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sven Homewood

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Everything posted by sven Homewood

  1. . You will need a fast eye . You can try to hit ctrl + 3 to open the select tool and aim at them with a left click, if they are cought in the edit window, you need to right click them and select Take right away. Or try the same, but try to draw a frame around them with a left click, then also right click right away and take... or you try to use the Pathfinding Window (Build-Pathfinding-Linksets) then highlight the item and hit "take"
  2. After doing a trick I was able to find your profile. In the regular search you don't appear (yet) even your account is pretty old. If you can open the viewer, you might need to set your starting location to some other place at the login screen, try Gurshi for example (if you can't do that, hit ctrl + p and at tab General check "Show on login" near "Start Location". If nothing helps, you might need to open a support case: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  3. You will need your answer here First of all, did you read the notecard, if some NC came with it? Even I'm male, I understand you need to use slink feet with those boots. SL's standart feet will not work. Do you use slink feet? For further questions you can also ask the creator as she states: "Please contact me if you have any questions."
  4. "Rooms" we call parcel If you dragged an item to the ground and you want to unpack (guessing now) it, you need to right click and select open and then hit "Copy To Inventory" (Don't do "Copy&Wear, it would strip down all clothes you wear ....). The "buy" option is set by accident by the creator and you can ignore it. On a Mac you might need to use cmd + click for a right click. If you mean something else, please edit your post to clarify, top right hand "Option-> Edit"
  5. Also try here in the answers section at "Type your question here" to find many other good hints about stalking, it's asked quite often Use stalk, stalking and similar subjects to get a list of answers.
  6. You are talking about login issues and not download issues of the viewer? Take a look here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109 and here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 also check your hardware if it meets the minimum requirements here: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US and also look if your anti virus is too strict and makes issues.
  7. sven Homewood


    Turn on the sound beacon. Topmenu World-Show-Beacons and tick Sounds. The sound will appear in yellow, an inactive sound will not show up, only active, so you need to wait till it appears.
  8. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-voice-chat/ta-p/700169 also a helpful link. Oh, don't have Skype running or any other chat that access the audio devices. At least skype is known to be greedy and keep the device busy. I assume you are using windows?
  9. In some cases a manual update of the sound driver helped. Also setting in win the mic as default device. Some people have two mics or two mic inputs and choosen the wrong input. In that case voice won't connect too. Make sure, you have the right one. Did you go to the echo canyon to test?
  10. Hast du irgend etwas von den Sachen probiert, die da auf der wiki Seite des Viewers vorgeschlagen werden? Hast du probiert, RLV auszuschalten, wie vorgeschlagen (wo dann eine eventl. Blockade normal schon aus sein sollte)? In 99% der Faelle sind damit die Probleme naemlich geloest. Ich sprach auch nicht von einem reinen "reinstall". Ich sprach von einem clean install (aber als letzter Notnagel nur). Bei einem "clean install" - saubere Installation - werden saemtliche Daten von dem Viewer auf der Festplatte geloescht, auch irgendwelche Usereinstellungen.
  11. Everyone else has that issue too, if they use those avatars. They are full meshbodies and are on top of everything else. Only attachments would stick through. You have to use a "classic" avatar or live with the limits of the new one (and maybe someone will make mesh clothes that will fit for those.... )
  12. Was natuerlich die Leistung reduziert und dadurch mehr lag entsteht, update des Grafikkartentreibers waere sicherlich die bessere alternative!
  13. No, might be some glitch in the permission system. Maybe you need a relog or the sim needs a restart. Or both.
  14. 1. The starter avatars are full meshbodies (that is kinda on top of everything else) and to change everthing you will need to choose one from the classic line (menu on top: Me-Choose an Avatar -Classic tab). 2. No money is not realy any issue, because you will get many things for free. Open your search and type in freebie. But you should be aware that using freebies only will take some more time. There are also some cool help island around to go, with tutorials and helpers around to ask questions. Also the seach will help you to find one. Or try the Destinations (World-Destinations - Newcomer friendly). You can also try the "Linden Realms" to collect some L$. Or trying for jobs. The SL wiki has a pretty good article about: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life. 3. leads to 1.
  15. Did you try those suggestions here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 ? If you need to add some informations, please edit your post, top right hand "Options-Edit" and don't open a new one.
  16. Make sure your land, the region allows voice chat. You can go to the voice echo canyon to check voice settings. Remove voice from your firewall and restart the viewer and as soon it ask for the SLVoice to allow access to the internet, say 'yes'.
  17. Cache loeschen bei einem bake fail ist das schlimmste was man machen kann, Rebake gibts nicht mehr (ist nur noch 'nen ueberbleibsel im Viewer). Da Leute dich mit der Newbie Frisur sehen, solltest du mal checken, ob du eine Haarbase traegst. Ein Outfit komplett wechsel (alles auf einmal) kann auch helfen, dazu unter Avatar Gesundheit (?) auf den Standart Avatar. Wenn das nichts hilft, Router/modem mal neu starten (vom Stromnetz nehmen, warten, wieder einstecken). Ausnahme von der Firewall entfernen und neu erlauben. Virencanner Ausnahme hinzufuegen, vllt wurde der durch ein Update "strenger".
  18. If you choose low settings with the "master" slider you are on the safe side almost. Bandwidth depends on your DSL speed and shouldn't be more than 1500 kbps. Since most stuff is transfered via HTTP and not UDP (the network speed slider affects only UDP) it doesn't matter much anymore. Only if you turn of HTTP Get Texture. Goal should be to have packet loss close to 0%. You can see the packet loss for UDP if you hit ctrl + shift + 1. Lowering the number of of actually drawn avatars can be a help too, look for Avatar Imposters, the lower the number the less lag. Also there is usualy a check box, it should be ticked. Draw distance is also FPS eating:) To compare different viewers, you need the same settings (or as close as possible) and look at the FPS in the statistics bar, the higher the value, the better, the smoother will be the experience. Same window as for the packet loss. Trying different viewers that suits you and your PC the most, not always is the most recommend viewer the best:) Heres a list of viewers you can try: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  19. I would gues no because of the law in the US. But its an opinion only! No one can forsee what LL has in mind nor the changes of anything that comes by the US or local goverment.
  20. Bei solchen Fragen ist es immer sinnvoll den verwendeten Viewer dazu zuschreiben. Ich rate mal, du nutzt den Firestorm? Dann stehen hier die moeglichen Loesungen: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_camera Sollte das nicht helfen, wuerde ich alle RLV Objekte abnehmen und RLV im Viewer deaktivieren und einen Relog machen und obige Vorschlaege wiederholen. Zur Not auch dann noch einen "Clean Install" aller Viewer, zumindest des Viewers, welchen du nutzt mit dem Problem.
  21. Frag doch mal denjenigen selber nach einer Quellenangabe! Meine Vermutung soweit ist, dass er versucht, dich nur zu verunsichern. Kann er nichts angeben, was offiziell (von LL) ist, muten/blocken.
  22. Quote from their baby MP site: "The Zooby Baby offers an affiliate program for residents who would like to create and sell Zooby baby clothing, shoes, hats, eye glasses, wings and tails.. You can also make your own Zooby baby clothing and accessories without becoming an affiliate. These items allow you to fully customize your baby." Search her profile and look who's in charge of the service and contact them could be a start or maybe you will find hints in their shop in SL.
  23. There is NONE anymore. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accessing-Adult-land-and-content/ta-p/805975
  24. Its a known bug: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-6623 Reading it should give you some hints about workarounds.
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