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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Sedia. Did you accidentally change your maturity levels at Marketplace (top of the page "Show maturity levels") and now you can see only G stuff?
  2. Hello sinnamon and welcome to SL Forums. You can also contact LL: Writing a letter. If so, use registered mail. 945 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Other options would be: Phone: (415) 243-9000 Fax: (415) 243-9045 Email: support@secondlife.com To contact support regarding your local payment: Customer support phone number (All Countries): +44 2033620268 Toll-Free Support Number for UK, Germany, France, Japan, Spain, Brazil, and Portugal: +0080071237123 Email: support@payments.secondlife.com
  3. Hello Tamara. Check out for new drivers for your graphics card. Some other residents reported the same problem after 3.2.4 version of the official viewer.
  4. Hello Maya and welcome to SL Forums. There are 2 top causes for your problem: You have corrupted files saved in your hard disk. If so, you will fix the issue if you delete them and download new files. To do that, delete all contests at the following folder: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife After login back in a quiet sim like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. Stay there under the water, open your inventory type something in search there and wait fetching all your items till the last one. When fetching finishes, try to change outfit choosing choosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Wait some seconds and rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Repeat same process if it is necessary. It will fix your issue. You have problem with your internet connection. If so, you will fix the problem if you fix your internet connection. You can test your internet speed at http://speedtest.net/ If it is too slow (less than 1Mbps), reboot your modem / router leting it closed for at least 2-3 mins and try again. If you use wireless connection, simply avoid it (it is no recommended for SL) and prefer direct cable connection instead. You can experiment also with your maximum bandwidth until to find the best setting for your system (under preferences --> setup). Suggestions reported in http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fai​l always help of course (and what you have to try at first) assuming that you have no corrupted files and there is no a connectivity problem. Good luck.
  5. Hello LazyDays and welcome to SL Forums. Check out if you have the option "Use my browser" enabled under Me --> Preferences --> Setup in V3. In addition from the same tab check out if you have accidentally changed the Proxy settings. Click "Adjust Proxy Settings" and disable everything there. See is something makes any difference.
  6. Hello Ayashimi. Better to repost it in Spanish (i think it is your native language). We have here residents / helpers who speak Spanish and i am sure that they will give you an answer.
  7. Hello arisiani and welcome to SL Forums. I am not sure what is wrong. The best you can do is to submit a ticket --> Marketplace --> General Marketplace Issues. Report the problem there including a pic which shows the items in your cart and wait for a reply.
  8. Hello Violetta and welcome to SL Forums. Did you try to contact the merchant or with im or better with a notecard in world? If no, do that now. If yes and you didin't get a reply, follow Charolotte's suggestion and submit a ticket --> Marketplace --> Failed Marketplace Delivery. In addition last weeks there is a bug with offlines which affects all viewers and several residents. They get nothing when they are offline. According Maestro Linden is possible to fix the issue if you block something or someone in world and relog. Try it. Good luck.
  9. Hello angelAmelia. I told you that your problem is complicated. I find 318 matching issues (jira's). Try to contact your ISP in real and if still you can't find a solution, open a new jira --> +create issue (on the right).
  10. SSE2, Streaming SIMD Extensions 2, is one of the Intel SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) processor supplementary instruction sets first introduced by Intel with the initial version of the Pentium 4 in 2001. If your processor is Intel prior to Pentium 4 or Amd prior to Athlon 64, is not supporting SSE2, so you are unable to download the last version of V3. Give a try to download Singularity Viewer or Cool Viewer.
  11. Hello shaun. I have no idea, i am not so familiar with Phoenix. You can ask in world joining the "Firestorm/Phoenix Viewer Support" Group.
  12. It is a quote by Lynn Redgrave, an English actress (1943-2010). I have never seen this message or something similar but i don't think that you have to worry. The pic shows that it is a message from SL.
  13. Hello Denieese and welcome to SL Forums. It is reported here. "Warning: Even if your account is restored, the associated inventory, land, and Linden dollar balance may be unrecoverable." Here is a resident supported forum. You have to contact support: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Submit a ticket under Account Issues. If you are Premium you can use also LiveChat. You find the option on the right.
  14. This thread continues here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Has-anyone-who-couldnt-connect-to-sl-due-to-updating-friendslist/qaq-p/1351339
  15. That 's a new info. If you use only Singularity, maybe is good idea to open a new issue here: http://code.google.com/p/singularity-viewer/issues/list
  16. Fixed: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2012/01/23/post1546/
  17. Hello Sahadriel. It is a known bug. Please see: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7492 You can vote there and add your comment following the suggestions of Maestro Linden. Your options now: You can contact the merchant or with im or better with notecard in world asking politely for redelivery. If you dont get a reply by the merchant you can submit a ticket --> Marketplace category --> Failed Marketplace Delivery. Explain analytically what was happened, include the order number and the name of the item that failed to be delivered and wait for a reply.
  18. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they only promised it would be worth the ride.
  19. Hello Akalee. Leaving the group i don't think that it was the best idea. I would inform the management or the owner.
  20. Hello angelAmelia and welcome to SL Forums. Your error message is known but complicated also. I mean that there is no a specific answer. If you search here in SL Forums and Q&A or with google you can find dozens threads about, also jira's, with possible solutions, different for PC's and different for Mac's. Unfortunately you have to experiment till to find what works for you. Here is one more link: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/how-to-dns-fix,review-​113.html Good luck.
  21. Hello paradise and welcome to SL Forums. You are the 2nd one, paradise, who reports this error message here today. The previous resident here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/i-keep-getting-login-failed-updating-friends-list/qaq-p/1350539 By the way, which viewer you do you use? Did your try to log in with a different one?
  22. Hello Janina. I see nothing wrong about your system's specs. I am not sure what your friends already suggested you and what you have tried so far. You can start making an avatar test. You find it under Menu Advanced (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D) --> Character --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female.This command will remove everything you wear which possibly causes the problem. After you can "build" again your avatar step by step. See if that helps.
  23. Hello again mootsietootsie. In Viewer 3 open the merchant's profile --> click the envelope on the right --> IM --> drag the notecard from your inventory into the IM window.
  24. Hello Tymmerie. If you just created the group, remember to have 2 members in the group within 48 hours to avoid group disbanding! Sounds interesting. There are already groups in world for linden home owners (like "Linden Home Support Group") but why not one more. Unfortunately i am not a Linden Home owner to join in. Good luck.
  25. Hello Gregg. You can diminish UI size under Preferences --> Advanced in V3.
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