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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Asbinthe (again). Basic accounts have no technical support for all issues like Premium Members. If for example you had problem with your log in process, you could submit a ticket under Account Issues. The toll free number for U.K. is available only for billing issues: 0800.048.4646 However you can try to call and you never know. It's possible to get help this way. In addition you can mail to: support@secondlife.com although i can't guarantee that you will get a reply. As i suggested in your first thread (btw i am not sure that you checked out my answer), if you can't find a way to fix your issue, you can open a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa --> Create issue (on the right). There usually you get official answer(s) by LL's team. Good luck.
  2. Hello Carl. There is nothing in the TOS or into Community Standards which reports that residents under 30 days old are not allowed to get a job. If club owners prefer usually older avatars, this is another history.
  3. Hello newsue. You changed just the "Avatar's pic". You can change the backround under "Social Connect" tab. For more details, an excellent thread about by Suella below. Have a look: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/How-to-create-a-cool-forum-avatar-badge/m-p/707025#M190
  4. Hello keprechabo and welcome to SL Forums. I am not sure what you purchased. A complete avatar? A shape? Be sure that you read the instructions and that you wear all parts. If still you don't get what you saw in the pics, contact the merchant and wait for a reply. Be patient. Most residents are not online every day. If you don't get a reply by the merchant, write a bad review. You can't do something else. Generally try a demo before you buy if it is available.
  5. Hello littlepinkpixie and welcome to SL Forums. I had never had problems with crashing. You didin't report something about your system specs and about your internet connection. That would be help for a more specific answer. However, some general suggestions about crashing below: If you are new to V3 and your recently download it, i would suggest you to log in a quiet sim like Smith or Exeuxoa. If you can't select a different region, in your log in screen give the command: Menu Me --> Preferences --> General Tab --> Enable "Show on login" --> OK. After click the down arrow where it says "Start at" and choose <Type region name> --> Smith --> Login. Stay there under the water open your inventory and the recent tab and wait fetching all your items till the last one. Sometimes it takes time but no so long as in Phoenix. Avoid during this process to do something else like teleporting for example. Be patient when you teleport to a region especially if you visit it for first time with the new viewer. Everything arround you are textures and even you can't see some of them like for example under the floor of a house, the server must cache it and download it to every client viewer, both in your sim and in adjacent sims. If you are not patient and you try to move immidiately, in fact you "force" your computer to download stuff faster, so crash happens. When you download every viewer, it has some default settings under menu me --> preferences. One of them the maximum bandwidth (default to 500). Although, according LL 500 kbps is enough to run SL without problems, you can increase it especially if you have fast internet connection. This way you increase the maximum rate that the Viewer can download contnet so everything arround will be loaded faster. However if you notice packet loss you have immidiately to set this option to lower. With few words experiment with this option till to find the best for your computer / laptop (under preferences --> setup). If you crash also during teleporting you have to follow the suggestions here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_te​leporting Make sure that you use the last version of Viewer 3 (currently the version is 3.2.5 where bugs got fixed and no the beta version, no the development viewer). Check out also your viewer's crash logs to see what causes the crash. More about how you check them out here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Finding_Log_Files Another top cause for a crash is overheat. Try to set your graphics to lower under Preferences --> Graphics and generally to disable everything you don't need like voice for example. Check out also if your computer adequately cooled. If you dont know how to do that (checking that your fans for example are clean and work) ask a friend to help you. Make sure that you have the last updates for your graphics card. SL is a very demanding application. If you need a link about it let us know. Check out if there is a problem with your connectivity. Visit http://speedtest.net/ Avoid downloading and generally to run other applications when you are online in world. You need at least 1Mbps. If it is lower, contact your ISP to see if there is a problem with your line. Also if you use wireless, avoid it and prefer direct cable connection. If the problem remains clear your cache manually out of SL and having your viewer closed. Always it helps. If you don't know how to do that, let us know. If you are a Premium you can also submit a ticket asking for techniqual support or also mail to: support@secondlife.com You can use also the LiveChat reporting the problem there. If you still can't find a solution don't hesitate to create a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa --> Create issue. Usually there you have official answers by the Lindens
  6. Hello princessbellacullen. Some good answers also at this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/Where-do-I-Earn-Lindens/qaq-p/1335573 Check it out!
  7. Hello JarakNicrue. About teleporting please check out the suggestions here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_teleporting
  8. Hello huangmian and welcome to SL Forums. It is a graphics problem. It would be helpful to post here your system's specs. Try if it is possible to set your performance to LOW under Menu Me --> Preferences in your log in screen and restart the viewer. If no possible, try to clear your browser's cache. If still the problem remains and you can't find a solution even with a different viewer, open a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa --> Create issue (on the right).
  9. Hello RaJuKaDaM and welcome to SL Forums. Open the password recovery page and follow the instructions: https://secondlife.com/my/account/request.php?lang=en If you use a Third Party Viewer (like Phoenix or Firestorm), Resident is your Last Name.
  10. Hello NaiadNightfire. In Viewer 3, Menu World --> About Land --> Script Info --> My Avatar. There you see all the scripts you wear and the script's size in kilobytes.
  11. Hello Mandie. Try this (V3): Preferences --> Move & View and set: Single click on land: No action Double click on land: No action See if that makes any difference.
  12. Hello Damon and welcome to SL Forums. Your graphics card also is so "weak" for SL. Maybe you can try to open a viewer only with LOW graphics. The old viewer 1.23 and generally V1 viewers sounds a good suggestion for me also.
  13. Hello MsShy and welcome to SL Forums. About your problem at Linden Realms, try to walk through a different portal. Normally it will fix your issue.
  14. Hello PrinceStitch. More recent answers about your graphics card here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/can-a-AMD-Radeon-HD-6310-run-second-life/qaq-p/1342227 Normally you won't have problem with medium or high graphics. If your goal is to run SL with Ultra, just forget that.
  15. Hello Stephanie. We had issues earlier with Billing Maintenance but they have been resolved now. However is possible to affect you still. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ You can follow the suggestion about delete your credit card and re-add it. See if that makes any difference. If not, the best you can do is to contact Billing Support. Other options: Toll-Free Support Number for UK, Germany, France, Japan, Spain, Brazil, and Portugal: +0080071237123 Customer support phone number (All Countries): +44 2033620268 Email: support@payments.secondlife.com
  16. Hello PleaseDonot. Ceera gave you the right answer. However if you are the only member in your group and it is still exists (after 48 hours) you can open a jira and report the issue there: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa --> Create issue (on the right)
  17. Hello Blossoms. Move to a region without lag, or better relog there. Protected lands like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere are recommended. Open your inventory type something in search there and wait fetching all your items till the last one. When fetching finishes, try to change outfit choosing choosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Wait some seconds and rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Repeat same process if it is necessary. If the problem remains follow the suggestions at the following link one by one: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_​fail They work for all viewers. However suggestions here will not work if: You have corrupted files saved in your hard disk. If so, you will fix the issue if you delete them and download new files. To do that, delete all contests at the following folder: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife After login back in a quiet sim like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. Stay there under the water, open your inventory type something in search there and wait fetching all your items till the last one. When fetching finishes, try to change outfit choosing choosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Wait some seconds and rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Repeat same process if it is necessary. It will fix your issue. You have problem with your internet connection. If so, you will fix the problem if you fix your internet connection. You can test your internet speed at http://speedtest.net/ If it is too slow, reboot your modem / router leting it closed for at least 2-3 mins and try again. If you use wireless connection, simply avoid it (it is no recommended for SL) and prefer direct cable connection instead. You can experiment also with your maximum bandwidth until to find the best setting for your system (under preferences --> setup).
  18. Hello Amarie. You must have either your username or email address to recover your account credentials. If you remember the mail open this page and follow the instructions. If you remember nothing, just create a new account. It is very possible last names to be back again soon.
  19. Hello Absinthe and welcome to SL Forums. Similar thread / question here. Please have a look.
  20. Hello Starla. Sounds like a graphics issue. At first check if you have the last drivers for graphics card. You can download new drivers here: nvidia: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us amd: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx intel: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/ If the problem remains, make a clean re-install: 1)Uninstall the viewer using the windows control panel 2)Delete all contests at the following folders: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife You can except only the folder with your name into the folder Secondlife - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife \ starla_farella - in order to keep your chat and im logs, copying it to another position in your hard disk) 3)Download a fresh copy from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Good luck.
  21. Hello Tallulah and welcome to SL Forums. It is a very old issue that is caused usually from Maintenance. As a Premium, use the LiveChat (you find the option on the right). Report the problem there and ask your region to be restarted. Normally it will fix the issue.
  22. Hello Angelgirl. You don't have to add a new card. Delete your card and re-add the card again. Maybe the Billing Maintenance we had earlier affected you but it has been resolved now. Have a look also here: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  23. Hello EnzoCullen. That's what you and we get with google translator from your original post in Portuguese. I don't think that is accurate so my feeling is that we can't understand. Maybe if someone speaks your language can understand what you ask for. Original post here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Portugu%C3%AAs/Me-mandaram-um-SPAM-KEY-e-n%C3%A3o-consigo-ler-as-mensagens-no-bate/qaq-p/1344605
  24. Hello DjWhiteBoi. In addition very good Cinn's answer. If you have already have a group and you have set your land to the group, you have to create a new role in the group opening the permission for rezzing. Open the profile of the group --> Roles --> Create a new role --> under Parcel Powers "Always allow Create Objects" --> Save. Invite your friend with the new role.
  25. Hello Sofie and welcome to SL Forums. Open your profile at https://my.secondlife.com/ --> Settings on the left --> Social Identities --> Add facebook.
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