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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. El dinero no volverá a la tarjeta de crédito. El tablero mostrará un saldo en dólares estadounidenses que luego se puede usar para comprar L $.
  2. La 'cantidad de días' para Best Buy Buy es realmente una suposición descabellada. Es mejor que siempre baje un poco la tasa real si desea usar esa opción, hasta donde estima que el tiempo no es más de una hora más o menos. Para cancelar el pedido actual, en su tablero de instrumentos en 'Linden Exchange', haga clic en Administrar y luego en el Historial de pedidos de LindeX. Verá sus órdenes abiertas y puede cancelarlas. Luego vuelva a presentar con un evaluador más bajo o use el lado izquierdo. Click to choose files
  3. Good luck with that /me mumbles about the number of events going on these days
  4. With some of my Christmas outfits, I was sometimes looking for thigh high boots in some color other than black - which is all I had. Thus since I hadn't gotten around to shopping for such and buying a pair, I was happy to see that Tiar has a pair in this weekend's My 60L Secret sales list and they came with a color change HUD w/ 9 colors.
  5. VR in SL was tried a few years back - it didn't work well. Or perhaps you saw something about LL's new VR platform, Sansar. A totally different thing.
  6. I just keep that Hover Height slider at the top of my screen and adjust as needed.
  7. No, this is not currently possible. The only suggestion I've seen before that comes close to this is: 1) Create a new folder called '! OLD STUFF' (the '! ' makes it sort to the top) 2) Move EVERYTHING (all existing folders and items) into the new folder. For the System folders, create similar names in the new folder and move things into those. 3) Create new folders and sub-folders for the inventory storage method that you would like to use. 4) Proper file all new items into the new folders when you get them 5) As time permits or you feel like it, work your way through the OLD STUFF and either properly file or box it or trash it. I wish. You can use filters for certain things like landmarks. Then move them all to one location and remove duplicates. For 'objects' rezzing is the only way.
  8. I haven't checked Coldwater Creek in a long time and I don't think I've ever shopped Serengeti. /me pops off to meander through their web sites.
  9. This is correct, though they don't really enforce those rules. I know quite a few people that have a FB account under their SL name or other game name.
  10. Hahahhahahaha - I haven't managed to wear a size 8 since a few years after my wedding 20 some odd years ago. I find it quite comical, and somewhat depressing, that a size 8 is considered 'plus size'.
  11. Yeah and that mostly works -- you can move yourself side to side and back & forth and up & down, but the rotate doesn't work.
  12. This one might actually work - where is that from? I've got plenty of short sleeve tops, so I need some half & full sleeve ones, but since the office is often so warm I prefer things like this with sheer sleeves (or very lightweight fabrics). I seem to be having difficulty finding very much like that. Too many of them look like the hippy styles of the 60s / 70s (no offense to our own Hippy intended).
  13. I am not a clothes whore in RL. In fact, I flat detest RL clothes shopping. I have probably not shopped for new tops in almost a year and thus I'm in need of some new ones. I've been perusing a few online stores that I typically shop from. I now understand why I've hated some of the latest top styles in SL. A lot of SL fashion is based off of current RL trends and the current trend in ladies tops suck. So many of them make me feel like I've been transported back to the 60s and 70s - which I personally don't think were very good times for clothing styles. Given the choices I'm seeing, I may have to stay home a lot since topless isn't really an option when one leaves home.
  14. Do your speed test using Tuscon -- the LL servers are not in Philly: http://tucson.speedtest.net/ Also, you cannot compare SL to other gaming platforms. Those games have content optimized by professionals and usually the entire game content (or most of it) is downloaded to your computer before you start playing. In SL, all content is user generated and most is not optimized very well. That content must constantly stream to you. If you get much packet loss or have a slow connection or misc connection issues over wireless, then you can be randomly disconnected.
  15. I don't wear a lot of jackets and other layering type items. However, this exact issues is why I've started stock piling a variety of applier clothing - tops & pants in various styles, colors and patterns.
  16. This is the part that drives me crazy and that I really, really wish I could find some gadget for.
  17. According to Strawberry, you can edit others this way -- though the rotation might still be an issue: https://strawberrysingh.com/2013/06/13/moving-avatars/
  18. Clover was just commenting that "If we want to get really real" - based on another post talking about how boobs really look and behave in RL.
  19. Yeah, but a poseball will only work if you are some place where you have rez rights. Strawberry's older post showed how to basically "edit" yourself to move yourself around, but that doesn't seem to allow rotation (at least, not currently). She noted a HUD that would allow you to move another person around, but only the 'edit' for moving yourself.
  20. @Orwar - See this thread. How do you handle the issue of needing to move the model around? And do you know how to move yourself around (rotating and side-to-side, etc..) while within a pose?
  21. @Orwar - See this thread. How do you handle the issue of needing to move the model around? And do you know how to move yourself around (rotating and side-to-side, etc..) while within a pose?
  22. This is what makes Colorado more bearable in the winter - the highs that we get before the cold fronts hit. Current temp (fahrenheit) at 6:50 am Mountain time
  23. This ^^ In RL, the two are seldom (if ever) exactly the same.
  24. 1. Spend more time in SL 2. Ummmmm...... Oh yeah - try to be nicer in the Forums (maybe) 3. Figure out how to retire sooner so I can travel more and "spend more time in SL"
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