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Arwen Serpente

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Everything posted by Arwen Serpente

  1. Hi Lasher, you're an old-timer here (I say that in the nicest way) - is it possible the cash out is being stalled by the tax reporting requirements/documentation? If you haven't already, check your support tickets to see if LL is requesting the tax documents from you, in case you haven't done that or been asked already. Even though a notification is supposed to go to your email, a lot of people are discovering that they have never received the email, and in fact the request from LL is hiding in their support tickets. Sort from most recent to oldest and see if it is there. Otherwise, perhaps file a new support ticket to ask what's going on. Hope that helps.
  2. Not sure why you are responding to me, Perrie. I didn't post anything about it not being important. I just advised Mark that perhaps his internet slowness was attributable to something else since the participation in today's protest is "symbolic".
  3. I took a look at the website, Mark. Whatever slow down you are experiencing is not because of this campaign to raise awareness about net neutrality. The website clearly states: "NOTE: none of these tools will slow down your site; they just show a symbolic loading symbol. " So, maybe time to call your ISP and complain about slow service.
  4. Something you might try would be to take a look at the clothing stores where you shop. Do they have "live" models wearing the clothing the store sells? They may have applications for that kind of work.
  5. Thanks Ivan. I also just heard back from Dakota Linden and my support ticket, pointing to the JIRA that you indicated as well as the info is now posted to the Grid Status. So, they are working on it which is great.
  6. Something happened in the past few days with the maturity ratings filter (there was maintenance July 3/4). People in the Commerce group are talking about the same thing - suddenly, G rated items with absolutely nothing adult about them are going to Adult ratings. Apparently, editing the description and/or keywords is not changing them back to G. I filed a support ticket (whether or not it will do any good) and will see what the response is.
  7. I'd say "yes" file a ticket. The Grid Status says they were doing unscheduled maintenance. Although it now says "resolved", it is entirely possible that they haven't solved the issues yet, or, something else broke while they were fixing something else.
  8. laughs, certainly, let's blame the weather - my 1500+ group members spread over 2 groups all decided to go out and play rather than do whatever they normally do in SL Anyway, I'm just providing my individual experience - there are most likely plenty of others who are totally unaffected as Rhys pointed out. Not much I can do other than continue to do what I love - create.
  9. I'm honestly happy to hear that your sales are better than expected I am hoping that this is a temporary blip due to a variety of reasons - June is normally slow, the news about SL2, and who knows what else. I have had steady sales (growing each year) for the past five years...I haven't woken up to zero sales until the past 3 days, so for whatever reason, something did affect my individual business.
  10. HI there Pamela, right now I'm just trying to digest what this may mean for my customers and business. If inventory (finished products and building components) can be transferred like on the Beta grid, that would be ideal. Of course, Ebbe has already indicated that many components of how we build will change, so even if we can wake up to full inventories, most items will probably no longer work and would need to be reengineered. I've worked for over 5 years now and everything I make is a mix of a wide variety of building tools - prims, sculpts, mesh, scripts. I have over a thousand active products inworld with easily 10-20 pieces in each - (clothing layers and attachments). If I have to redraw, rebuild, reupload everything using the new tools that will be available and to fit a new avatar, it will easily take another 5 years before I can have a comparable store. FWIW, sales have plummeted to their worst level ever since this information leaked. I know it's June and June is normally slow - but not like this - this is like falling off a cliff - directly corresponding to the date of the information being inadvertently shared. I sincerely wish it had never been referred to as "SL2". It's pretty clear, even with the sketchy details, that it is a new grid, new world, new building tools. It's a sister to the current grid with more up to date technology. It's sounding more and more like it will be a total rebuild even if our accounts and currency are transferrable.
  11. Ixtab, this is a question that you asked over in the Answers section of the forum earlier this week. It was answered there: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/How-i-do-for-recovery-my-linden-system-linden-adjustement-take/qaq-p/2752496 If you need further help or information, filing a Support ticket is the best thing that you can do. Only LL can respond and explain why the money was reclaimed from your account.
  12. As of 6/13, it looks like it is fixed I am now able to select one day and one day only!
  13. LL is aware of the issue and is working on it. There is a thread here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Account-Statements-gone/td-p/2738232 with a comment from LL regarding how to get the pdf if you need it.
  14. Hi Pamella, this is a bug that was created when LL implemented the new transaction page format. They are aware of it and are working on a fix. The bug seems linked to timezones - if you are on US Pacific time (SL time), the page displays one day correctly; if you are outside that timezone, the page cannot display only one day. There's a long discussion going on in the Merchant's Forum if you are interested in following it. Hope that helps.
  15. Hi Lasher, there were reports of late stipends last week too. And from the Answers section this week, it looks like you are not alone. There was L$ maintenance yesterday (Tuesday), so that could have affected it. Maybe they broke up the payment dates into a couple of groups that pay on different days (some the original Tuesday, some on another day) ?? Mine came through, but that doesn't help you except as a one reference point. I hope it gets sorted soon for you (and others affected).
  16. Hi rraspberry, the items that you linked are very straightforward, simple meshes. They do not have any faces that can be altered inworld. They are one face only. That means that whatever customization you want to do must be done in a graphics program outside SL and then imported in as a texture, and applied. The most you can do inworld is tint/color them a single color from the edit window. Those kits come with UV maps and shadow maps that you upload to your computer, then open them in your graphics editor and paint whatever design you want on them. The textures that are provided by that creator are examples. Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions from that creator to understand how to market the end product that you create. Whenever I am stumped about how to do something, I google it and normally I find lots of tutorials (either youtube or blog/websites). In addition, the Creation Forum has a wealth of information and people who are very helpful.
  17. I use the caspervend system too, Pamela. It's a good system. There's an inworld group (I think you need an invite from Casper to join) that's very helpful. Having said that, here are a couple things that might help: - When the vendor is set up, there is an option to change the name of the vendor to the name of the product for more accurate transaction accounting - Sometimes I get the same thing you do, a transaction without a name. Normally, it occurs on the first purchase of that vendor, so whenever I set one up, I do a test transaction to make sure the name of the item is recorded on my dashboard. Hope that will help
  18. Without a doubt, Perrie, I agree with everything you said. Just wanted to add my personal experience - basically those timeframes have held true for the past couple of years (for me).
  19. Fyi - in my experience, 247 takes about 3 days to fill. 248 sells within a couple hours.
  20. Yes, there are many people who need the pdf format. If you haven't already, you can certainly comment on the JIRA - it's the best way to communicate with LL.
  21. Yes, they are gone. If you are viewing transactions, the Account History and Statements appear as separate lines/clickables. If you click on Account Summary, the list below shows them as merged. Either way, clicking Account Statements takes it to Account History without pdf, only csv. Thank you for sharing the info and the JIRA.
  22. Kyl, the formatting of the transactions page on the Dashboard was changed a few days ago. There is a discussion in the Merchants Forum here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/TRANSACTION-PAGE-CHANGES/td-p/2609154 You may want to skip to page 9 or 10 of that discussion since the earlier part refers to the first iteration of the changes that have since been changed. You may want to comment on what's happening to you there (and include a screenshot, timezone you are in, and browser you are using). We (Merchants) are trying to help each other with the changes and determine what bugs need to be JIRA'd. Until we know a little more about the specifics of your issue, I don't think we will be able to suggest possible solutions. Hope that's helpful.
  23. argh, just tried downloading for the month - the date range selected is 5/1 to 5/31 - the results displayed show 5/31 transactions BUT the download only goes through 5/30. edited to add: if I select 5/1 to 6/1 (tomorrow) - the results displayed show 5/31 and now the download captures 5/31
  24. lol, Pamela. Keeping clicking refresh and it jumps back another day each time Whirly saw it and posted a note to the JIRA about it, so I tried it and yup, it just keeps jumping back.
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