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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Oh, how'd I forget about The Wastelands? This is a great time to be looking, too, with all the new spots opened up.
  2. Agree with the above recommendation. The Mother Road regions are beautiful, though I'll note that I'm pretty sure you can't rez your own buildings there (if that's an issue for you).
  3. Imagine being so proud of ruining someone's view and forcing them to abandon their parcel that you feel compelled to post in the forums to brag about it.
  4. My first year in SL (2010), I had a Linden home from the start, but very soon moved into a rental to have more prims, then a bigger rental, then...I ultimately was renting a homestead. In the meanwhile, a friend offered to teach me about land stuff, and we purchased a few parcels in a landlocked part of Satori for very cheap. I learned about terraforming, how to rez and place skyboxes, just a lot of little things like that. In time, I bought my very first "all mine" Mainland parcel in Jeogeot. I was fascinated by the crazy stuff I saw on Mainland! What really got me hooked was my first parcel in Bay City, purchased in 2011. I've had land there (and all over Mainland), ever since! I love being able to place whatever building I want and then having fun decorating it, which is not always something I can do in private region rentals or Linden homes, due to rules and themes.
  5. No offense, but that looks REALLY far from the Blake Sea to me.
  6. Those were the most realistic weeds ever!
  7. I use Konoha and HPMD the most for exterior landscaping.
  8. Apparently it's not enough to cut and sell tiny parcels that inevitably wind up housing ugly signs that annoy the neighbors, one has to periodically start a new thread reminding us all that it's still going on. One might almost think that this is an extra layer of trolling to add to the pleasure of contributing to Mainland blight. Surely that's not the case...
  9. All the time, but I'm not a builder so using bits and pieces from other builds is the only way I can make something look how I want it to look. One of my favorite houses is one I put together many years ago by combining parts from two different ionic homes. (It was easier back in pre-mesh days to take things apart, of course!)
  10. That parcel in the SLURL doesn't appear to be anywhere near the water... ???
  11. You get a 10% bonus for group land, but since land comes in units of 16 sq m, the most you could feasibly buy would be 1,120 sq m total.
  12. Use the support ticket method described above, and be as specific as possible in your request. I have always received answers within a couple of days, even if it's to tell me that the land isn't yet available. Mostly, though, it's a quick response to let me know that the land has been set for sale to me. (Personally, I would not suggest contacting any Lindens directly, as there is a specific way of requesting abandoned land, and that is through the ticket system.)
  13. It's OK, the rest of us can just file a report and ask that your post be relocated to the correct area.
  14. Agreed, that new released area is cool! I got a nice spot in Tarn Feathers and was there last night admiring how I have water, rail, and road all RIGHT THERE next to my houseboat. I just need to hunt down the nearest rez zones now!
  15. Correct. You will have an initial cost of buying a parcel (1024 sq m is for use on Mainland), whether from another user, by auction, or by requesting to buy abandoned land, but after that, you won't have monthly land fees to pay. (Not to complicate this too much, but if you have a group and donate your 1024 allowance to it, then buy the land in the group's name, you can purchase a parcel that is a bit larger thanks to the group's 10% land bonus.)
  16. For input from others who experienced the same thing, and for general info about how homes are being requested via ticket before they are in the queue for everyone, see this thread starting here:
  17. I am telling you what I observed and experienced myself just a couple of weeks ago, not what was said in the forums six months ago before the P+ homes program started. You may of course believe whichever you choose.
  18. With the recent houseboat releases, when SSP dropped off of the region names, the parcels were named "Protected Land" for a while, then they switched to "Linden Home". This happened over a course of DAYS, not minutes, and during that time, P+ members picked their spots. Finally, the regions were released (as in, put into the queue where they could be claimed by others). Even then, there were instances of hiccups where a "claimed" parcel wound up in the queue and was claimed by someone other than the P+ person who had put in a ticket for it. It happened to me, as I rolled a parcel that someone had already requested via ticket. The house was taken back and given to her. So it is not an exact process but generally speaking, it does seem that P+ has plenty of time to claim before the parcels are released for the rest of us to try for. Short answer: Unless you are P+, expect all good spots to already be claimed by ticket before you start rolling, and in small releases, expect to get nothing. It is what it is!
  19. I'm not in world at the moment so doing this from memory, but check what group roles you have given them. Look for the parcel content section and make sure you have the abilities relating to returning objects checked, and see if that solves the issue.
  20. I spoke with Whitney later on. She had not seen the glitch because it happened so quickly. It was like the Land Page awarded it to me as she was in the process of assigning the parcel. I am sure it wasn't deliberate on her part (I was actually still in the water where I had landed, so that's why she didn't notice me! lol). At any rate, all's well that ends well in this particular case, because I got one I like better this morning.
  21. Houseboats have been released in Ahoy Matey, Ringy Dingy, Walrus Carpenter, and Mulligan. Be aware though that there may be glitches. My alt caught one and was actually standing there on the parcel when it was suddenly snatched away and reassigned to someone else, presumably a Premium Plus person. (Yes, I verified, I had been assigned that parcel and I was at the correct spot. I watched as the parcel name changed before my eyes!)
  22. Yes, but the assumption would be that is already included in what OP is using (part of their 4096), unless they state otherwise. On 4096 sq m, the group bonus is 409, with 400 being usable (as @Qie Niangaosaid).
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