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nikita Jefferson

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Everything posted by nikita Jefferson

  1. Mine has dropped out this morning too, i am no where to be found in search, just lovely, no one finds my shop now. Why ours, i see all kinds of others in search that have'nt dropped out, whats going on with ours
  2. I have the same problem today, this morning i checked for my position in search, i am on singularity and searching skins i am usually on the first page about 7 down. This morning i did 'nt see my shop, i went through 14 pages and gave up. I put the actual name that shows up in search and searched it, nothing. This afternoon i looked again, this time i found my shop on page 2 about half way down, i mysteriously showed again but in a worse position . Something definately went wonky with search today
  3. I logged in this morrning and my security system informed me this four times Security Panel FULL: The scripts in this panel stopped running 0 hours, 1 minutes, and 3 seconds ago, but are running again as of now. Possible causes: Sim was restarted, Scripts were turned off, or SL was down. I logged in at about 12.50pm just now and got the same message. So something is going on,i never get that message unless i do a restart or we havea rolling restart. So my sim has been restarted 5 times so far today
  4. I hope this maintenance fixes what wrong with sl cos it.s buggered. The other night my partner said she was going to the loo and would be back in 5 min. i waited and waited, half an hour she never returned, an hour she never returned, i was beside myself, i thought something had happened to her. i live in Canada and she the UK so i had no way of knowing. We have been together 6 years in sl and she has always returned., we actually were dancing in SL when she went to go to the loo, so she was still dancing in SL an hour later with me. Anyway, i thought i would restart the island to log her out, i really was worried about her, she lives alone so if something happened to her no one would know. right away. All this time the web said she was online, my radar showed she was online. I did the restart and watched the web to see if she was logged out, she was'nt, i logged back on and she was online but not on the island, i tried to teleport to her but wound up under my ocean, at that point she went off line.Next day she couldn't understand what i was talking about, she said she came back from the loo and i was standing there, ( to me we were dancing ) and i did not answer her on chat, so she eventually said goodnight and logged out after i did not respond. It baffles me how that could happen, 6 years in sl and nothing like that has happened, its like she was in an alternate sl universe, we were dancing in mine but standing in hers
  5. Use a VPN, then you can log in from any country in the world with a diff IP address each time. One day your from Russia, next, France , next Canada and so on
  6. Sometimes i hate posting anything on the forums because someone like you always pops up and says their world is great so that means everyone elses should be and if not its crappy hardware. As a creator and having been on SL since 2006, i have spent many hours at a time on SL problem free with my Toshiba laptop that works flawlessly on sl, always has. But the OP has a valid complaint, the secondlife server has not had a rolling restart for 2 weeks now and that server has degraded to the point where sl is acting not as it should. Bad chat lag, up to 10 seconds for chat to show sometimes. Freezing for up to 10 seconds, (unable to move). messages from my security system every time i log in the the scripts stopped working and are ok now ( no it was nt from a rolling restart) We were racing last night on our track, while racing i went off into space , that being where the car just goes off by itself into space as i call it, then bam im back on the track, my partner who i was racing accoring to the message i got from security had left the sim , then back in after a few sec, she never actually left SL is acting up, and before you say its my laptop or router or connection, my partner has a very beefy desktop, and runs sl way better than me and she experiences the same thing, so as the OP said SL is screwed for some of us and they need to do a proper rolling restart on the secondlife server because the longer they leave it the more degraded our experience is
  7. It's a homestead, i have had it for a year now. No i am aware of when rolling restarts are done so it's not related to those. I have no idea whether they are actual restarts or going offline momentarily When i logged in earlier this evening i got the message that scripts had stopped working and now while i typed this i logged in to see if it happened again and it had, this is the message [19:27] Security Panel FULL: The scripts in this panel stopped running 0 hours, 1 minutes, and 7 seconds ago, but are running again as of now. Possible causes: Sim was restarted, Scripts were turned off, or SL was down. We were racing our cars on the track earlier, i went off into space and my security gave the message that who i was racing had left the sim, then a couple of secs said she had entered the sim, i call it going off into space when the car just keeps going straight through everything and there is no control, when the sim goes back to normal i'm back on the track My partner and i have been standing talking to each other and when it happens no chat comes through at all, i cannot move foward or back, all keys and actions do not work, except i can turn completely around but that is all. ( She also experiences it to so it has nothing to do with routers or internet connections, she is in the UK i am in Canada) It.s like a complete freeze of the sim. This has only happened during the time there has been no rolling restarts for the secondlife server, we were hoping there would be one this week as there were non last week, and again non for this week, so we will have to wait and put up with it till hopefully they do one next week then we will see.. I have shops so this could be very annoying to customers
  8. I hope next week there will be a roll on the secondlife server, it needs it badly, chat lag is the worse i have ever seen,up to 10 sec at times to show, freezing for about 10sec. at times also, my security has told me the sim has restarted ( or maybe its the freezing) numerous times this week. I logged in one day and i had 2 restart messages from my security system
  9. My apologies to linden lab, i do see that blog now re. the heartbleed bug and thanks for the replies
  10. I know the sl website is safe, but i don't know if it was always ok or they updated it .and i should change my password Typical linden labs, they give no info and it would seem they are oblivious to the heartbleed bug, although i would think they know full well about it, but have done nothing to put anyones mind at ease. You would think they would post an official notice on the website. Lat time a changed my password here turned into a knightmare so i don't want to do it unless necessary
  11. I ran secondlife .com through my VPN providers test for vulnerabilty of websites. I tested secondlife .com and got this come back. All good, secondlife.com seems fixed or unaffected ! So it would seem all is ok
  12. I had a similar problem, i had no inventroy at all with firestorm, no matter what i did it would not show, but it was there with singularity. I uninstalled firestorm ( a clean uninstall) and reinstalled and it was there again, this has happened twice with firestorm.
  13. I "lost" about 5000 items a while ago, i just resigned myself to the fact they were gone, but eventually and i forget how long,maybe a couple of weeks, it all suddenly came back,
  14. Perhaps i can help with my experience, for vendors i use Caspervend and also BSM ,both are very easy to use, although i would prefer caspervend. I have a shop, well a huge shop, a sim size, i have many affiliate shops in there with lovely designs,i have my own skin/avatar shop there, i also have a mens department selling shoes and hair, some clothes and very good male avatars.and skins One problem we have in SL is too many shops take on affiliate products so the customer travelling around see the same stuff everywhere,. Next, Market Place had diluted the inworld pool of shoppers, with too many prefering to use MP to shop. Next is search, i have had my shop for 5 years, i am on page 9 of search in singularity, and with firestorm and the sl viewer search, i could scroll down those search and take ages to find me.. I have taken out classifieds but i always found they did nt pay for themselves. Traffic for quite a whie has died down to the point where i get 2 or 3 visitors a day. I don't say this to scare you away, just telling like it is for me. I beleive the biggest killer of inworld shopping is MP, the pool of shoppers has been diluted so much.. I keep my shop although it does nt even come close to paying for itself, its more a hobby, we live down on the island and the shop is 3000ft up so we rent our homestead primarly for us, not the shop, if it was the other way around i would have dumped it a long time ago. Although i hate to say this, if you want to find some good affiliate designers check on MP, there are many there, as for affiliate vendors i would have to sway to caspervend
  15. I have to disagree with your statement , i sell skins with shape and avatars and what you see in the display is exactly as you will appear if you wear the shape and the skin,all my skins come with a shape. When i first came on SL, i found it very disappointing when i bought a skin thinking i would look like the picture,of course at that time i really did'nt know much about skins or shapes,i saw the display picture and thought if i bought it i would look like that. That is why i could not sell my skins unless you looked exactly as they appear, (if you wear both skin and shape) The only variable is i always wear a face light,and all my display pics are taken wearing one,so the only problem would be ones personal windlight settings as to how they appear.
  16. Only one problem with your logic re. everyone having an inworld store, most people shop on MP now and to pay for the expense of land so the odd person can see the items inworld is silly. That being said, i have an inworld shop, it is not the sole reason i pay for my island, its for personal reasons and if i got rid of the shop i would still have my island.. I am lucky if i get 3 visitors a day in my shop (inworld), sales are pretty well non existent , i use the Singularity viewer and in search with that viewer i'm on the second page , i could 'nt understand why i get hardly any visitors. I decided to use firestorn search and see where i was with that one, i had to scroll down the search page a long, long ,long way before i found my shop. I imagine the SL viewer search is the same, so with most people using MP now and search against me, an inworld shop does not pay, and to have it just so people in MP can see a product inworld is a huge expense for some. That is the benefit of MP, someone can have a shop and not have the expense of having to rent land, LL created this MP mess by having this web market,my thinking is there should be no MP and only inworld shops.
  17. As i am sure everyone noticed this Grey guy only said something because LL was contacted by registered mail by the UUCSL, if that hadn't happened they still would have said nothing. All he did was say really nothing but just enough to appease and delay even more and leave everyone hanging . So really we are no further ahead, I wish more creators would put their products on more grids,i have spread out to other grids,i am absolutely disgusted with LL, i just hate to see them doing this to everyone.
  18. Go to Kitely, get a free full size island with 100,000 prims
  19. As far as i can see the TOS on Desura looks exactly the same as SL ( the section we are concerned with, thats the part i was looking at) So it looks like, if they updated the TOS on Desura they have already done the same to developers as they have done to us. I'm not sure if Desura TOS was like that before and LL changed the SL TOS to align with Desura
  20. That is how it should be done, there should be a law that does'nt allow a company to sneak a TOS the way LL has done. Surely the law protects consumers, the law should protect us from such a hi jacking, either sign or you cannot have your belongings,.
  21. Perhaps you could elaborate, i'm not good a guessing games, searching fetted gets a no such word result, searching feted inner core brings up a whole explanation and history and workings of SL What you mean would be appreciated
  22. Toy One does wonder if some top merchants have a special side deal with LL, there are some merchants on here that spend close to $2000 a month just for a classified ad and common sense dictates that they take their business/creations very seriously and this is their RL income. One could then deduce that if anyone tried to hijack their creations and livelyhood and claimed to have unfettered rights to do with ,whatever they they wanted, copy,sell,resell. subsell redesign,etc,etc,etc Re TOS that creator would be raising blue hell, banging at the doors of LL for hi jacking their creations. By now i think the knowledge of this TOS debacle has been well publicized and most are aware of it.. Now whether those creators,,,,,,,, that spend close to a $2000 a month on classified ads, as well as tier and i would think enhancements on MP ,,,,,,,,,are getting involved with us all on the TOS boondoggle, or not ,,,could be very telling, One would expect those creators would have the most to lose and would be heavly involved. Only 3 things would negate their being involved. ( 1 ) They live in a bubble and have no other creator friends so therfore,they know nothing about it. ( 2 ) They know full well about the TOS and are not involved with "us" and say nothing because they have a special deal with LL re their creations ( 3 ) They trust Linden Labs ( if they do that ,then they are not a very good business merchant, cos we know LL speaks with forked tongue ) Whether that might give any clues to any special deals with LL , who knows, just a thought ,,but one would expect every merchant with a well known SL presence would be front and centre leading the cause I do like this blog from Will Burns When you click the link, click home once you get there,for some reason it wont go right to the page,but clicking home takes you there http://cityofnidus.blogspot.se/2013/09/your-world-your-imagination.htmlhttp://
  23. You could be right,who knows. Thats the problem we are all faced with,although LL says they do not read posts in the forums ,you can be 100% sure they are following this subject/thread very closely Uncertainty can drive people crazy and the longer it goes on the worse it gets, i could 'nt even guess as to why LL has decided to let posts and blogs explode with theories and guesses as to their motives behind the TOS change and hi jacking of our creations. Maybe they are having a big laugh about it, for some reason they have decided to just say nothing, looks they they have no desire to ease peoples minds. That in itself should tell you that when they say we have nothing to worry about, the opposite is true,if they did they would be playing their hand and that is something they do not want to do at this time.
  24. I contacted a shoe merchant who has a large presence on SL the other day, i asked her if she was aware of the TOS debacle and that the new TOS hands over all rights to her shoes and clothes creations to LL to do with as they please. She got back to me and thanked me, i asked her if she was aware of the TOS uproar in the merchant/creator community. She said no and was very flippant i thought ,and did'nt seem concerned at all. As one of her affiliates she is still putting out new product. Same as one of the biggest hair creators on sl. I also contacted a large animation creator, i never heard back from him. I gave them a link to this thread. Either they don't take it seriously or they don't think LL would do anything with their creations,but reading a lot of blogs about Desura and steam and Indie game developers, one has to wonder They obviously have something in mind to go to such an extent to make the TOS all inclusive. I am just a small creator ,skins, and clothes, i have 'nt uploaded anything since this started
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