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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. @Derrick Linden& @Abnor Mole Thanks for the Satori-Bellisseria water linkup at Stromberg, I appreciate, enjoy and like it a lot and all, BUT.... ^ You created 18 new coastal water regions along existing landlocked coastline at northern Jeogeot in April 2019. ^ You created Fantasseria with a single region wide space between it and Jeogeot continent. (And the other Bellisseria sub-continents) So why did you build Newbrooke to the west of Satori with a double region wide void gap , instead of just a single void? A single region void would have "only" needed 18 new water regions to fill it to potentially create a new common sea strait running between Bellisseria and Satori. But instead, a double region wide void was created, which requires 36 water regions to fill! You could add/relocate another group/column of Houseboat regions to the east of Newbrooke, narrowing the void to a single region wide space, which 17 water regions could then (theoretically) fill, instead of 34. ^ Alternatively, the entire north of Newbrooke (bordering Satori) could be shifted one region space east! 😜 And if you did do that, don't forget to save and move SSPDeep Anchor down next to Klebb to reuse it. Then you would need "only" 16 new water regions to create the full "Satori Strait" between the two continents, which most people living and using that area wanted!
  2. Turning off the unwanted and disused Nascera sims (old Linden Homes) will help reduce costs. I still think recycling redundant Nascera regions into cheap new water homestead sims is a good solution.
  3. GAETA V to SANSARA - by boat - COMPLETED! (Route: GAETA V, Corsica, Nautilus, Satori, Bellisseria(1), Jeogeot, Bellisseria(2), SANSARA) FIRST! My trusty "Bat Boat" and I have just crossed through all the connected mainland and Bellisseria seas! Start Time: 02:07:07 SLT (16 August 2022) Giuseppe (GaetaV) Finish Time: 04:50:17 SLT (16 August 2022) Osmium (Sansara) Total Time: 2h:47m:10s Sim Regions: 589 (Trip Logged) Total Distance: 126.64 km (78.6 miles)
  4. GAETA V to SANSARA - by boat - COMPLETED! (Route: GAETA V, Corsica, Nautilus, Satori, Bellisseria(1), Jeogeot, Bellisseria(2), SANSARA) FIRST! Start Time: 02:07:07 SLT, 16th August 2022 (Giuseppe (GaetaV)) End Time: 04:50:17 SLT, 16th August 2022 (Osmium (Sansara)) Total Time: 2h:47m:10s Sim Regions: 589 (Trip Logged) Total Distance: 126.64 km (78.6 miles)
  5. BLAKE SEA to SANSARA, via BELLISSERIA & JEOGEOT - ALL COMPLETED BY SEA! I would also like to claim the honour of being the first ever person in SL to sail from the Blake Sea to Sansara continent, via Bellisseria and Jeogeot continents. 15th August 2022 (SLT) Chat log: [13:00:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Start (Blake Sea Crows Nest (Fastnet Lighthouse)) [13:24:11] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Bingo Strait (Rodel Lighthouse) [13:52:52] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Stromberg (West Satori) ^ [13:55:03] SarahKB7 Koskinen: SSPTiedown Inlet (Bellisseria Newbrooke) [14:08:55] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Lavon (Bellisseria Chalet) [14:20:14] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Brookside (Bellisseria Chalet) [15:33:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Rigamarole (Bellisseria Log) [16:03:27] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Yongnam (Jeogeot) ^ [16:06:30] SarahKB7 Koskinen: North Forepaw (Pyri Peaks dock, Jeogeot) [16:27:34] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Galaxy FORWARD (SS Galaxy, Bellisseria) *snack break* [17:05:37] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Damiano (Bellisseria) [17:07:46] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Norse Auk (Bellisseria) [17:08:23] SarahKB7 Koskinen: One Way Dive (Bellisseria) [17:09:07] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Rusted Hull (Bellisseria) [17:10:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Grand Banks (SANSARA) ^ [17:11:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Osmium (SANSARA) Total time: 4 hours, 11 minutes, 0 seconds !
  6. BLAKE SEA to SANSARA, via BELLISSERIA & JEOGEOT - ALL COMPLETED BY SEA! I would also like to claim the honour of being the first ever person in SL history to sail from the Blake Sea to Sansara continent, via Bellisseria and Jeogeot continents. 15th August 2022 (SLT) Chat log: [13:00:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Start (Blake Sea Crows Nest (Fastnet Lighthouse)) [13:24:11] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Bingo Strait (Rodel Lighthouse) [13:52:52] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Stromberg (West Satori) ^ [13:55:03] SarahKB7 Koskinen: SSPTiedown Inlet (Bellisseria Newbrooke) [14:08:55] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Lavon (Bellisseria Chalet) [14:20:14] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Brookside (Bellisseria Chalet) [15:33:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Rigamarole (Bellisseria Log) [16:03:27] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Yongnam (Jeogeot) ^ [16:06:30] SarahKB7 Koskinen: North Forepaw (Pyri Peaks dock, Jeogeot) [16:27:34] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Galaxy FORWARD (SS Galaxy, Bellisseria) *snack break* [17:05:37] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Damiano (Bellisseria) [17:07:46] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Norse Auk (Bellisseria) [17:08:23] SarahKB7 Koskinen: One Way Dive (Bellisseria) [17:09:07] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Rusted Hull (Bellisseria) [17:10:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Grand Banks (SANSARA) ^ [17:11:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Osmium (SANSARA) Total time: 4 hours, 11 minutes, 0 seconds !
  7. Yay, Cthulhu lives again! 😜 Btw, I'm currently on another long sea voyage. This time, its Blake Sea to SANSARA, via Bellisseria and Jeogeot!
  8. BELLISSERIA to BLAKE SEA - COMPLETED BY SEA! I would like to claim the honour of being the first ever person in SL to sail non-stop from Bellisseria to the Blake Sea - Crows Nest (arriving at the Fastnet Lighthouse) 15th August 2022 Chat Log: [11:48:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Start (SSPTiedown Inlet Bellisseria) [11:49:48] SarahKB7 Koskinen: (Stromberg) [12:16:43] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Bingo Strait (Weerson) [12:17:41] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Bingo Strait (Rodel Lighthouse) [12:39:38] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Blake Sea - Crowsnest (Fastnet Lighthouse) Total voyage time: 51 minutes, 37 seconds.
  9. BELLISSERIA to BLAKE SEA - COMPLETED BY SEA! I would like to claim the honour of being the first ever person in SL to sail non-stop from Bellisseria to the Blake Sea - Crows Nest (arriving at the Fastnet Lighthouse) 15th August 2022 Chat Log: [11:48:00] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Start (SSPTiedown Inlet Bellisseria) [11:49:48] SarahKB7 Koskinen: (Stromberg) [12:16:43] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Bingo Strait (Weerson) [12:17:41] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Bingo Strait (Rodel Lighthouse) [12:39:38] SarahKB7 Koskinen: Blake Sea - Crowsnest (Fastnet Lighthouse) Total voyage time: 51 minutes, 37 seconds.
  10. I was going to keep the new connection a secret until it showed up on the SL map, but apparently the cat is already out of the bag now.... I would like to announce that I have made my first ever sea crossing from the west central coast of Satori (at Stromberg) into Bellisseria (at SSPTiedown Inlet), using two new sea regions called SSPDeep Anchor and SSPSteady On, which now link the two continents water together. My crossing took place on Monday 15th August 2022 between 10:24 SLT (Stromberg) and 10:26 SLT (SSPTiedown Inlet), then I turned back through the new sea channel and arrived back in Stromberg at 10:28 SLT. I had witnesses, Lloyd Overland and Abnor Mole, both who saw me turn around after entering Bellisseria and then go back to Stromberg to make the trip a both-ways event.
  11. I was going to keep the new connection a secret until it showed up on the SL map, but apparently the cat is already out of the bag now.... I would like to announce that I have already made my first ever sea crossing from the west central coast of Satori (at Stromberg) into Bellisseria (at SSPTiedown Inlet), using two new sea regions called SSPDeep Anchor and SSPSteady On, which link the two continents together. This crossing took place on Monday 15th August 2022 between 10:24 SLT (Stromberg) and 10:26 SLT (SSPTiedown Inlet), then I turned back through the new sea channel and arrived back in Stromberg at 10:28 SLT. I had witnesses, max Lemur, Lloyd Overland and Abnor Mole, all who saw me turn around after entering Bellisseria and then going back to Stromberg. As I write this right now, I am still sailing, and about to become the first person to in SL to sail non-stop from Bellisseria to the Blake Sea!
  12. Perhaps they assume the cash machine also dispenses convienient reciept-sized paper towels to cleanse hands with after touching dirty or inky banknotes?
  13. Buy a large aquarium! Large walls of water are very good at disrupting or blocking wi-fi radio signals! If you have a poor wi-fi signal, try searching for a "hidden" aquarium in the immediate vicinity of your wi-fi router, so that you may either drain or move the aquarium elsewhere!
  14. An aircraft is any type of flying craft which can fly in the atmosphere. A helicopter is a type of aircraft which uses one or more rotary wings for its lift. ("helicopter" means helix and wing in Greek) An aeroplane is a type of aircraft which uses a fixed horizontal aeroplane wing for its lift.
  15. @Rolig Loon The Wright Brothers built their aeroplanes using the guidelines and principles of aeronautics written by Sir George Cayley (1773-1857), the English-born "father of aeronautics". The Wright Brothers admitted it even themselves, after their own first powered flight in the "Kitty Hawk Flyer" in 1903, stating on public record that they could not have been achieved their flight without Cayley's lifetime of aeronautical research work, which was published for all to read and use. Cayley even flew small unmanned model aeroplanes and gliders himself, literally over half a century before the Wright Brothers were even born! So to say the Wright Brothers "invented" the aeroplane is both inaccurate and untrue. The Wright Brothers didn't even achieve the first ever powered flight, the honour went to Henri Giffard of France in 1852, who flew a steam-powered propellor driven airship (the Giffard Dirigible) HALF A CENTURY before the Wright Brother's own first flight of 1903. As with most "history" that originates from North America, it is often untrue or warped in such a way to show the US in the best possible nationalistic light, even at the expense of actual facts or truth.
  16. The wing of an aircraft viewed in cross-section has a curved upper surface and a flatter lower surface. This shape is scientifically and classically called an aeroplane. The word aeroplane also lends its classic Greek name to the whole of the aircraft too, as this is how the aircraft is able to lift and fly. This shape is never called or spelt as "airplane". As high speed air passes over (and under) an aircraft's aeroplane wing, the shape of the aeroplane wing creates two pressure differences; low pressure on the curved upper surface and high pressure on the flatter lower surface of the wing. This difference generates a pressure difference, causing the aeroplane to lift up and rise. "Airplane" is a lazy, unscientific, slurring and misspelling of aeroplane and should be avoided.
  17. Peeve: The word "airplane". The correct and scientific name of a winged self-propelled flying craft is an "aeroplane", not "airplane" (sic). Aero (Greek) meaning air. Used in aeroplane, aeronautics, aerospace, aerobic, Aero chocolate bars etc. Even NASA uses it, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. "Airplane" is just a lazy slurred shortening/misspelling of aeroplane and should be avoided.
  18. Q: What is the hottest part of a room? A: The corners, because they're always at ninety degrees. 😜
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