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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello sunil14 and welcome to SL Forums. We have currently issues in world with Inventory database maintenance and maybe your problem is relative. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere and if it is no possible make some patience and watch this space for updates.
  2. Hello kwajkid and welcome to SL Forums. We have currently issues in world with Inventory database maintenance and maybe your problem is relative. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere and if it is no possible make some patience and watch this space for updates.
  3. 03Sedwar wrote: Why you signed up for Second Life? Heard about it, wanted to try. 03Sedwar wrote: Why you use Second Life? I have fun. 03Sedwar wrote: How often are you logged into Second Life a week? Daily. 03Sedwar wrote: Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life? No. 03Sedwar wrote: Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway? My personality / behavior is the same exactly. 03Sedwar wrote: Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile? Never.
  4. Hello Mileymiley and welcome to SL Forums. Could you post exactly the error message you get when you are trying to log in? Did you try to log in a different region. You can edit your post (options on the right --> Edit) adding more details. EDIT: Obviously you hit wrong "button"! Still you can edit your post. EDIT2: We have currently issues in world with Inventory database maintenance and maybe your problem is relative. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere and if it is no possible make some patience and watch this space for updates.
  5. One more, some earlier: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/filtering-places/m-p/1353337
  6. Good point Qie. Last days it is something very usual. Not sure why.
  7. Hello jamesether and welcome to SL Forums. I am female: With Viewer 3 my height is 1,92m (6'4'') with shoes / 1,81m (5'11'') without shoes With Phoenix my height is 2,12m (6'11'') with shoes / 1,98m (6'6'') without shoes The height measuring with the official viewer is no accurate. That's why many avatars look like giants and 8'' tall. Long time ago Peewee Musytari sent me in world an accurate height detector and i use only that to measure my height. I can send you it if you wish. Just im me in world.
  8. Hello paradise. Just a thought (not sure if it works but give a try). Log in again with your alt and if you see your main account online in friends list, try to send to your main account an instant message. When you click "Enter" normally you will get user is offline and you don't see him online anymore. After try to log in again with main account.
  9. Folie Adored wrote: I cleared all cache and that seemed to help! I did it through edit > preferences. Cleared cache, inventory cache, and browser cache. Then I relogged. Thank you so much for the information! ______________________________________________________________________________________ You are welcome! Glad to hear that you fixed that!
  10. Reyaboo Asalia wrote: AND IF IM ALREADY A MEMBER WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT 45 DAYS!!! __________________________________________________________________________________ Because there are rules. You have to respect and follow them as all residents. In addition you accepted them before you upgraded.
  11. Hello LishaJoya. Marigold gave you the right answer (kudos for her). If you have some problem with a resident you can always mute/block him/her or also open resident's profile in https://my.secondlife.com/ --> settings (beside "Message") --> permissions --> disable "See my online status" --> Save.
  12. Hello aimeewhole and welcome to SL Forums. Start with an avatar test. You find it under Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. If it works, it will remove from your avatar everything can cause the problem and you will see your avatar like a noob. After build again your avatar step by step adding skin, shape, clothes etc. If the problem remains, try the suggestions here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail They work for all viewers. If the problem remains, try a different viewer. We had in past cases with residents who fixed the problem this way. Good luck.
  13. Hello Sensual. The pics you see at Marketplace are a combination of a specific shape, specific skin, hair, often prim attachments (for example eyelashes), eyes, taken under specific environment settings and sometimes edited with photoshop or other programs. The only you can do is to try demos till to find which skin fits better on your avatar. Alternatively find a fatpack you really like, which includes skin, shape(s) and several make-ups.
  14. Hello Pasta. In the calentar, find your own event. Click on it and the "Selected Event" window opens. Click the event's title and there you can edit or delete the event.
  15. Hello girl. No pregnancy for free in SL. Indeed that you need the hud also. If i am right it costs 500L$. Even you get pregnant with a different kit, again you have to pay at the end. If not, the baby can't be delivered. If you don't want to pay, you can easily buy a prim baby from Marketplace as you buy a teddy-bear or everything else. Still you can find some freebies.
  16. Hello Folie and welcome to SL Forums. It is a bug. I have long time to hear or read about it. Here is a very old jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1203 The only i can suggest is to clear manually your cache (out of SL and having your viewer closed) and relog. To do that delete all contests at the following folders: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife (you can except only the folder with your name into the forlder SecondLife in order to save your chat and im logs coping it somewhere else in your hard disk C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer If the problem remains, open a new jira and report the bug there --> +Create issue (on the right). There usually you get an official answer by the Lindens. Till to fix the problem an idea is to wear sunglasses. Good luck.
  17. Good point Baloo. Just i answered exactly to the question "what is the complete procedure for uninstalling and re-installing SL viewer?"
  18. Hello Nolodor and welcome to SL and SL Forums. If you mean the activation email for a new account, those are no longer sent out and the account is automatically activated at the end of the registration process. Download the viewer from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ install it and log in world with your username (Nolodor) and your password.
  19. Hello Lisha. You are the second who reports the same problem tonight. Previous one here, some earlier: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/My-avatar-is-stuck-in-world-I-cannot-log-in-and-keep-getting/qaq-p/1352423 Have a look and check out the answers there.
  20. Hello sabrina and welcome to SL Forums. We need more details about your log in failure. Do you get an error message? Did you try to log in a different region? What you have tried so far? About your appeararnce issues you can start following the suggestions here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail They work for all viewers. You can edit your post (Options on the right --> Edit) adding more details.
  21. Hello gitalbar and welcome to SL and SL Forums. If you have already downloaded and installed the viewer from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ you double click the shortcut on your desktop to run the application. Can you log in? If no, do you get an error message? What happens during the log in process? If you are already online what exactly is the problem ? You can edit your post if you wish (Options on the right --> Edit) to add more details. Use the camera controls button (it has an icon with an eye) --> Rear or front view to see your avatar.
  22. Hello Tay. For the official viewer: 1)Uninstall the viewer using the windows control panel 2)Delete all contests at the following folders: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife 3)Download and install a fresh copy from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ If the folder AppData is hidden make it visible under Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders
  23. Hello Akihani and welcome to SL Forums. It is odd to get this message after 15 minutes. Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. If the problem remains, power down your modem / router leting it closed for 2-3 mins. See if that makes any difference.
  24. Olá aninha. Baixar os últimos drivers da sua placa gráfica. Nvidia: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us Amd: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx Intel: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/
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