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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. Saturday 11th June 2022 I repeated the Newbrooke/Chalet railway loop journey today. But this time, I took along a scripted mileometer and a region counter. I learned that the total length of the railway loop measures exactly 11.3 miles (18.199 km) long and travels through 77 sim regions. 😜
  2. I've just finished my first full loop of the fully operational Newbrooke/Chalet railway. I started at SSPSome Pig railway station and travelled a full anti-clockwise loop, arriving back at SSPSome Pig station in a time of 27 minutes and 19 seconds. I used a freebie Infinity Freight Quarry Train (v1.1) at full speed! 😜
  3. I've pieced together a better view of the new west coast regions by using a mosaic of mini-map screenshots. I've also added in the route of the railway line; green for operational, red for inactive.
  4. WEST COASTS EXPANDED! Thursday 9th June 2022: The west coasts of the Newbrooke and Chalet sub-continents have been expanded (and joined) with nine new regions. The nine regions are located between SSPSome Pig (Newbrooke) and Hydrant (Chalets). They are named: SSPGrey Ghost, SSPFudge Ripple, SSPPerfect Seal, SSPWhatsup Dock, SSPLandho, SSPBikini Top, SSPLes Poissons, SSPTritons Daughters, SSPRum Tug. The railway through Newbrooke and Chalets will form a complete loop when railway track is laid between SSPSome Pig and Hydrant. Moles have already begun laying track from Hydrant northwards up the new coastline towards SSPSome Pig.
  5. 2012 - Queen Elizabeth II escorted to the London Olympics by James Bond! 2022 - Paddington Bear meets Queen Elizabeth II for tea! (full version)
  6. The SL Map website now appears to have been fixed! Region names now load and searching by region names also works.
  7. Shipping container homes are literally what the Linden Homes "Newbrooke" theme were designed as.
  8. Mesh heads and bodys are just decorative attachments that encapsulate the system shape, which is essentially the "real" you. The shape of this outer mesh exo-skeleton cannot usually be modified directly by the user. The system body within this skeleton is the only real modifiable part that affects an avatar's appearance to make it unique and different to all others, including mesh attachments worn around it. Otherwise you'd look exactly like another person who has the same mesh body or head. I strongly dislike the mesh vs non-mesh avatar divide that some Residents like to promote to catagorise or compartmentalise groups of avatars into little clique boxes of acceptance, conformity or normality.
  9. SL map website still broken....
  10. The total has to be way more than 1800, the SSP numbers already go as high as SSPE2783 in Fantasseria. And way up north in the Mole SSP regions, the numbers go as high as SSP3535.
  11. Another new railway station has been added to Newbrooke, at SSPSome Pig.
  12. One possibility for Loglands northern coast is the continuation of a little-known short stretch of Stilt Homes that are actually located on the extreme northeast tip of the Logland continent. These rather special Stilt Homes are built on an extended coastal plain found at the bottom of the cliffs on northeast Logland. These coastal plains have the standard 20m coastal water table, while the cliffs behind them exist to disguise the higher 49m water table found behind them in the Log Homes regions, because they contain a network of inland high water lakes. TP to Lost Caves and take a look. A map of the current NE Logland regions, showing their relative water table heights. The 20m coastal regions only extend as far west as Lost Caves. Adding more coastal regions (with 20m water) to the west of Lost Caves of Logland for more coastal plains for Stilts and space to give Logland more cliff edges to hide their higher water table. And it provides a shorter, and quicker northern boat route between Bellisseria's Traditionals, Stilts and Chalets, without that lengthy voyage around southern and eastern Logland. 😜
  13. I went to Puffin Head Events Centre for a look around. I watched the Bellisseria build history slideshow there. In it, there's this Log Homes Layout Plan slide. ^ Notice the unnamed landmass to the north of the current Log continent. There's even a railway line running north from Moose Tracks! The beginnings of a previously UNKNOWN sub-continent discovered?! 😜
  14. @Patch Linden, @Derrick Linden The official SL map website seems to be broken. None of the region names are being shown when they're clicked. Searching for regions by name also not working.
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