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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I planned on just wearing a pretty dress, so hopefully that works with whatever theme. Otherwise, I'll have to spend tomorrow evening digging in inventory and revamping my look.
  2. Yes, LL does give perks/breaks to those with really large land holdings, though us peons do not know exactly what those perks/breaks are. A rental company giving you a break on paying lots of tier/rent ahead, could be legitimate or it might not be. It could be that they are having trouble paying their own tier and are thus trying to bring in some money. If that is the case, then said rental company might not exist in 3 months or they may drastically downsize in that time. However, they could also just be offering incentives to ensure that you will still be renting from them in 3 months. If you pay ahead, that ensures them of a certain rental base that far down the road. You will have to judge the trustworthiness of the company yourself. For myself, there are very few rental overlords in SL that I would trust enough to pay 3 months worth of rent at one time.
  3. Isso não é suporte. Somos outros residentes como você e só podemos oferecer conselhos e sugestões. Primeiro vá para seu painel em secodnlife.com. Clique em "Conta" à esquerda e depois em "Membros Premium" por baixo disso. À direita, role para baixo e clique no círculo ao lado de "Associação Básica". Em seguida, clique no botão "Alterar membro" abaixo. (Desculpe, a imagem abaixo está em inglês, mas pode ajudar). Note que, como você ainda é Premium, você pode usar o Live Chat e ver se o LL irá rebaixá-lo agora e reembolsá-lo pela cobrança mais recente. LL pode não fazê-lo, mas você pode perguntar. https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/ Existe também um fórum português que pode ser mais fácil para você usar: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/231-português/
  4. I tried to read through this old thread, but I was laughing and shaking my head so much by the end of the second page that I decided it just isn't worth it. Gosh, someone isn't the same gender as their avatar. Even if they are, maybe they are married in RL but claim to be single - or vice versa. Or maybe they are 80 in RL and claim to be 30. Darn, darn, darn. The only real issue here is that the two people involved in this 'relationship' appear to have not communicated very well - and that impacts nobody except those two. And while some folks here might find that morally wrong, there are others that don't. Such is life - we do not all have the same morals. This is the internet. Anybody that assumes RL stuff based off of things said or done in SL are taking a chance at being completely wrong. That is the fact of SL and anything on the internet.
  5. When I accidentally butthurt someone because I didn't know they were on the conference call and made a negative comment about some of their code.
  6. Not totally true. The Cool SL Viewer isn't on the list because Henri refuses to provide some private RL info that LL wants, but use of his viewer is not blocked in any way and he keeps it up to date with appropriate changes.
  7. Good morning, Hippy and everyone. Mother Nature likes to toy with us here in Colorado. We hit a high this previous Sunday of 68 F (20 F) and then the storm blew in. It has been snowing off and on since Sunday evening, and it is currently 1 degree F (-17 C) . We are not expected to get above freezing until Friday or Saturday. Here's a pic showing how weird some Colorado folks are when it comes to properly dressing for this weather. This was yesterday, with the temps somewhere in the 20s F.
  8. This is so me. In the past couple of decades, I'm pretty sure the only pictures in RL that I've actually consented to posing for were at my daughter's wedding. Outside of those, there are a few snapshots that some people have managed to get, but anyone were be very hard pressed to find more than a handful of pictures of me over that time. I like taking pictures in SL, but I have a hard time figuring out all of the things that make a good shot. I think the only reason I like it in SL is because I an manipulate the scene and lighting and angles. I've managed to get lucky with a few here and there, but most of my pics are still just semi-decent attempts - and almost all of my really good pictures are non-Avatar shots rather than pics of me.
  9. You can't delete posts. The only thing you can do is edit the original post/title.
  10. The Land General Discussion sub-forum is for "discussions". There are other sub-forums under Land for sale/rental ads.
  11. This is typical behavior for internet issues. There is a Statistics windows - available in Firestorm from either the Advanced or Developer menu. That will show you your ping times and packet loss and other stuff. Next time you log in, pull that up and keep an eye on the packet loss reading. Is the packet loss spiking around the time that you get disconnected?
  12. Top of your viewer - click Help and About. Copy the info and paste it here. That will give us the basics of your computer.
  13. Looks like all that shopping and redecorating wore you out.
  14. Ahh - forgot about that. I picked it up on Jan 1 via a freebie post. For those cam shopping from the next sim - there are some skyboxes and small buildings for sale up at heights from 1485-1575 - and the skybox at 1501 is free.
  15. My current Firestorm scan is showing 41 items for L$0, with 7 of those being a duplicate name
  16. And for the Gacha fanatics, they all appear to be marked at L$25 a pull
  17. Skell says that the teleporter will take you to some of the skyboxes that are also marked down.
  18. My only issue with the sale items is that "some" are no mod, so I won't be able to resize them. Though that may not be an issue since the furniture does not look like it is sized for giants.
  19. Well, I definitely have more incentive now to move forward with my plans for a bit more land for a new house and landscaping setup
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