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sven Homewood

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Everything posted by sven Homewood

  1. LL ate all your stuff;) Oh. Maybe you only had some trouble loading it to your local Inventory cache, Then rebuilding the database helps. Follow the steps here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory
  2. In some routers you can limit the access for some ports, blocking services for guests. Maybe that is the issue?
  3. DON'T SHOUT. Thanks, we will understand you also without using capital letters all the time. Please take a look into your Recent tab of your Inventory and if you bought items from Marketplace, at the Received tab at the bottom. If you have still issues, you might edit your orginal post and add more infos about.
  4. Yes, your only option. But as estate owner you have full support from LL, even conicerge team will help you. MAYBE with some luck you can tell them your issue and about your mistake and they might be nice about that (bringing up the newbie bonus).
  5. That would have been the suggestion from us too!
  6. Lindal, it states cleary in the description: NOTE: THIS IS A DEMO...Purchase the full version on MP or visit Aeros Island. The actual package (full version) includes : 6 skins in two variations - smooth and bodyhair, 3 modifiable shapes (heavy, tall and light), eyes, 3 beard styles and 2 hairbases. His permissions are also set to no perm, that can't be right. He should ask the creator in the end.
  7. 1: The "underlying" shapes should be modify as said on the MP (the demo's are all no mod). If it is not the case, ask the creator for clarification. 2: I have no idea about what a shaper is;) 3: If you use the systemshape: Add an alpha to the shape to hide the glitches. But wear the best fitting pants. If you wear a mesh shape, look if you can set parts of the body to invisible. Also here...ask the creator of the shape.
  8. Lindal is right, you did nothing wrong, you don't get a ban! The useless generic item is called "IP Replacement" and you can search in your inventory for it and delete those. I would think now that those items were animations you got(The names with "stand" and "walk" are usually animations). They could be in your Inventory or in the content of an AO.
  9. Josh, you can also log in at your dashboard the way you know and go to the support section, if you don't trust some mail. Do it “manually“ is always the best way to verify such things (same for any online service). You should also find an open case as mentioned in the mail.
  10. There are so called collars around that work together with RLV which is in some 3rd party viewers. If a person wears such a collar and allows you to control them, you own them.
  11. Try and look for machinimatrix in the net made by Gaia Clary.
  12. Happy bake fail Try to switch to the default avatar once or to one from the library as a quick fix. If that fails try the suggestions here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail
  13. Guess: You wear an AO that has its own animations and plays them which will overwrite the pillows animations. Detach the AO or turn it off.
  14. Die Regeln dazu stehen in der Policy: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_Policy Laut den Regeln ist es aber verboten, diese zu kopieren, adaptieren ... und zu uebersetzen. Nur verlinken darf man. Hab ich hiermit getan. Ich empfehle dir mal im Internet einen Blog "Echt Virtuell" zu suchen.
  15. Du kannst sicherlich einen Abuse Report ausfuellen (Missbrauch melden). Klicke dazu im Viewer oben unter Hilfe - Missbrauch melden. Waehle die entsprechende Rubrik und fuelle alle Punkte aus wie gefordert. Dein Text muss dann aber sehr nuechtern geschrieben sein und keine Beleidigungen oder sonstigen Kommentare beinhalten. Der offizielle link zu Missbrauch fuehrt leider nur zur englischen Seite, bzw ist falsch verlinkt. Aber wie man einen Ausfuellt, steht hier nochmal: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Deutsche-Knowledge-Base/Missbrauch-melden/ta-p/989887
  16. I clicked "Deutsch" (German) from this link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-deal-with-abuse-and-harassment/ta-p/1339983 and it is still English? French seems to work.
  17. I'm only aware of this issue: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/07/09/post2308/ Maybe you became victim because of that. They also tell us to file a JIRA if there is still trouble with items. But you did change back the ratings already. So... if that happen again, you might consider to file a JIRA about. https://jira.secondlife.com/ (We can't help much here, because its also a Resident to Resident Service only)
  18. Just a comment to think about: Height detectors are silly, how about being Tiny and Petite? The people should use common sense instead. I'm a younger looking teenish avatar and I have seen places where the owner or their managers simply ask you to leave, instead of using any silly tool. I can live with their rules and leave, no problem.
  19. Die Firestorm Leute werden sich wohl auskennen;) Du kannst doch einfach die Suche nutzen und dann deren Gruppe beitreten. Such nach: Firetstorm support deutsch Das wird das schnellste und effektivste sein, um kompetente Hilfe zu finden.
  20. Sorry, but we can't do anything here about, this is just a resident to resident help. We can only give you suggestions what to do: You should have gotten an E-mail about that and there is said, what you should do. In most cases they would like to talk to you about some things that were happen to or with your account and ask your to clarify the situation. Please do as in that mail said as soon as possible. If you can't see any mail, also check your spam folder. If you still can't see one coming from LindenLab, open a case and ask them: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  21. Your moms infos are old and outdated, LL takes the birthday given when you joined SL. You only might need to switch preferences (ctrl + p) at tab General to access M(oderate) and A(dult) land and also check the settings in the search and marketplace. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accessing-Adult-land-and-content/ta-p/805975
  22. Ich wuerde mal bei slinfo.de vorbeischauen, da sind so einige Tipps und Tricks zu finden.
  23. Contact the billing team, as we are only residents too: https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
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