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Arwen Serpente

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Everything posted by Arwen Serpente

  1. Just to reassure you, Darrius - I logged in on my alt store account and purchased one of my items from my store. It arrived as intended with next owner permissions (in this case, copy, no mod, no transfer). So please don't worry about what your customers are receiving - they are receiving an item with whatever next owner permissions you set - it is working as it should.
  2. Darrius, no! We were talking about test delivery to the Merchant themselves, not regular delivery to anyone else. - Test delivery to yourself is with creator permissions since you made it. In DD, when you did a test delivery to yourself, you would see next owner permissions. Now that's no longer true for test delivery to yourself. - Regular delivery to your customers is with the permssions you set - same as always.
  3. lol, Darrius, they are delivered to you via test delivery with creator permissions. They are delivered to your customers with the permissions that you set.
  4. I tested this when VMM went live. During DD, yes, test items were delivered with next owner permissions. However, with VMM, they are delivered with creator permissions. edited to add: I assume they are delivered this way because they are now coming from your own inventory.
  5. Olive, Since you are the creator, the item appears full perm to you (unless there is a no modify script in the item). Three ways to check if the permissions are correct for the next owner: 1. Ask a friend to buy it and check permissions (which you did) - it is difficult to tell from your post if the permissions were correct for your friend, or incorrect and still full perm "i tried to ask my friend to buy my item (same object which are i send to marketplace) inword or send it directly to my friend, and the permission working as well." 2. Click on the item in your inventory and look at Properties - the permissions for the next owner will show up there so you can make sure it is no modify, no transfer as you intend. 3. Look at the Marketplace Listing for the item and check under the Contents tab: The next owner permissions should be listed there. When I look at your test object on the Marketplace, the permissions under the Contents tab shows "copy only" which matches the permissions you have said you want. If the item still appears to be full perm in all these situations, make sure that you actually rezzed it inworld and set the proper permissions. Don't ever set permissions while the item object is inventory. Clothing, textures and scripts can have permissions set in inventory since they cannot be "rezzed" inworld, but object permissions need to set inworld on a rezzed object and then taken back into inventory. Since you are a Merchant, the best place to receive help on Marketplace, Selling, Store, and Merchant issues is in the Commerce Forum -> Merchant Section. That's where the Merchants discuss various issues on a regular basis. I hope this helps!
  6. CTL, with the implementation of VMM, the following messages and statuses have returned to the website transactions history: Delivery Partially Failed Being Delivered These messages were seen during the Magic Box days, but rarely if ever during Direct Delivery. Since the MP is now pulling from our inventories directly, does this mean that there are going to be delays and failures of delivery again? Especially when there are inventory asset server issues? Also, I just logged into SL. I was inworld for literally 20 seconds and had just rezzed. My viewer froze and this message appeared across my screen: The transaction with the Marketplace failed with the following error: Reason: 'STATUS EXPIRED' I wasn't performing any action at the time - no purchases, nothing - I was literally just rezzing. What does that mean??
  7. Nope, didn't touch them (hardly even logged in yesterday at all), didn't sell any overnight. They were not identified as problems yesterday, because they were correct. There is no reason for those records to have been touched, none.
  8. Five (5) more descriptions changed over night. Yesterday they were correct, today they are the name of the object, not the description that I had given them.
  9. I don't think that's the case, Darrius. I don't think CTL is doing anything in the background. I don't even think they are working on the description JIRA at the moment if you look at the comments on the workflow page. When you look at the JIRA - the change in descriptions can be either a simple change to the correct object name, or, as in my case, a completely random and erroneous name being assigned to the listing. For instance, cream colored dress now with the description purple dress.
  10. Pamela, it would be a good idea to add your comments/experiences to that JIRA. I really dread having to check my listings multiple times a day for changes made by gremlins in the system.
  11. I have 535 listings. Believe me, I was not a happy camper going through page by page searching for something that looked "out of whack". In the other thread, I mentioned this: **PLEASE restore the "Object" field (Item Name) to the Merchant Home-> Manage Listings section. It existed prior to the change to VMM. Now we only see the product description (Listing Name). Having BOTH the Item and Listing names allows Merchants to check their work quickly and efficiently. Had the Item/object field existed, I would not have had to go through my store, product by product, page by page to discover where the listing name/description errors were. I would have been able to just scan the Manage Listings page for inconsistencies between the two columns. I always used the Item and Listing name fields as accuracy checks after listing a product. PLEASE RESTORE IT. ** If we had that - going through the listings and finding mismatches would be far less time consuming.
  12. Micky, The reason the Merchant Outbox is giving you errors is because it is no longer in use. The MP has been switched to a new system that you can read about here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Commerce/Viewer-Managed-Marketplace-Released-Migration-Begins-July-23/ba-p/2949604 and here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/bd-p/Merchants The Commerce Forum - Merchant section is the best place to discuss issues concerning your business. edited to clarify correct forum.
  13. CTL, following the unlisting of the majority of my store and manually restoring it, I have now discovered that 28 of my items had description changes. I discovered it last night, Aug 2 at about 9pm SLT - no idea whether they were incorrect immediately following migration or if it happened after I restored the listings. This morning, Aug 3, I corrected the descriptions and added comments and screenshot to https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VMM-97 **PLEASE restore the "Object" field (Item Name) to the Merchant Home-> Manage Listings section. It existed prior to the change to VMM. Now we only see the product description (Listing Name). Having BOTH the Item and Listing names allows Merchants to check their work quickly and efficiently. Had the Item/object field existed, I would not have had to go through my store, product by product, page by page to discover where the listing name/description errors were. I would have been able to just scan the Manage Listings page for inconsistencies between the two columns. I always used the Item and Listing name fields as accuracy checks after listing a product. PLEASE RESTORE IT. **
  14. Faye, 28 of my items had description changes. I discovered it last night, so I don't know when it actually happened. Like you, my store also experienced a large number of unlistings due to the migration last week. I added my comments to the JIRA for the missing descriptions. Are you still finding that descriptions are randomly changing, or has it stopped? I'm wondering if I need to keep checking my store, or if now that I corrected them if they will stay that way...
  15. (ChinRey, I'm replying to everyone who reads this thread - I just replied to your first post since that was the easiest way to get my message here.) IMO, the migration is a mess. On July 30, 2015, my store was automatically migrated. I have a total of 532 active listings. When I checked on the night of July 30, all 532 listings were intact on the MP. As of July 31, 2015, only 190 were actively listed. The rest are unlisted. I am manually going through the list and listing them myself. It is not immediate at all. The listing does not show up in the store for quite a while. Seriously, this is just a mess and unacceptable - LL is dealing with many individual's real life income (whether in part or in whole). My suggestion to those who were recently migrated (and I believe migrations were supposed to be complete by July 30), check your stores. Make sure ALL your active listings are there. edited to add: To those who are reading this - CTL reached out to me as soon as they saw this post (thank you!). They are addressing this issue. They are aware of it and troubleshooting it.
  16. CTL, the migration is a mess. On July 30, 2015, my store was automatically migrated. I have a total of 532 active listings. When I checked on the night of July 30, all 532 listings were intact on the MP. As of July 31, 2015, only 190 were actively listed. The rest are unlisted. I am manually going through the list and listing them myself. It is not immediate at all. The listing does not show up in the store for quite a while. Seriously, this is just a mess and unacceptable - You are dealing with many individual's real life income (whether in part or in whole). My suggestion to those who were recently migrated (and I believe migrations were supposed to be complete by July 30), check your stores. Make sure ALL your active listings are there. edited for typo. edited to add: There are plenty of Merchants who do not report things here on the forums. I alerted several of my Merchant friends only to discover that they too have significant portions of their stores missing or unlisted post-migration. edited to add: To those who are reading this - CTL reached out to me as soon as they saw this post (thank you!). They are addressing this issue. They are aware of it and troubleshooting it.
  17. Sonya, as of 2 minutes ago, when you try to download the VMM viewer through your link, it immediately says there is an upgrade and points you to the regular official viewer download. I just quit out of the viewer until I can get some clarification. Edited to add: It is a mandatory upgrade, so you can't log in unless you do it. No way to bypass it and use the Beta Viewer.
  18. I don't use it, Pamela. I find when I turn it on, it distorts my ability to see color and detail (even with shadows off). The fps hit is significant even without shadows. My rig/computer is fine, excellent quality and can handle it if I wanted to do it, but I just don't like the way it looks...that's just me.
  19. Thank you very much, Whirly. I just added this comment to the JIRA: "Thank you for re-opening this for comment. When I saw Caleb's comment that we need to contact our email provider (i.e., Yahoo), I followed the link he provided to do that. However, since the SL residents are the recipients of the emails and Linden Lab is the sender, Linden Lab needs to file a "Bulk Sender requesting whitelist status" application with Yahoo to get the email address (im.agni.lindenlab.com) removed from their spam filters. Residents cannot do this. Yes, I filed a support ticket with Yahoo to request it from my end, but my understanding of the information is that the request needs to come from the Sender/LL. "
  20. Whirly, the JIRA was just closed by Caleb Linden as unactionable with the comment that we need to contact our email provider (yahoo, in this case) to get it corrected. The problem with that is that LINDEN LAB needs to contact Yahoo, not the residents (us) since they are the "senders" of the email to us. They need to request that their address be whitelisted. I don't think there is anything we, as users of SL, can do. If there is, we need more specific information about how and what to communcate to Yahoo (or other email providers that are blocking SL offline messages). Since the JIRA is closed now, we cannot add comments asking for clarification. Can you reopen the JIRA so we can comment?
  21. That's helpful Sephy. Out of curiosity, where does it say asset servers? I believe you, I just don't see it in the grid status post.
  22. Honestly Ayesha, I have no idea how to interpret these Server Maintenance messages. They have been communicated through virturally all my groups as if some kind of major storm is hitting this week. And yet, as of today, Tuesday, halfway through the day, none of the sims that I work or live on has been restarted even once this week. My home sim hasn't been restarted in 14 days. My store sim is restarted by the estate managers every few days as needed. But nothing done by LL maintenance. I'm just doing what I do normally since there's been no sign that this maintenance work is underway where I live/work in sl. I understand your confusion and share it. I just doubt we'll get much clarification beyond what the grid status says.
  23. Hi Dahn, Yes, it appears that there are several people are reporting slowness for acceptance of their tax/identifcation documents - the forums have comments from people in the general discussion and the commerce section. From what I understand and experienced when I did it, the only way to communicate is through the support case (as you are doing) and to wait. Live chat, calling the LL offices, filing new support cases does nothing. As a head's up, once they do approve/accept your documents, that's the day the cashout timing starts - so five business days from the date they reply back to you that everything is ok.
  24. Catwise, respond or comment on the case where you submitted your information and ask for a status update there. Live Chat won't help. Nor will opening a new support case. When they created the support case requesting the information, they assigned it to one specific person at LL. The only way to get information is through that original support case.
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