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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Save the planet! USB no batteries required
  2. Well Hi there. Can I call her Love2? and suggest the first thing you do is make her hands smaller?
  3. ooo maybe not let them use numbers at all. More inventive names would be good
  4. Will we still think its fun after the 1000th - How do I change my name back question next year?
  5. Imagine all the wedding and divorce name fun.... every week
  6. For the other half.. phone is best For anyone else.. Facebook
  7. and as if they were watching.. the return of last names The return of Last Names - You’ve asked for it (a lot!), so we will provide a way to customize your last name in Second Life! More details will be available later this year.
  8. Yep. maybe it was the most quoted picture?
  9. I AR'd one of those the other month. Not only was it the most graphic I have ever seen but it included some dodgy links to pay per view sex sites the woman supposedly worked for
  10. I agree with sort by date as default or at least have it stick if chosen as default. It doesn't take much to confuse me these days. It took me ages to even notice up and down votes until a post of my own was voted up and I was all huh
  11. If it's a visa debit card and not a credit card, it won't work unless you link it to a paypal
  12. Roadside adult, I pondered on putting a small satellite on there. I am just not sure what is best for me allowance yet so I won't rush but keep eyes on options
  13. I noticed that the other day. I was looking at a parcel on adult for 8k for a 1024. Next thing it was 50K. I walked away pretty quickly
  14. I have decided to stick with what I have for now. Linden house escape plus my homestead. The land prices seem to be a bit mad atm and I am sure it will calm down after this initial rush is over. I will keep looking for the right plot but with no intensity.
  15. A few I have come across. Some like sluplugged I think definitely sell from the MP. Some use newstands inworld to read via a hud type mag and some online. The of course 100s of blogs http://sxmag.blogspot.co.uk/ https://newsstand.joomag.com/en/sl-unplugged-vol-4-issue-1/0495285001519343297 https://eroticlifesl.wixsite.com/eroticlife https://www.lovetodecoratesl.com/the-magazine/ http://thebestofsl.com/
  16. hmm Liverpool isn't that big. 60 miles away would be halfway across the country. I am talking 5- 6 miles
  17. Not a stupid question we were all new once too.
  18. Look down the list of things in that folder some are called Bianca Hairstyle with [L] [M] these are the hair to wear in different sizes. Once worn that hud of colours on your screen can be touched and those colours will apply to the hairstyle that you should ADD and it will appear on your head ignore the strike through I cant seem to turn that off
  19. I've not met any here that I discovered I knew already in RL. I have met many from my city though and always felt like it was only a matter of time. One I met 9 years ago turned out to live very close though we didn't know each other. He is kind of my other half now hehe
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