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sven Homewood

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Everything posted by sven Homewood

  1. Ich fuege mal die Links dazu an, die erklaeren, wie und warum das gefordert wird: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Required_Account_Documentation_FAQ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Required_Tax_Documentation_FAQ Man sollte eben doch oefter mal dem LL Blog folgen, um auf dem laufenden zu sein. Sie muessen so handeln, weil es ein neues Gesetz in den USA gibt.
  2. Welches Betriebsystem hast du, welche Hardware nutzt du? Es ist ein wenig schwer, zu helfen, wenn man nicht die grundlegenden Daten bekommt:) Es scheint ein Bug herumzugeistern, der einige User zu treffen scheint. Ich wuede den vorherigen Viewer probieren, oder den jetztigen Beta, der laeuft fuer mich gut. Hier findest die Liste der "alten" Viewer: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes und hier den Beta: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers Nimm den, der "Second Life Maintenance Viewer version" heisst passend zu deinem Betriebssystem.
  3. If 2 or 3 doesn't make much difference for SL. Both will run quite fine. The I3 does draw less power. Where you need to look about is also the Powersupply. Sometimes they are very tight already on what they can deliver on watts. Then you will have issues to add more hardware.
  4. Welche Fehlermeldung bekommt du? Auch koennte es mit den Wartungsarbeiten zu tun haben: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/11/20/post2420/ allerdings ist die jetzt wieder beendet und du solltest keine Probleme haben.
  5. Bist du ggf. auf eine "Experience key" Sim gegangen und hast die dortige Anfrage einfach bejaht? Dann kann das schon sein, dass du jetzt so "manipuliert" wirst, soblad du da wieder hingehst. Um sich von einer solchen Erlaubniss zu "befreien", musst du dir den entsprechenden Viewer runterladen und die Erlaubnis da wieder entziehen. Den Viewer bekommste hier: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers gehe zu "Second Life Project Experience Tools Channel" und lade den Viewer da herunter. Diese "keys" sind immer noch Beta, aber man kann sie zumindest mit jedem Viewer annehmen oder ablehnen, aber nicht verwalten. Ansonsten was Rolig sagt.
  6. Eine moegliche Antwort kannst du finden, wenn du auf die bereits geloesten Fragen schaust.
  7. I'm in europe and have HTTP on. Since the Pipelining it works even better (but you will need a pipeline viewer)! @Digital, can you tell what helped and maybe mark it as solved, thanks!
  8. Only if you use Media On a Prim, that is completely different.
  9. You can usually click the lock icon and login then. Sometimes profiles have such an issue and that should fix it.
  10. This viewer should be blocked by the FS team. Only on a Mac you can still use it. http://www.firestormviewer.org/old-fs-version-blocks-to-begin/ If you are a PC User, update. I would suggest to contact their support.
  11. Your link doesn't work for most I guess, because you need to become a member first. But many femboys using a female base with no breats (shapewise) and add usualy a very neutral skin, where no breatsshadows at all and no "muscle" shadows. The female body is also pretty good to get a soft looking face. You can look for such shapes also in Child Avatar shops as they use the same base. Even a Child Skin might work. I might be able to give you a shape for a start that comes close to your needs, but skins is a different thing. Texture clothes will work on both shapes, and mesh you will need to look at female clothing shops. I wear myself some pants and shorts that are made for female avatars, but I'm a teenboy. Depends on how tall you are in the end, also some mesh kids clothes might fit. But good meshclothes for free is rare.
  12. Madelaine, there are mainly 3 types of lag. Server lag can be one, that is for example, many people moving and using vehicles etc. That will cause the physics FPS to drop. Then there is network lag. Network lag you can have if your DSL tries to transfer too much data at once. That can be caused due to downloads outsite of SL for example. And viewer lag or also called client lag. Drop in FPS due to many high res textures is client lag usualy or like high poly mesh objects is actuall happening a lot now.. With the statistics bar you can get the idea of what type of lag you have. But in many cases you might have more reasons for lag than only one.
  13. You will need to contect their service, if there is any. This company is not related to Linden Lab (the owner of SL). Here you can ask questions related to SL and not any 3rd party "service".
  14. The nouveau (to be correct, the mesaGL) driver is not really supporting all OpenGl stuff. You need the proprietary driver with uptodate viewers. You will need to remove them and get the proper driver from nvidia.com. But with this system you won't have any fun, it must be like a slideshow only.
  15. Invisible means usualy you wear a so called alpha layer... thats made to advoid glitches while wearing clothes. Maybe you miss the top (mesh) clothes or you need to take it off. If nothing works, try first to reset the avatar to the starter ones. Thats done at the Develop menu (to open press ctrl + alt + q) and then Avatar-Character Tests-Test (fe)male. That takes off all stuff and reverts you back to newbie. From there you should be able to rebuild your avatar.
  16. Some software you can stream to the internet. Then you might need a club where you can actually DJ and get a stream or rent your own. Some good hints you can find here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Disc_Jockey http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Live_Performances
  17. sven Homewood


    In Kwakkelde Kwak's link kannst du sehr gut sehen, dass du Snapshots nutzen darfst in anderen Medien und anderen Dingen (Unter "Copyright Licenses"). Du musst nur Sicherstellen, das auf dem Land das schiessen von Foto's auch erlaubt ist und schon sollte dem nichts mehr entgegen stehen.
  18. The "official" viewer has and also had in the past the ability to set the font size of the chat to small, middle and large. Also at the tab "Chat". You can also set the size of the UI to a bigger one... try 1.05 or 1.10. Thats done at the tab advanced "UI size"
  19. The answer seems to be answered, so mark it as answered
  20. Jeffrey, you don't seem to understand that the 'ranking' here is done automated! LindenLab doesn't look, if your answers are correct at all and the 'kudos' are given by other residents. So you'd better not brag about
  21. Ich nehme schon immer die Treiber von der Herstellerseite, egal ob Nvidia oder AMD. Einfach die Kernel Header drauf und kompilieren lassen. Auch unter Ubuntu. Aber mein Hauptsystem ist Debian. Dazu aber davor die Treiber per Systemtool rausschmeissen.
  22. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.5.2
  23. And common questions are listed here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_FAQ
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