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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Ugh, I hate going to Linden Realms. I suck at dodging the dangers there and the few times I went, I spent all my time dying, over and over again.
  2. If anything about the actual PayPal account changed, you may need to remove it and re-add it. You can verify some of the flow by having PayPal pull some money from your bank to fund the PayPal balance - that will verify that PayPal is communicating properly with your bank. It is always possible that your PayPal account itself needs to go back through 'verification' id you changed your RL name.
  3. Adult land does not automatically equal nudity. If a store sells sexual items, then it must be on Adult land, but that doesn't mean the store owner has to allow nudity in the store. Ditto for various other things that require an Adult location. And there is nothing that states an advertisement must explicitly state that nudity is not allowed. Typically those rule will be stated at the landing point and most places will give you a short bit of time to TP out or put on clothes.
  4. They are actually discussing allowing you to revert back to one of your previous names -- because you alone will always own that name and it will always be associated with you for history purposes anyway. They haven't finalized whether or not they'll be able to allow that. That was briefly mentioned in the town hall.
  5. Per the last town hall, they are estimating 2nd quarter of 2019 for implementing the name change ability. It was originally estimated for late this year but turned out to be way more complicated than originally thought.
  6. Ditto - I just checked and that's what I get. The TeleportHub list does have a few that are not on the FabFree list and FabFree has quite a few that are not on the TeleportHub list.
  7. And then there is all the Christmas candy that my mother received as gifts and us kids would poke out finger in the bottom to see if it was filled with good stuff or yucky stuff -- and of course we left the yucky ones with the finger hole in the bottom.
  8. I tried, but couldn't resist. Though for any locations that I'm not sure of, I am opening the gifts immediately in order to decide if I think the place is worth going back to again for the rest of the advent gifts. Sort of like hunts, unless we are talking about the more common high quality stores, 99% of the gifts get trashed. Not to mention the number of places that just give you things like: candy cane, hot chocolate, plain cheapie christmas tree, santa hat, etc.....
  9. I guess this is the part that I don't understand. I'm not "judging" it, by any means, and I can't with any real confidence say that it is gendered behaviour either: I'm sure that there are a great many women in SL who operate socially along the same lines. But it's certainly very different from my own experience. I'm with Matty on that - and it holds true for me in both RL and SL. I hate phone calls at home that are just to chit chat and I have a hard time with IMs in SL sometimes. Part of it is that I've never felt comfortable with general chit chat and part of it is that I really just don't understand the purpose of it. I was told, long ago, that my social and work tendencies are more male than female - referring to the way men (at least in the US) are brought up regarding expression of emotions and competing at work/school. I wasn't raised to hide emotion as my brother was and I also don't "feel male" in the sense that some do when they talk about trans issues. I just seem to have a few sides of me that are far from the "typical" female. I personally tend to think that my views/actions are related to some of my childhood traumas and are just my way of protecting myself emotionally.
  10. Per the CDC's 2017 statistics, 8 of the top 10 causes of death are medical issues. The exceptions being #3 accidents and #10 suicides. Thus we could probably reverse the life expectancy decline by fixing our screwed up health care system and educating people, early in life, on healthy living in order to reduce things like diabetes and heart disease.. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm
  11. I have a 1 point warning for 'inappropriate language' -- I said the B word (as a verb) in a thread, changing the "i" to an exclamation point, and apparently that is still cursing.
  12. I know folks have requested locks on some threads before and they don't get locked because LL sees no real reason to. This thread was just someone asking how to get an AO to stop talking in chat and a few responses -- original a few years back and then some new ones. Someone must have said something bad. ETA: Found thread, but it is locked, which is still odd.
  13. Wow, totally odd. An Answers thread got closed and I truly see no reason why. The original question was years ago, but as far as I can tell, there was nothing bad said in the necro today or the responses. I thought LL only locked threads when they got nasty or way, way off topic.
  14. I'm not sure whether or not it would block AO activities, but it will definitely only block the chat stuff that you see. If your AO is talking in local chat on the public channel that everyone sees, blocking it will not block what others see. It could be an interesting experiment to block your AO and then see if it still functions properly -- though them smart script and animation people probably already know the answer to that.
  15. I remember that last year's advent gifts were a bit confusing to me at first - similar to some of her store hunts. In last year's Advent, there were plenty of system skins in the female gifts, with and without body appliers, and a lot of packaging of older hunt/gift stuff - I already had some of the items (same tones) from hunts and gifts. From either last year's Advent and/or one or more of the hunts, I've managed to collect for free (or super cheap on hunts) all of the Maitreya and Omega body/feet/hand appliers for any tones that I use or might use. It is possible that I had all tones and simply trashed the tones that I know I'll never use. Since I've never grabbed the men's gifts, I don't know if you'd eventually end up with full sets by the end or not. She's only phased out not including system skins in most female packaging sometime early/mid this year, so maybe the same will apply to the guys next year.
  16. Ahhhh, now I understand the dead body under the rug. You were doing a bit of practice for your next novel.
  17. Well, for those that were wondering: If you click an LM or SLURL, you get rerouted into a small building at the edge of the property, It has a sign saying they are closed, that you can click for more info. Oddly enough, there are ban lines from that building over to the rest of the store parcel, however you can fly/walk directly there from the next-door neighbor store without hitting any ban lines. In front of the door there is also a sign about the closing. While I am not personally religious, I do think that everyone can believe what they want and practice it as they please, as long as others are not harmed by it. Thus, while I've never encountered such before, I do hope that people respect her wishes and she doesn't end up having to ban lots of people for repeated cam shopping. Though it might be a tad confusing to folks initially that come in via the weekend sales listings.
  18. Hey folks, if you like 7 Deadly s{K}ins, but are not part of the group, you might want to consider joining today. It will cost L$225, but that price goes up to L$1000 tomorrow because the 31 day advent calendar starts -- a present every day of the month of Dec - and those advent gifts are mostly skin fatpacks (or that is how they were in the past). There will also be free gifts for everyone, including non-members, on the weekends in Dec. If you are interested in taking a peek at other groups that you might want to join now in advance of fee hikes for Advent gifts, here's FabFree's Advent List. The 'pay for' groups list is after the freebie list. Some of the groups have already hiked their fees, but some won't hike them until tomorrow (or maybe tonight at midnight). I'm already giving all of my groups a really good once-over - as I typically do this time every year - to decide whom to stay with and who to let go in favor of another. Given that you'll get 24-31 gifts from these groups, in some cases it is well worth the join fee. https://fabfree.wordpress.com/december-advents/
  19. First off, there are 4 items that you will always be wearing: Shape, Skin, Eyes, and Hair Base -- though various things can and often do make those things invisible. The body 'shape' is basically all of your dimensions - height, body fat, hand size, etc.... You will always have a classic avatar 'shape' that gets hidden by an alpha for wearing your mesh - but the size/dimensions of the shape will effect the mesh body/head. Likewise, you will always have a classic skin that basically paints that classic shape - but since that shape is hidden for mesh bodies/heads, you'll not see that skin when wearing your mesh. Mesh bodies and heads require an Applier to apply/paint the skin onto the mesh. You will need a Head applier and a Body applier, by the same skin maker in the same color/tone, to get a match.
  20. I sometimes tend to catch things just before bed that then blow up while I'm sleeping or very early in the US morning. So then I try to return to whatever thread after I get to work (though sometimes later in the day) and find many, many pages have gone by and the thread is now locked and I cannot reply to any of it. Or sometimes, like today, I come back to a thread and find lots of obviously missing posts and have to try and make sense of the remaining stuff.
  21. Lines, anything that sounds like a 'line' is likely to not make me interested at all LOLOLOL - there are, sadly, quite a few of those types in SL.
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