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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. ChampagneStar wrote: I'm having problems with my shape demos where the hands and feet are way too big and the body is super thin (not how it looks on the demo pictures).I've tried three different shape, and same thing happens to all of them. Is there any way to correct this w/o having to buy the shape, since the point of getting the demo is to try b/f you buy. Hi. If demo shapes had normal hands / feet and no other indication that they are demo's why someone after to buy the original product?
  2. Hello Own. If you have already tried all these without luck, you can submit a ticket --> Marketplace --> General Marketplace Issues. Report the problem there, include the error message you get and a pic which shows the items in your cart and wait for reply.
  3. Hello Faubio. I haven't noticed this problem so far. I use Firefox 9.0.1 and V3.2.5. However i have IE8 as default browser (i open all pop-ups with it). I don't know if that makes any difference and i can't think what causes your issue.
  4. Hello bidulette. Try to right click on the SLurl --> Properties --> highlight and copy the url --> right click and Paste in your address bar in world --> Enter to teleport. See if that helps.
  5. Hello Merendero and welcome to SL Forums. It is only your profile pic. The whole profile and pics is Adult rated. Remove / replace most of your pics (if not all) and several word keys to make your profile visible in dashboard Search.
  6. Hello EliseRodale and welcome to SL Forums. If you consider that there is a violation of the TOS or the Community Standards, you can report the "machine". In Viewer 3 right click on the prim --> Manage --> Report Abuse and follow the instructions.
  7. Hello Mirahh and welcome to SL Forums. Yes, you should be at least 5 days old (i think you are 4 now). So wait a little more.
  8. Duplicated. Answers at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/Why-cant-I-place-my-items-in-the-store-I-just-rented/qaq-p/1338619
  9. Hello buddha and welcome to SL Forums. There is no limitation about the maximum number of members in a group. Only for the minimum. All limits about groups below: Maximum number of groups you can belong to: 42Roles within groups are sort of like sub-groups. In many cases, you can use them instead of creating new groups. Minimum number of members in a group: 2A group with only 1 person for 48 hours will be disbanded (cancelled). Unless the group owns land. Maximum number of roles allowed in a group: 10 (including "Owners" and "Everyone", which cannot be deleted) Maximum Group Name: 35 single-byte characters. Maximum Group Title: 20 single-byte characters. Maximum Length of a Group Notice: 512 single-byte characters. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits
  10. Hello Adelaide and welcome to SL Forums. You are right. You can find dozens threads and questions about VFS initilizing textures. Normally you fix the issue if you delete all contests at the following folder: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife However sometimes it is not enough. You have to delete also everything into: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife You can except only the folder with your name into the folder SecondLife in order to keep your chat logs and im logs, copying it somewhere else in your hard disk. See if that makes any difference. (Btw re-installation has nothing to do with your issue).
  11. Duplicated thread. Answers at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/how-do-you-get-a-boyfriends/qaq-p/1338319 Btw in order to dance you use dance machines. They rezz pose balls and you sit on them to dance. Alternatively you dance with dance huds, which you wear.
  12. I gave an answer some earlier without toolbar. No buttons for me this moment also.
  13. Hello Sara and welcome to SL and SL Forums. As i see you joined today! Of course it is possible. I bet if you post this under "Make Friends" Category in SL Forums ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/bd-p/MakeFriends ) you will have many offers. On the other side, i think you have to spend some time to fill your profile writing some things for you and for the people you desire to meet. Also is good to add a pic of your avatar. You can watch also here the Forums (as i said especially the "Make Friends" Category). Every day many residents (new also but not only) are looking for new friends. You can use the Search in world or the Destinations (there are buttons about) to find new places using the suitable word keys. If you want access to Adult regions and you are at least 18 years old you have to verify your age. Here is the link: https://secondlife.com/my/account/verification.php?lang=en-US I think you will get more suggestions soon. Have fun and enjoy your new Second Life!
  14. No problem for me today so far. This moment at a homestead with 20/20 avatars and my fps arround 30 (if i rotate my camera looking the sea i get more). I use an old Nvidia Geforce GT240 with the following settings: High graphics Basic and atmospheric shaders = ON Draw distance = 512 Max. partcle count = 4096 Max # of non-impostor avatars = 37 Mesh details (everything), avatar physics and terrain detail = High Water reflections = Everything Anisotropic Filtering = ON Antialiazing = 2x VBO = ON HTTP textures = ON Maximum Bandwidth = 5000 Voice = OFF
  15. Thanks for the reminder Knowl. I haven't voted yet, but i will soon. I wished to have more than 1 votes but it is ok. Btw, when we will see a pic of you Knowl? Maybe at the next contest? *smiles*
  16. Hello Anja and welcome to SL Forums. Sounds a cache issue for me. Try to: 1)Uninstall Phoenix using the windows control panel 2)Delete everything into the following folders: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer 3)Download again a fresh copy of Phoenix and install it. See if that makes any difference.
  17. Hello stewart and welcome to SL Forums. The stuff you purchase, arrives in your inventory as a box with contests and saved in the folder called "Objects" in your main inventory. You can't attach or wear the box immidiately. You must to open (unpack it). So you go at a region where you have the right to rezz. Public Sandboxes are recommended about. You can find several of them here. So choose a Sandbox --> View this destination --> View on map --> Visit this location --> You see a pop-up window --> Allow --> you see the place profile in your monitor in world on the right --> Teleport. When you arrive at the sandbox you drag the box on the ground --> right click on it --> Open --> Copy to inventory. A folder is created in your inventory (easier to find it looking at the 2nd tab of your inventory called "Recent"). Now you are ready to use (wear or add the stuff, clothes etc with right click on them in your inventory --> Wear or Add. You repeat the same process to open (unpack) all the boxes. When you finish it is good to delete them.
  18. Hello Isabella. Which viewer do you use? Some suggestions below from Pheonix Wiki but they work for all viewers: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=voice It would be helpful to add more details. You can edit your post (Options --> Edit).
  19. Hello Romy. There are applications for chatting with your friends in SL. Pocket Metaverse and Sparkle IM.
  20. Hello tanya. Indicates 2 things: Problem with your Internet connection, or Problem with the server where the region is hosted.
  21. Hello Brady. As a Premium Member you can use LiveChat. You find the option on the right. If you want to call: Phone: (415) 243-9000 Fax: (415) 243-9045 Email: support@secondlife.com Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277
  22. Hello spebrirube and welcome to SL Forums. Check out also your Lost and Found folder for coalesced objects.
  23. Hello Bonnie and welcome to SL Forums. Everything you need to know about the Community here and SL Forums at the following link. Have a look: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage
  24. Hello Electra. Normally you have to wait up to 24 hours, although sometimes you get your stuff after some mins or secs. If this time expires, you have 2 options: Contact the merchant: Open your Dashboard (log in http://secondlife.com/ )--> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases (there you see the name of the merchant)--> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant(s) describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery. Contact support: If you don't get a reply by the merchant, submit a ticket --> Marketplace category --> Failed Marketplace Delivery. Explain analytically what was happened, includes the order number and the name(s) of the item(s) that failed to be delivered and wait for a reply. Generally when you order something care to be online in world. All residents have there an inbox which can save up to 25 notifications. If you have more, they are capped, so this way it is possible to lose your purchases. In addition last weeks there is a bug with offlines which affects some residents and almost all viewers. Residents get nothing when they are offine. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540? If this bug affects you too, you can vote there, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Maestro Linden. (You can try to block / mute someone or something if your block list is empty).
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