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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I was shocked by how some comments managed to last at all in that thread - and even by how long the thread itself was allowed to go. I'm guessing the normal mods were on vacation/holiday or busy with other stuff this week/weekend. I just cannot imagine the normal mods letting that go on like that.
  2. Well then, I'm glad I missed that particular post. I missed many in that thread. Every time I came back to it, it grew by a page or two, and too much of it was repitition (or off topic w/ stuff I wasn't interested in). I started skimming through it, mostly only reading posts by specific people that I enjoy reading. I'm assuming then that the missed censoring had to do with your post saying you had reported it. I was wondering what made you say that, but decided there was so much wrong with the thread, that I didn't want to go looking for the latest horrid comment.
  3. Wow, for the first time in years, I've stalled and crashed during a TP twice in the last 3-4 days.
  4. Either "Thank you very much" or someone's stuff got deleted - I actually had 2 posts at the end of the thread and now one is gone. Though they did also remove a LOT of posts. That thing went from 18 pages down to 14 pages plus the one post on page 15.
  5. /me simply races off to find out what happened after I last looked a few hours ago
  6. Yeah, but you have to know if they are left or right handed to understand the eye movements. "When people remember details, their eyes move up and to the left if they are left-handed. When right-handed people make something up, their eyes move up and to the right. The reverse is true of left-handed people."
  7. Most of us have our rude moments, myself included (and some are almost always rude), but I can't say that I've ever considered anything you've said on the forums to be rude.
  8. Email lets me say "you are a f**king idiot" and then remove the line before I actually send it. And it provides a nice record to go back to when mine or others memory starts fading.
  9. I thought it was "all y'all" rather than "all yall" -- i.e. it needs the apostrophe. How the he!! is this thread still going?
  10. No, not a bit of an ear ache, nor are my sinus messed up at all. I have been bouncing back and forth between slightly chilled and slightly warm. Maybe a super mini version of a type of flu - it is going around.
  11. I prefer to just let the phone go to voice mail - have always hated phones anyway. If it is important enough, they'll send an IM or an email.
  12. I prefer an avi that appears to care how they look. Specifically for guys, I hate most of the standard looks. I prefer something unique, someone that doesn't look like half the other guys in SL - usually an older more distinguished look.
  13. When I report a post (via the desktop browser), after clicking the 'Report post', it then always pops up a box for me to enter my comments and then I have to click a 'Submit Report' button. So that is a confirmation, of sorts. I almost never browse the forums from my phone, so no clue how reporting a post is handled in that method.
  14. I've been home all day with an upset stomach - and was tossing and turning most of the night because of it. Not truly nauseous, just out of sorts - almost like being seasick, though I'm definitley on land. It finally seems to be settling down - maybe it was just last night's dinner not agreeing with me for some reason.
  15. Thank you. At first I thought I was doing something wrong or hitting a periodic SL glitch when unpacking items. Then I figured out it was just the no-copy items that were not be unpacked. Glad to know if is not just me or my settings.
  16. I'd recommend saving a copy of the original unpacked box of your Lara body, for any other times when things get borked -- it does happen unfortunately.
  17. Whenever I "attach" a purchased object that is supposed to auto-unpack, most of the time (maybe all), any 'no-copy' items do not unpack. The only way I can get them is to rez the object and then either pull them directly from the Contents via Edit, or do an Open and 'Copy to inventory'. Is this just me or is it truly just how things work? If just me, how do I fix it? A setting or ????
  18. The skin is applied to a layer that is under Tattoo, Underwear, and Clothing - so it shouldn't impact a dress applier. Worst case -- pull out a new copy of the body and/or HUD.
  19. That won't fix an Applier issue. However, "Force Appearance Update (Rebake)" might - also under Avatar Health
  20. Look for the object named "Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1" and attach it -- along with the hands and feet, if you don't have them attached (since one pic shows them and another doesn't).
  21. Have you tried a relog? There have been times when I couldn't get attachments off, but a relog had them detached.
  22. First thing I'd do is log out and then back in. If that doesn't work, then you'll need to open a support ticket.
  23. Per the picture with only a Head -- your "Current Outfit" does not actually include the Maitreya body, only the alpha to make the system body invisible. Find your Maitreya body parts and attach them.
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