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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. @Kristen Linden @Amber Linden we are going to need clarification on it.
  2. 3rd if people are getting it for free, they are not getting it the correct way. I paid for it in 2013. they can pay for it now.
  3. Over 13 years, I made specific alts for specific roleplays, those accounts, sit idle now and have for 11 years. I have 4 accounts that I use almost daily, depending on the mood, and they are all the same species. lol but each do have their own personality.
  4. I tried a little bit ago and was able to login fine again. really wish I had the group though the cloud sandbox was under, so I could keep my platform and the items I need to work with.
  5. maybe, I know anything outside their scope they have said htey can not do anything about, but wonder if local open chat is a grey area?
  6. Just changed my password, so I'm betting now I have to contact support again and get it updated. or whom knows.
  7. I was just there the other night, doing uploads as I'm working on a new main grid project and trying to go their right now and it's telling me, my password is not correct... I've not changed a thing... anybody have any ideas how to resolve this now? just tried several passwords from my password manager just incase. but no go, main grid is still fine.
  8. Amazon has programs in place for large scale ec2 hosting like uplift will be using, it's either based on a percentage of usage per year or they are billed at a flat rate.
  9. if they give warning, it needs to only be on the forum, those annoying popups are annoying and not wanted. a normal region restart message in the top right corner is all it used to take.
  10. Not a clue what this is, I was talking to a friend and yesterday, I got 7k from Group Dividend which, I have no idea why. I know i'm part owner of the group and we have a sim. but. hm any ideas?
  11. I'm not sure if they are going to be given or useable yet. from what we understand the ip and naming is not going to be working much if any at all. so @Oz Linden what can you tell us?
  12. oh, darn we'd have to go back to shopping in world. wouldnt really change much for me. I still do both and most of the time I'm using in world.
  13. he's speaking of the hand off to the next host the sim is located on. if that sim is bogged, which it can happen, and say you come to the next sim on that next host and you have 1000mb of script memory used. do ya realize how bad it's going to be for ever one on that sim, that's what I think people misunderstand, 5mb of less in memory useage to stop the stop hand off choke we see.
  14. 1024 is the max draw even if you set it higher, do not use it on mainland, 4+ sim connections, as it will download everything in those sims too, causing huge client side lag.
  15. I asked you for a bit of information, some of us users know the system as well as LL does and sometimes we have more answers because we are here constantly and logged in world constantly. after 13 years, I know quite a few things. but you've done helped me make up my mind, I'm done helping.
  16. I know right, I'm here to help, 13 years experience with SL, I've got my own web hosting business and that includes a store front for computer repairs, I must not know anything... I believe I'm going to take a break on the forums for a bit. users...
  17. LL are not going to be using as of now their Secondlife.com or Lindenlab.com domains for the simulators, nor are they going to provide ways to use those domains, so people relying on the domains for scripts will have to come up with another way of doing so, I just read it on a forum post by a linden, I'll have to see if I can figure out which post it was now.
  18. You seem to be the only person experiencing this issue, but we do not know what network run you have, what the system you are using with sl, nothing for us to help you diagnose the problems.
  19. yes, these topics should be closed before they become sesspools. pretty simple. keep the riftraft and bs away from SL.
  20. Invision provides the themes, which can be edited, best raise a jira if it needs changes, so LL can get in and make the proper changes to the styling sheet
  21. ah ha! ,means I need to white list your name
  22. Just state, I see it switching a K name, to this one.
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