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  1. This is happening all over the grid, slow to rez, dropped textures and log outs on teleports. This started Friday and has gotten worse and no admin is weighing in on the issue.
  2. I logged in this morning to find 70+ thousend items missing from my inventory but only on the Firestorm viewer - It's all intact on the SL viewers. I have done all the recommend steps to attempt recovery, none of it worked - Any suggestions or ideas on what I can do from here?
  3. Great idea (Shoetopia) but the build... not really conducive to easy maneuvering or landing points. I took some screen shots of what was happening with graphics, textures and other avatars... But I got some nice shoes after about two dozen tries :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  4. I have cleared my cache twice and now it won't fully repopulate my inventoiry... two purchaes in world lost to this as well. Any formal report made or suggestions on what to do now?
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