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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Joan and welcome to SL Forums. Sounds like a connectivity issue. Power down your modem / router leting it closed for at least 2-3 mins and relog. For teleporting problems follow the suggestions here.
  2. Hello tanya. Informative link about ping ms generally below: http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?referrerid=109801&t=576877 My ping ms at http://www.speedtest.net/ is 20-21 but as you can read 68-95 is normal also. As lower as better. In world my ping sim is 180-200 at home (Eastern Europe). Theoretically you need at least 1 Mbps internet speed to run sl smoothly.
  3. Hello MoxyCriFighter and welcome to SL Forums. It would be helpful to post here your system's specs and especially your graphics card. You can edit your post (options on the right --> Edit) adding also exactly the error message you get.
  4. Hello Mortaquerca. Your specs are good but i demur at your graphics card. I mean i would never suggest an Intel graphics card for a so demanding application like SL. A laptop with similar specs and a different graphics card sounds a good choice in order to run sl with medium or maybe high graphics.
  5. Hello Rage and welcome to SL Forums. Yes it is possible. As a Premium Member you have the right to own a 512sq m2 parcel on Mailand without additional cost. The Land Forum here in SL Forums is a good place to start your search. Another way is to use SL Search Choose Land & Rentals, use the suitable word keys (for example "Mainland 512" and you will get a lot of results. You can teleport also somewhere on Mainland and use the World Map selecting the "Land for sale" checkbox. Nearby land for sale is highlighted on the map. Check out also this link: Purchasing Abandoned Land. Good luck.
  6. Hello BloodxLilith. Normally no. You have to contact the creator at first asking for permission.
  7. Hello Julreno and welcome to SL Forums. In Viewer 3 is on the top right corner beside the clock In Phoenix is down and right over Mini map and inventory buttons In Firestorm depends by your default settings
  8. Hello Calina and welcome to SL Forums. If you purchased a swim hud or swim rezzer, they work only with linden ocean waters and no with the water into your pool. However you can use there pose balls with animations for relaxing, floating etc. You can find several at Marketplace. Get them, unpack, rezz and you are ready to use (right click on the pose ball --> sit). If you want to add an animation in a pose ball, rezz the ball --> right click --> edit --> last tab content --> drag the animation there. That 's all.
  9. SoyaSaus wrote: thats the problem , it doesnt appear in my objects folder even if i click ''keep'' and i know how to unbox now thankss : )) Then a known bug affects you also. Please check out the answers in this thread some earlier: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inventory/Purchases-are-being-delivered-and-accepted-but-not-showing-up-in/qaq-p/1346619
  10. Hello Cyanide and welcome to SL Forums. It is a known bug. Please see: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7492 You can vote there and add your comment following the suggestions of Maestro Linden. Your options now: You can contact the merchant or with im or better with notecard in world asking politely for redelivery. If you dont get a reply by the merchant you can submit a ticket --> Marketplace category --> Failed Marketplace Delivery. Explain analytically what was happened, include the order number and the name(s) of the item(s) that failed to be delivered and wait for a reply.
  11. SoyaSaus wrote: ok so ive tested it with another item [hair] and it comes with a pop up message and it says keep delete etc, but i didnt saw that at my other items [or maybe i just didnt noticed it ] what should i do now? Always when you purchase something, you click "Keep". After you can find it easily if you open the second tab in your inventory called "Recent". However if you relog, you find your stuff into the folder "Objects" in your main inventory. About how you unpack (open) the boxes please see my post above.
  12. Hello SoyaSaus and welcome to SL Forums. The stuff you purchase, arrives in your inventory as a box with contests and saved in the folder called "Objects" in your main inventory. You can't attach or wear the box immidiately. You must to open (unpack it). So you go at a region where you have the right to rezz. Public Sandboxes are recommended about. You can find several of them here. So choose a Sandbox --> View this destination --> View on map --> Visit this location --> You see a pop-up window --> Allow --> you see the place profile in your monitor in world on the right --> Teleport. When you arrive at the sandbox you drag the box on the ground --> right click on it --> Open --> Copy to inventory. A folder is created in your inventory (easier to find it looking at the 2nd tab of your inventory called "Recent"). Now you are ready to use (wear or add the stuff, clothes etc with right click on them in your inventory --> Wear or Add. You repeat the same process to open (unpack) all the boxes. When you finish it is good to delete them. You can check also the following link. Pics and videos also there: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowled​ge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 About outfits: The "secret" is to learn and understand completely to use the commands "Save" and "Save as". They work same as in all applications like for example when you save a document in MS Word. When you change clothes or just you remove or add something in your appearance you can use the "Save as" to save the new outfit or the outfit with the last changes as a new outfit with a different name. For example you have the outfit ".....", saved in your inventory. You make 2-3 changes. With "Save as" you save them in another new outfit with the name "..... New" or different. That means with simple words that the previous outfit called "...." continues to exist in your intentory and same time you have the new outfit ".... new" with the changes. On the other side if you make changes in your appearance and you use the command "Save", you save permanently the new changes in the same outfit and in fact you lose your previous look (without the changes). Summary: When you create a new outfit you use always the command "Save as" and you save it with a new name. I repeat this doesn't affect the previous outfit. When you want to to make 1-2 changes and keep you use "Save". Save means that you lose all previous settings.
  13. Hello mikesbasile and welcome to SL and SL Forums. As you said you just created your account, right? You have also to download the viewer to log in world. You can find it here: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Download, install it and log in with your username and your password. If you want to add something, to change your post or to answer to our replies, you can edit your post (Options --> Edit). Have fun and enjoy your new Second Life.
  14. Hello LadyPhreak and welcome to SL Forums. You have no to change something under Edit profile --> Privacy tab in your profile in order to avoid other residents to im you. There you change options about who has access in your profile. For more details, please check out this link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Profiles/ta-p/1101055 When someone asks you lindens you can deny politely saying that you are new and you have not. It is very good to say that you want to help, but you can't say always "Yes" in SL (like in RL). It 's up to you to help someone (btw you can help no only offering lindens) but you have no obligation to do that, especially if you have no incomes (like a job for example).
  15. Welcome back Storm! Glad to see that you post again. *smiles*
  16. Hello Tay and welcome to SL Forums. That's an error message which usually you get when after a crash, you try to run the viewer immidiately during the log out process. Have you re-install the program and you still get the same error message? If yes, it is really odd. Open the windows device manager with ctrl+alt+del --> applications tab and if you see there that SL is running, click on it --> end progress. After try again to open the viewer. As Marigold suggested if you want to add more details, to change your post or to answer to us, you can edit your post (Options --> Edit) or use Permalink under our answers. Please do not create a new thread.
  17. Hello. Is your inventory fully loaded? Move to a quiet sim like Smith or Exeuxoa or better relog there. Stay there under the water, open your inventory type something in search there and wait fetching all your items till the last one. When fetching finishes, try to attach something to your avatar. See if that makes any difference. If the problem remains, clear your cache under Preferences --> Network & Cache and restart the viewer.
  18. I agree about the "remember" this location button. On the other side, i am not sure if is technically feasible to change outfits offline. Always i relog at home. So no problem if i am fully dressed or no. When occasionaly my region is not available i am moved always to Safe Hub so same time i teleport to an alternative direction. Btw i hope soon LL to fix this option in order to have in our log in screen at least our favorites. It does not work for me so far.
  19. Hello Amber. As others mentioned i can admit that SL can be very addictive. However i am not addicted and i don't allow SL to affect my RL. I know to control it. Also i never mix SL with RL. For me SL is a good way to cover some of my real free time and nothing more. RL is always my priority. I love my SL friends (i know they love me too) but i have never denied to meet a RL friend 'cause i had to stay more online in SL. Last summer i was away 3 months (away from forums also). Missed both, but it is ok. I am sure that i can live without them. My feeling is that a break from SL is the best you can do.
  20. MsShy wrote: Hi LoveAngeL! I used the link http://secondlife.com/destination/linden-realms-portal-park-1 to go to Park 1, and then followed the arrows through the door. After I went through and dropped, a note popped up that said to wait. I waited for a bit and then started walking and went into the nearest building. Not sure if I was supposed to wait longer, but I found out from doing some searching that I was supposed to get a game hub. Did you mean I should try Park 2? Thx!! I meant portal 3. It is the only portal which works for me when i start LR. However, after using the search i can walk through other portals without problems. Have in your mind that even you don't see the hud, you can continue to play, collect crystals and exchange them. Still counts, just you don't know how many you have collected.
  21. Hello Damon. To be honest i haven't seen this error message again. If i had this error message with my viewer, the first i would do is a clean re-install. No just uninstallation and reinstallation.
  22. Hello pumpkin and welcome to SL Forums. I tried to check out your profile and your name is unavailable. Did you change something in the privacy tab making your profile not showing on the web? If so, open your profile --> Edit profile --> Privacy and open permissions.
  23. Hello jagodaPL and welcome to SL Forums. We are fine, thanks for asking and we hope for you the same. To cancel your account, open your dashboard (log in http://secondlife.com/ ) --> Account on the left --> Cancel Account. However, if you are a Premium Member, that explains the situation. "When you cancel your account, it remains active until the end of your payment period. You may still log in and use Second Life during this time. For instance, if you buy a yearly Second Life membership and cancel it the next day, you are still be treated as a premium member for the next year!" http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.5.1
  24. Hello AlexaShade. Although is no something difficult, you must to be very careful. If no, is possible to change the colour of all of the house or part of it. I explain: Right click on the wall --> Edit. Texture tab Choose "Edit Linked" Click again on the wall you want and be sure that it is highlighted (only the wall) Now you are ready to change or the texture (left) or the colour (right) Close the edit window That's all.
  25. Hello shAkTI23sAd and welcome to SL Forums. The question is: Why you want to change your date of birth? If you accidentally enter the wrong one and now you have no access in adult regions and stuff although you are at least 18 years old, try to add payment info in your account. Normally this will fix the issue.
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