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sven Homewood

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Everything posted by sven Homewood

  1. After getting the error message, please take a look here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109#Section_.1.3
  2. I know of Singularity supporting the export of the mesh. I will stick to this viewer now. First of all, you need to be the maker off the shape. If you used another one and changed only the values, you will need to make new shape and transfer the data manually. You need to open the Advanced menu (ctrl alt d) and there you click Character-Meshes and Morphes. There you get a list of all bodyparts to export. Hair, eye, eyelashes etc. Choose what you need and choose "current mesh" where it is offered (base mesh will export the default avatar, when I remember right). You might need to export the different LOD's as well, or make the LOD on your own if needed.
  3. Maybe Natales link can help you: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  4. Open the map. Locate your place. Scroll to the Blake Sea. Look if it is connected at all. Count the regions between both places. To get an pretty close result multiply the region number by 256 to get the meters.
  5. Some viewers support the export of the avatar mesh as Wavefront file format *.obj. With that you can feed most 3D software. I am not aware of supporting stl in a direct way. Maybe you can export it then. Another way to export the the mesh is via XML. You can find that in the menu Develop-Avatar-Character Tests-Appearance To XML, but you would need the Avastar extension for Blender to make the actual shape with it.
  6. There is a golden rule for SL made by LL: Never break any content (not by purpose). Thats why they carry every even old feature with them and need to find ways to make them work with new stuff.
  7. There are 3 places, where you have a "friendlist". At first, the people button in your viewer. 2nd the Inventory, folder calling cards (not notecards) and 3rd at your webprofile is also a "people" button at the left hand of the window, its the 3rd button from top. The 1st and 3rd are kinda connected, they should get updated as soon you delete an entry. The calling cards will stay till you delete them manually. I saw the pink in the profile pic. A timeout or some other error while accessing the profile. Nothing to worry about. For today are also updates for the servers are running, so it might be a bit more lag than usual for you (http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/08/26/post2346/). My advise for now: Take a deep breath, keep calm and wait. After the restarts are done it should settle again. If you still have issues with some "unwanted guests" you might need to file a support case or a JIRA with your issues (last time LL said to file an Jira for mixed up profiles).
  8. The first part of the question... I have never heard about such a case, so I can't say anythimg about. Are they also listed in your Inventory - Calling Cards or only the people button at your profile? If you mean the pic shown as your profile pic, nope, its nothing dangerous about, its just some html that appears if the opening of a profile has a timeout or other issues for some reason. You also might have gotten a small message in the profile with a yellowish background
  9. @ lalasinhaaah: Please don't put your questions in the answers section Since you seem to speak portuguese, open the search in the viewer (ctrl+f) and type in "Ajuda"or "portuguese" or similar. You can also follow this link for some basic knowledge: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-de-conhecimento/tkb-p/Portugues_KB%40tkb Machine translation: @ Lalasinhaaah: Por favor, não coloque as suas questões na secão de respostas Desde que parecem falar português, abra a busca no espectador (ctrl + f) e digite "Ajuda" ou "português" ou similar. Você também pode seguir este link para alguns conhecimentos básicos: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-de-conhecimento/tkb-p/Portugues_KB%40tkb
  10. Today is a rolling restart for the SL servers. That means updates for the so called mainchannel. Your region you want to go is possibly offline. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/08/25/post2346/ I was at your home and it is set to sale...
  11. Hum. Try to right click the box/envelope icon top right hand and hit "close all". That should help. I always recommend to people to have the actual version downloaded and one older. In case you run into issues you can go back one version and that saves some time.
  12. They should provide a link, a SLURL to it. That you can click and Teleport to the land then. Many have also an office you can go or even need to go to to pay the rent. Everyone has their own way. Compare carefully the offers and take alook at the estate, how long has it been around, what say other renters about them... You can also visit Lindal Kidds classes every friday at Caledon Oxbridge about landowner ship and what you need to know about.
  13. No worries, we won't chop off your head;) But SL is also a place to take initiative. There are some offers about High Schools in the RP forum.
  14. I'm blind I never had anything like this, not on my Win I did use for some time and also not on my Linux (which is my main OS). But using a new user and having the same issue narrows it down a little. So I would check any background software running, maybe replace the keybaord driver, remove another language from your OS, if you have any (there were some issues with having two languages sometimes). There are some more guy around here that seem to know a lot more than I do about such things, hope some will come and have some more good suggestions.
  15. I would recommend to visit the one or other building classes in SL. OR teach yourself at the "The Ivory Tower Library of Prim" for example. For more advanced building you can choose many of the 3D programms that are around, learn to use them and design the house outside of SL. After you are done, you can import them via the DAE file format. Here again, the inworld search is a great help and also in the internet one of the wellknown search engines. Use the forum section here to ask specific questions.
  16. Which viewer are you using, did you try another one and have there the same issue? If yes, I would guess you have some weird system setting. Another thing to narrow down the issue is to make a new windows user (I just assume you are on windows now;)) and only install a viewer there, nothing else. Same behaviour?
  17. Hi Keessie, it is possible! I will give you some hints here. In your script you should have somewhere the llWind(vector offset); this is where you get the windspeed and direction from. What you now need to add is a if to compare if the windspeed is bigger than 0 and then an instruction to make a prim giving light. You might need to add a translation from the windspeed to the lightvalue. I am sure you will have this lightprim linked to the rest... so you should take a look here: comparing conditions: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/If Setting primitive parameters in a linkset: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkPrimitiveParams#llSetLinkPrimitiveParams The general link to the LSL wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal The best would be, if we can get this moved to the correct forumsection, because it might be some disscussion about this.
  18. Besides the help offered, please get used to the correct spelling, most people prefer the normal way. Remember, many in SL are older than 25 years, some are even in their 70's.
  19. Nope, you can't. I would suggest to take look here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Build-Tools/ta-p/700039 Note, that you can't copy some items! They will have (no copy) behind the name.
  20. Ever considered of using a searchengine? http://www.firestormviewer.org/
  21. Hit ctrl + f and type in what you are looking for. If there's anything related it will show up. You also asked about that in the forum section. Could it be you're a bit impatient? There are also High Schools offers in the forum. Please do some research on your own.
  22. The first thing you can do to tell us what viewer you use. You can find that usualy at Help on topbar then Info about viewername and about your speed your connection has. This can be done with a speedtest like speedtest.net Even its not 100% accurate, it will tell us enough. Right now I'm guessing that your firewall or the antivirus is too strict. Or your modem/router is 'crashed' because its like a little PC too. You can try to restart it if you unplug the power for a few minutes and plug it back then. Sometimes that will fix it. If not, come back with the requestet data and edit your post by hitting Options-Edit top right hand of your post. Also a useful link:http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  23. Der Ton macht die Musik... Gruppengebuehren werden eigentlich nur erhoben, wenn der Gruppe Land gehoert und man “Show in search“ anhat(te). Das loeschen der Gruppe erfolgt auch nur dann, wenn der Gruppe kein Land gehoert, also auch aus der Gruppe das ggf. gespendete Land entfernen unter 'Land/Asset'. Aus meiner Erfahrung heraus hatte ich auch zwei so Gruppen, die sich nicht selbst loeschen wollten, ich hatte diese dann einfach verlassen (ist aber schon sehr lange her) und bei der Ersten hatte ich dann per Ticket angefragt, ob da irgendwelche Probleme existieren. Sollte sich das Problem so nicht loesen lassen, wirst du wohl um ein Ticket (Case) nicht herumkommen. Als Premium Mitglied ist das kein Problem, aber als nicht Premium koennte sich das als etwas schwieriger gestalten. Ausser du bist Estate Manager auf der Sim, die ich in deinem Profil fand. Zum Support gehts hier: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ Und noch etwas: Dies hier ist Resident zu Resident hilfe, LL schaut hier so gut wie nie vorbei. Im Englischen gibts halt keine “German umlauts“
  24. Cookies im Browser loeschen geht in den Einstellungen des Browers! Meistens unter Privatsphaere o.ä. . ccleaner ist wie mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schiessen;)
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