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sven Homewood

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Everything posted by sven Homewood

  1. It's the content, not the rating (but for the content it's the rating).
  2. As firestorm user you can use the firestorm wiki: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory Also they provide a spanish help group: http://www.firestormviewer.org/support/
  3. For a 7 years old your writing is pretty good, duh I think I have seen such a spot where you can do it. If I find it, I will drop the LM to you in SL. -Edit- I did drop the LM to you now;) Maybe you should add that you don't want to rent;) The place I found offers a space at a fair rate I think.
  4. Well. And what error do you get? Can you tell us please about that? Without that its impossible to guess. To add that info, hit top right hand "Option->Edit" at your post. I see you did ask laready here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Unable-to-login/qaq-p/2802838 PLEASE, don't do that and ask again in a new post. Just add the info we need in the post you opened already.
  5. I'm not sure about what you want. But to apply a skin to a meshbody you would need to have the textures or the UUID's of a fitting skin. The "normal" skins that are made for the default body might not fit due to the different UV maps. And if you buy a skin made for the default body, you don't get the actual textures, its more like a file that contains only the info what textures are coming with the skin. And when you wear it, it sends the data to the server to catch the textures and bake them for the avatar.
  6. Best is to ask the support: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ since we are only residents too like you.
  7. While the CPU part is pretty ok for SL, the GPU (graphics card) part is low end and SL will run at low or maybe even mid if the place isn't too busy. Getting a better graphics card and put it in the PCI Slot would help, but you will need also a new, more powerfull PSU. The 300 W won't be enough.
  8. Or did you just reach your limit? https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php
  9. If the modem belongs to the ISP, you might be able to ask your ISP to config your modem firewall as in the link given. Maybe before you take my offer to help you with the settings. In case the modem belongs to them it might be the faster way.
  10. If that is borked, you can open a case for it. I had once an issue to partner one and LL did fix it manually.
  11. You need to provide much more details of what happens to be able to help you. What does exactly happen? Where do you get stuck? I assume, your viewers are still starting, but don't let you login? Please read the progressbar carefully where it stops. But also here is a link what COULD affect you now: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 In case you can't solve it, please provide as much information as possible, for that hit top right Option, then Edit of your post!
  12. Adding to that: You can sort the order of clothes of the same layer! Just go in "Edit Appearance" and there will be an arrow that points up/down.
  13. Look again in the shop owners profile and who you need to contact about customer questions. The customer service seems not to be don with his "main" account, he seems to have an extra account for that. I would also try to keep questions more common and also not put private data here in the public forum. Details of your transaction you can post to the according place.
  14. Wear always replaces clothes on the same layer. Add just adds them. You can add up to 5 layers of the same layer. Attachments are similar, you can add 38 objects to the same spot or wear 38 objects on all 38 attachmentpoints. Only Skin, SystemHair and Shape are different, there is only one possible. Oh eyes too I guess, but I am not 100% sure now.
  15. Old bugs will kept private as long the repoter doesn't change its state. That is done to protect the privacy if any private data is given by the reporter.
  16. Wow, you just put private informations on a public webpage? You make yourself a goal for scam mails and also maybe calls this way. Even more than it was before! Remove the private data, also don't give information on how much you pay to SL or withdraw from SL! Then, we are also "only" Residents like you and can't you help you with issues like that, but we can give you info where you need to go to get help. There is the billing team you can ask for that matter: https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ I also recommend to double check your e - mails if you got some mail from LL about your true identity towards LL and the Internal Revenue Service. If you didn't get any, double check your support history ( https://support.secondlife.com/history/ ) for open cases. If you have such an open case that request your private information, you need to file it soon! Read about here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Required_Tax_Documentation_FAQ . If you don't trust the links now, just go to your dashboard and look for the links yourself
  17. Ich habe einen Bericht auf SLInfo.de gelesen, und da war es nach ein paar Stunden durch, bei dem einen waren es nicht ganz 3 Stunden. Auch gibt es auf SLInfo.de ein paar Hilfestellungen, falls was schiefgeht. Nur das Forum ist ab Do Abend (14.08) nicht mehr am Netz fuer ein paar Tage ggf.
  18. Strange! Even I can only guess, you don't need to worry too much, it can be fixed for sure. First try to see what you wear, look for some clothing that contains “alpha“, greyish shirt icon with some grid on it and remove it. If that isn't the case, try to wear a complete outfit from the library ->clothes, chose something like “Basic Girl“ (I just can't look it up, no access to SL right now) drag and drop it to you. This should reset your avatar for sure. After you're visible again, you can wear one of your outfits again. If you need more help, just edit your post -> Options then Edit top right hand of your post.
  19. Get a job, but you don't become rich with it http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life learn to build, script, creating of clothes .... and open a business, sell your creation's is for sure a long term project and needs a long breath. You can join contets etc and try to win this way some L$ there are also some other games where you can collect some kind of coins and get paid out after having collected some of those, and try the Linden Realms. Just a reminder: some ways of getting L$ are not really worth of trying, they cost you a lot of time and the reward is far bellow being fair. Some are quite good and ok if you see the fun that comes with it, like being a host in a good club, when you're good in animating people. DJing can be paid good, if you're really good with music and also good with people. A playlist player won't last long (and is pretty good with complaining about the low tips;)).
  20. Using capital letters is considered shouting and rude. We can read your post without that;) Is it the password the account you are using to ask your question? If so, you have the password already. It's the same you use to login here and for the viewer to login. I also assume it is saved by the password manager then. Depends on the browser you use, you should be able to see the password in the browsers password manager (i.e Mozialla Firefox, Opera). If you are talking about another account: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Password-and-account-information/ta-p/700017 Read carefully the link, it has the solution. I had forgotten once my password too and I followed the link and got it solved.
  21. If you type in the box:"Type in your question here" "aditi mesh" you will get some helpful answers
  22. Wenn du eine deutsche Antwort haben willst, solltest du auch deine Frage dazu stellen Ohne Frage kann keiner was beantworten. UND du solltest wissen, dass die "Answers" "nur" Resident zu Resident Hilfe ist und nicht die LL Leute Antwort geben (wird dir auch beim betrachten der Antworten klar werden, keiner heisst hier "Linden" mit Nachnamen). Und kaum einer wird dir eine IM senden, ggf nur, wenn ein Problem so nicht loesbar sein sollte. Wenn du aber mehr eine Frage hast, die nicht mit 1-2 Saetzen zu beantworten ist, probier die Forumsabteilung bitte.
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