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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello L0LJk and welcome to SL and SL Forums. I don't understand why a new user downloads and try to start with a Third-Party Viewer and with the official one which you can download here: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Which viewer do you use? You have no something to change just to use the Last Name "Resident" as Cinn already suggested. If you want to add something else (more details or something more specific about your problem) you can edit your post (Options on the right --> Edit). There are points in your post which i can't understand like "i downloaded the software twice, so i reloaded the page and it took my to my home".
  2. Hello shade and welcome to SL Forums. At first a simple re-installation usually does no help to resolve your log in issues but a cleanre-installation does. Sounds like a corrupt installation. Some users reported problems during installation with the 2 last versions of Viewer 3 getting the following error message Error opening file for writing: C:\Program Files \ SecondlifeViewer\llplugin\imageformats\qtiff4.dll Click Abort to stop the installation, Retry to try again, or Ignore to skip this file. Clicking "skip" more .dll files appeared in a queue with the same error message. After when they were trying to run the viewer they got... Second life crash report Sending to server,try 1... and then disappears... If you have the same problem: 1)Uninstall the viewer using the windows control panel 2)Delete all contents at the following folders: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife 3)Download a fresh copy from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ and install it. If eventually you install the viewer this way but you have still problems with your log in, post back here with the error message you get or reporting what exactly happens during the login process. If you are ghosted and you get the message that the system is logging you out, the old bug which is back affects you also. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209 You can vote there and add your comment.
  3. Hello Battlesoul and welcome to SL Forums. We had issues in world early with Inventory Database Maintenance but it is completed about 1 hour and half ago. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Maybe this problem affects you still. 3.340 items were loaded. Did you have more? If yes, follow the suggestions here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss If no and you see your avatar naked, go to a quiet region like Smith or Exeuxoa or better relog there and follow the suggestions here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail They work for all viewers.
  4. Hello Vincent. Your partner is no the only one. About 10 other residents reported the same issue last 2 days in SL Q&A. An old bug is back again. Here is a jira, created today. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209 He can vote there and add his comment. If he is a premium, he can submit a ticket under Account Issues --> Second Life Web Login Issues.
  5. Hello Jeannie and welcome to SL Forums. Most of specs are good enough for SL but i can't say the same for the graphics card. Quadro cards have different drivers that are not optimized for games. The NVS series is optimized for business applications and stability and may therefore perform a bit worse in games due to the special drivers and BIOS optimizations. I clear that i don't say that you won't run SL but i am not sure if you can run it with high graphics. Medium performance is more possible. Maybe an Nvidia GT 500M series is preferable (525 or 540 or 550).
  6. Hello GhostRider and welcome to SL Forums. Check out that you have Media and Allow Media to autoplay under Preferences --> Sound & Media. Also, do you have Quick Time Player installed in your computer? You can't use some products if you haven't it.
  7. Hello kurt7D8. Region is synonym with sim. A region is in fact an area 65,536sq m2, being 256 metres on each side. We have: a)Full primed regions (up to 100 avatars and 15,000 prims) b)Homesteads (up to20 avatars and 3,750 prims) and c)Openscape sims (up to 10 avatars and 750 prims). In world there are currently over than 30,500 regions. You can see the name of the region in the address bar on the top of your viewer after the first comma. Name of the parcel, name of the region, maturity rating.
  8. And where is the "Comments" link, Roseysun? It was here in past but moderators removed it long time ago. Comments were visible for all each time you opened the thread. Now we have only the "Permalink" option instead. To see "comments" you have or to click permalink under the answer, or to open participant's profile and click on the relative post.
  9. Hello Museling. Look into the Community Standards. http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited.
  10. Glad to hear the great news Noah! Yay!
  11. Hello Xidane and welcome to SL Forums. You are not the only one. If you have a look here in Q & A you will find so many for the same issue last 2 days. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209 You can vote there and add your comment. You can also submit a ticket ( https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ ) --> Account Issues --> Second Life Web Login Issues. Report the problem there and wait for a reply.
  12. A jira was created today about the problem with ghost avatars: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209
  13. Hello ladycris and welcome to SL Forums. Usually it is an error message you get by the server after a crash when you try to log in back same time. Normally if you wait some minutes after you can log in. If not, you can not the only one. Several other residents reported the same problem here last 2 days. Here is a jira created today: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209 You can vote there and add your comment.
  14. Just now i found a jira about created today. You can vote there and add your comment. Good luck! https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209
  15. OMG Cinn!! Really? I don't know really how we can help.... :smileysad: I wish you to fix the issue soon. Same for all residents. EDIT: You are welcome,Cinn. Yes, emoticons are out for working. Just now i noticed it.
  16. This thread continues here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/please-ask-for-a-restart-on-my-behalf/qaq-p/1353799
  17. Hello Zarek. We got full here with threads about the same issue. 5-6 residents reported it since yesterday. Maybe the old bug is back again. Nothing of our suggestions worked. Give a try to submit a ticket under Account issues --> Second Life Web Login Issues. Report the problem there, be patient and wait for a reply. Alternatively you can open a jira --> +Create Issue (on the right). Usually there you get an official answer by the Lindens. By the way we have currently issues in world (about 3 hours now) with Inventory Database Maintenance so maybe it affects you also. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  18. Hello Noah and welcome to SL Forums. You are not the only one who reported this problem last 2 days. A similar thread here. Have a look: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/IM-ghosting-still-i-have-done-all-the-suggestions-and-posted/qaq-p/1353637
  19. Hello Esther and welcome to SL Forums. You can reply: Editing your post (options on the right --> edit) Clicking "permalink" below the answer(s).
  20. Hello again Lisha. We got full here with threads about the same issue. 4-5 residents reported it since yesterday. Maybe the old bug is back again. Give a try to submit a ticket under Account issues --> Second Life Web Login Issues. Report the problem there, be patient and wait for a reply. Alternatively you can open a jira --> +Create Issue (on the right). Usually there you get an official answer by the Lindens. By the way we have currently issues in world (about 2 hours now) with Inventory Database Maintenance so maybe it affects you also. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  21. Duplicated thread. Answers at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/meus-lidens-da-comta-premium-n%C3%A3o-chegaram-meu-avatar-%C3%A9/qaq-p/1353583
  22. Hello talista and welcome to SL Forums. Some general suggestions at first: Avoid to overload your shopping cart. It is one of the top causes for delivery failures Check always your inbox in world. For all residents it can store only 25 notifications (about everything). If you have more, they are capped. Last weeks there is a bug with offlines with affects all viewers and several residents. When they are offline, they got nothing. If this bug affects you also, try to block (mute) something or someone in world and relog. It is possible to fix the issue this way. If your problem is general when you purchase from Marketplace, use it only for search and go shopping in world. About your problem you have 2 options now: Contact the merchant: open your Dashboard --> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases (there you see the name of the merchant)--> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant(s) describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery. Contact support: If you don't get a reply by the merchant you can Submit a ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ --> Marketplace category --> Failed Marketplace Delivery. Explain analytically what was happened, include the order number and the name(s) of the item(s) that failed to be delivered and wait for a reply.
  23. I edited again my post. We have issues in world. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
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