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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Not a clue, but given the amount of money for a region, I doubt they would let it go long. It is always possible that even if the owner hasn't been able to make it inworld, her region may still be being paid just fine. LL automatically bills the payment method on file and if that is still valid, then they'll get their money and be perfectly happy.
  2. Unfortunately, LL will give you no information about her or the land/tier. Nor would LL give you any notice if they were going to reclaim the land. HOWEVER, if they do reclaim the region and take it offline, you can usually submit a ticket requesting that the region be brought back online long enough for you to get your stuff. ETA: Above response assumed a private region. If the owner goes into arrears for tier, if it is a private region, they will take it offline - your stuff won't be returned, hence the support ticket to get your stuff. If it is mainland, eventually (not sure how long), they will return the stuff on the land and claim the land back.
  3. And this is why I still have a system head. I start the demo process and just get so frustrated, I just say 'The hell with it - I like me well enough as I am'
  4. Based on everything they have said, it will completely replace 'username'. Though your original name will still be associated with you in the back end database and if someone did a search of your original name, they would find your current name.
  5. After a bit of research, I discovered that there are some who believe that even passively earning money on the Sabbath is wrong. Most people do not typically cam shop from a neighboring store. In this case, when she closes, she puts a huge sign up blocking the front door that says the store is closed. If you touch the sign you will get a notecard explaining everything. If you TP to the store, the TP is rerouted during close time to a location near the property edge and there you will see a sign stating that the store is closed. That sign also gives a notecard explaining the closure. In reality, the only people that will be cam purchasing are the ones that saw the 'Closed' sign and decided to buy things anyway because they know how to cam shop. They may or may not have actually received the explanation notecard or read it. While this was the first time in SL that I had encountered something like this, I am definitely not a super worldly person in SL and thus truly figured this was not the first time something like this was done in SL - hence why I started the thread asking. Based on the postings, nobody else has run into this either, which given the diversity of SL, actually surprises me. IMO, she is totally entitled to handle her store as she pleases and I think that people should honor her decision. I can also understand why she'd be disappointed in someone that chose to cam shop anyway. It's not like the same stuff won't be there the next day with the same prices. Nobody is going to miss out on any special deal, unless that 24 hour period just happens to be the only time you can be inworld between the time the weekly deals get put out on Thursday until the following Thursday when the new set of deals is put out.
  6. oh, everything is possible! maybe you just dont know... No, not EVERYTHING is possible and in this case, nobody can hide their online status - except possibly a Linden. The SL scripting language will tell you if someone is online.
  7. My poses are one of the categories that I cannot figure out how to organize. I currently a few folders - sits, laying, stands - but within them things still seem a mess, but I'll be darned if I know how to make it better. Categories like clothing, shoes, hairs all easily sub-divide in my mind, but poses do not.
  8. Getting a notification that someone quoted me or replied to a thread, but then when I try to pull the thread up, I discover the mods have apparently deleted it. The least they could do is just lock it but leave it behind so that I can satisfy my curiosity regarding the quote or reply.
  9. Could still be an internet thing - something going on with your wifi. Pull up the stats monitor when this starts happening and keep an eye on it - especially your ping time and packet loss. See if by chance either of those values go up when you have this problem.
  10. One of the questions that I got asked once when I needed to recover an old account -- What city were you in when signed up for the account? I honestly do not remember back in 2007/2008 any signup process asking for my city, so I assume that they were simply logging the city associated with the IP at signup time. It is a good thing that I've lived in the same place for a couple of decades now and that I wasn't using some sort of VPN or other method of obscuring my location at the time that I created that account. In other words, LL can sometime ask some really oddball questions in their effort to verify an account holder.
  11. Or as I mentioned, waiting for the person that posted the 3 things to come back and check if the correct answer had been guessed yet.
  12. The difficulty with this game is that bunches of people can come in making guesses, but nobody can really continue until the person that posted the 3 things finally comes back to say who got it right first. If I was the one that posted the 3 things, depending on the time of day, everyone could be waiting 12-16 hours for me to return. Whereas with the other games we've been playing - Take a word leave a word, Five word story game, Grant & corrupt a wish - the game itself continually flows simply by someone posting. I applaud your effort to get another game going, I just don't think this one is very good for this particular forum.
  13. One store I TP to frequently has a fountain at the landing point. I always come in hovering in fly mode, but then I start to click around to see which direction I want to go and it never fails. at least 3 times out of 5 I will click that darn fountain and end up 'sitting' on it in some dumb pose.
  14. I purged out about 30K last summer.......... sadly, I have managed to re-acquire that much and more since then. My inventory will always win in SL. I don't have the patience to deal with it and there is always something much more interesting to do (or buy).
  15. I have noticed that a few of the makeup vendors have started adding system layers - Zibska for one. I have system layer makeup from these places - in case there are any here that you don't know about: Dulce Secrets, Izzie's, R.iceielli, Sn@tch, alaskametro, LAQ, Arte, Frick, Glamorize, mock, Vero Modero, White Widow, Livia, Stix, Venge, Vengeful Threads, CowTea, Zibska (and possibly a few other random places) While I've not ditched all mine yet (mostly because I'm too lazy to sort through most folders), some folks have said that much of the older stuff won't look great anyway since back then the textures were limited to 512x512.
  16. I could only find one halo on the MP for L$4. It says that it glows and it does. It also has a script in it that makes it emit white sparkly light. OP left a review saying the box was too difficult to open - that she "joined the group and tried to place it down, but it was just too stubborn". I think we have a case of the OP maybe not understanding how to unpack a box. I had no issues with upacking and wearing the halo.
  17. Nope - it has been totally quiet since the Townhall last Nov.
  18. I do 99.5% of my shopping inworld. I love popping around to the various stores. While I do buy a few items from the MP, I find it a much more boring shopping experience. While I've purchased a few clothing or hair items from the MP over the last couple of year, most of what I've bought from the MP in the last year are my Kittycats and some Gacha animals that I wasn't willing to actually play the Gacha for.
  19. It never shows up in your purchase history, so you can't do a redelivery. It just keeps showing the "you purchased' banner on the item.
  20. If you read through the thread that Blush linked, you'll see that there are a few bugs with this feature. Once you pull up an item that you have previously purchased, that banner will *sometimes* carry over to future pages whether applicable or not. Also, if you add anything to your cart or do the Buy Now option and get all the way to the final payment page, but then don't actually finish the purchase, it will forever show the banner on the item(s) as if you completed the purchase. There may be a few other quirks that others have noticed by now also.
  21. Did you mention in the group chat that you were bartending? That will sometimes draw us in.
  22. The old adage of "If it first you don't succeed, try again" is most definitely NOT a motto to be followed in SL when it involves money.
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