolig's version over mine ....
  4. Drop the L and that's my budget for an avatar
  5. Yes. If you are going to be a girl, be a girl. Don't constantly bring up the fact you are a guy. And KC Couture has the best shoes at the best prices.
  6. I wasn't sure which one so you get two. I love these jeans.
  7. Hi there. I am going to assume you are asking about a male avatar based on the beard comment Are there any full Avatars that include both body, skin, head etc? Yes but, in my opinion, they are ... less than solid choices. You can search the Second Life Market Place for complete avatars and see if anything strikes you but be aware that you most likely will have very few to no options for customization. What body has the most support in terms of clothing and accessories? Belliza Jake and Signature Gianni are your best options with Slink Physique rounding up the big 3. These are the most common bodies. Can I wear any skin over any body? No, not really. Most skins are made for specific bodies and are scripted to apply the textures to that body. There are all kinds of caviats included in that statement including things like Omega and Bakes On Mesh but the actual answer of any skin on any body is a no. I like beards, is there a particular body/skin/head brand that are made for beards? Every male head I know of can wear a beard. That said, beards come in two basic versions. First is just a texture and will often come as options with you skin of choice. The other is a "physical" add on that can be fit to any head. I would like a body that is toned but average build. You can adjust the shape to fit your style with various degrees of success. All three bodies given above can be shaped like this. Finding a skin that is not shaded with rock hard pecs and abs can be a challenge but they do exist. Shopping for and building a male avatar is not nearly as easy as it is for a woman. That said, I would highly recommend looking at this blog. He really does a great job with explaining everything, male-centric or not. And welcome to Second Life!
  8. My profile: Maybie's profile: No .... wait. That's just what I see a lot of. [ETA] Wow, I just noticed her picks are ancient! I could use those for the decade challenge.
  9. Thanks. She is going to do a clean reinstall with the latest build. That should fix the problems.
  10. I think I know the answer but ... if someone is seeing the block colors with words on BOM avatars, that's all because they do not have a BOM enabled viewer, correct? There's no other settings that need to be toggled? I know hardware skinning is needed to see mesh correctly to start with but I am talking about seeing the magic texture instead of the system rendered textures. If it is all up to the viewer, is there a minimal hardware requirement? I am trying to help someone who says she is using the newest FS viewer but still sees the colored blocks.
  11. It's the first day of lent. I gave up religion.
  12. If it is rigged correctly. Mostly it means you don't have to edit and reposition it. It resizes itself snaps into place.
  13. I want to know who would loan you 100K in SL For a friend. I promise I won't start creating throwaway alts ...
  14. First, ketchup is the devil's condiment; that's why it is red. 🤢 Ranch is just fancy mayo. My favorite dipping sauce is a good salsa with cilantro. Home made is best so as not too vinegary. I always thought a good hot sauce should add texture. You need to feel it. But how much is just right is all dependent on the individual. I grew up in West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico. What I call "a little warm" would set some people on fire but only counts as mild for Thai food
  15. If you ever want to amaze your friends with your gourmet skills, make your own mayo. It is super easy, cheap and there are so many ways to make it special. I like to use lemon juice and dill.
  16. That one is my favorite. I even wore it for Halloween with a sugar skull makeup. And this is about as butch as I really get. Sorry about the femme comments. I was mostly just teasing. I would honestly be mortified if it seriously offended anyone.
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