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Arwen Serpente

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Everything posted by Arwen Serpente

  1. Thanks Pamela. I just added a comment to the JIRA that Dee created. I'd like to hear back from CTL or someone like Whirly if we are supposed to create individual JIRAs, or, can do one for all apparant bugs/features desired before creating a bunch that will just get closed/merged with others.
  2. Yes, that "stale" page is happening to me too. Also, when it reloads, the # of transactions (25 -> all) is not sticky. There's another active discussion on this on the "other" forum as well. So far, I can identify the following issues: 1. Cannot view a single 24 hour period unless it is today 2. The page goes stale after a short period and needs to be reloaded. Upon reload, it does not necessarily retain the selections (dates, # transactions) that the user identified upon logging in. 3. Total Lindens in the left hand column does not update immediately when new transactions are loaded. It lags the total column by several or more minutes. 4. Friends list on the left is missing. Very ineffiecient to have to keep two tabs open to see who's online and what your transactions are. 5. Lack of commas for ease of reading. 6. Page layout eats up a lot of vertical space. A more compact view would be helpful rather than scrolling down continually. 7. The use of "Resident" for avatars names is inconsistent with the rest of SL where LL has defaulted to the first name only and omitted "Resident". It also may causes an unnecessary use of space as it causes an entry to wrap onto the next line (if the name is a certain length). I don't know whether these are to be viewed as feature requests or bugs, or, whether they should all go in the same JIRA or individual ones. Thoughts?
  3. Yes, Darrius, I understand the change. As Dee has pointed out, there is no way to view one day (in the past) in isolation. Pamela, using the "filter" field and entering the single day does not yield results - it cannot read the date field for sorting, only the calendar does that. So, the issue that Dee is pointing out is real.
  4. Hi Mellyn, we are all residents here in the "Answers" section (like you). LL doesn't come here to read questions or respond, it's more a resident to resident help area. The discussion about the changes to the Transactions page has been going on for a while now. There's a JIRA (that was closed today) here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-5664 If you read through that, it will catch you up on the discussion. There is also an active thread in the Merchant Forum here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/TRANSACTION-PAGE-CHANGES/td-p/2609154 You can certainly post your thoughts there and discuss actively with other Merchants. At this point, LL/Commerce Team has gone ahead with the implementation of the new format. So, any bug reports or feature requests (like adding friends back on the left side of the page) will have to be filed as new JIRAs. Hope that helps.
  5. Chalice, most likely this is happening because you didn't transition to Direct Delivery last year. File a Support Ticket, if memory serves me, others that have the same issue as you have had to ask LL to resolve it for them.
  6. Yes, you/we will have to create new JIRAs for each bug we find with the new transactions page. CTL closed the existing JIRA, so we can't add to it anymore. Here's what they wrote on the closed JIRA: "CommerceTeam Linden commented on BUG-5664: ------------------------------------------ Thank you for all of your assistance. We have updated Secondlife.com to point to the new page, and will be closing comments on this JIRA. If you find any bugs, please file them separately. Also, keep an eye on the blog as we will be putting additional rebuilt pages up for feedback in the coming weeks."
  7. The most likely scenario is that the purchaser didn't enter the name of the recipent for the gift in the field provided. I'm not aware of a bug that causes gifts to be sent incorrectly to the giver - it's always been user error. Assuming the item is no transfer (or the purchaser could just transfer it to the giftee), then it up to you as the Merchant to decide whether to send another copy to the giftee. Sometimes it is obvious it was a mistake, other times, not so obvious. So, it's up to you. The record in the Dashboard transactions shows only the purchaser. The email from the MP and the transactions detail in the Marketplace Merchant Home will show the complete details (purchaser and recipient).
  8. I haven't created a JIRA for this bug, Dee. Just discovering things as you are. Here's the link to the JIRAs so that you can create one: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa
  9. Apparantly, it is unable to return one day. Whenever I try, it gives this error: Please specify a correct date format of YYYY/mm/dd and ensure the start date occurs prior to the end date. Guess we will all be filing JIRAs to fix the things we discover are broken...
  10. I saw it too Pamela. Yes, the default time frame is today to tomorrow. The refresh is buggy - sometimes it defaults to yesterday's transactions, or, it doesn't update total linden balance on the left hand side. The transactions take up a lot of vertical room. Even though the rest of SL does not use the "Resident" last name anymore, this page does. It was requested in the JIRA to remove it and make it consistent with the rest of the accounting, but it wasn't. The "Resident" often triggers an extra line as the name wraps. Overall, there's lots of good in the new transaction page, but it's buggy. The old one wasn't buggy (at least not in the same way as this one).
  11. Try contacting the creator by leaving her a message, or a notecard. She's the best one to ask for assistance
  12. You've probably already done this, but have you restarted your sims? There's no roll this week, so after last week's grid issues, if you haven't done a restart, maybe that would help.
  13. Not yet Pamela. Anything is possible with the server problems that have been happening lately. If I start to get reports of this, I'll report back here.
  14. There is that tax for Eurpean residents, but I was not referring to that. I was referring to the new Tax Reporting documents that LL is requesting from many people who cash out. For more information, the Commerce Section of the Blogs has quite a few posts that contain information that you may want to read. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Commerce/bg-p/commerce
  15. There is a blog post from the Commerce Team here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Commerce/Process-Credit-System-Delays-Have-Been-Resolved/ba-p/2266819 It has a table at the bottom that details expected wait time in between cashing out and funds arriving in your Paypal account. In my experience, it's accurate. One possible reason for delay would be the new tax reporting requirements - if you need to provide that tax paperwork to LL, any cashouts are delayed until they receive it. If you have tried to cash out and are waiting beyond the normal time, then check your support history for a request from LL for the tax info. Often the email that should alert you to the request never makes it to your email. Once the required information is provided, the processing to Paypal timing will resume.
  16. Yay! It's back now Kudos, Freya, for figuring it all out!
  17. No need to apologize, Freya. I didn't read your post as off tone - just frustrated. The Grid Status was updated to this: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/05/19/post2274/ Unscheduled Marketplace Maintenance [postED 7:10 AM PDT, 19 May 2014] We are currently undergoing unscheduled maintenance on the marketplace website. During the maintenance, the marketplace may not be available. Please check this blog for updates
  18. Thanks Freya, at least that helps us know why it is happening. I submitted a support ticket (and it looks like others are doing that as well from some of their posts).
  19. Dora, Freya just reported this as being linked to missing images on the MP as well. So, it's not just you. And it is affecting multiple assets from the MP. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Blank-Spots-on-MP-Store-Page/m-p/2724854#M50088
  20. Freya, there are now multiple threads on this issue all over the Forums - here, in the Answers section, and in the Technical section. It is affecting numerous people even if you are not affected. People report using all different browsers with the same issue. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Second-Life-Tech/sl-marketplace-broken/m-p/2724422 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Just-visited-Marketplace-and-all-pages-are-text-only-Yesterday/qaq-p/2724752 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Shopping/I-can-t-see-the-marketplace/qaq-p/2724584 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Market-place-web-page-not-showing-pics/qaq-p/2724368
  21. Same issue here - can't see pictures on the MP. Filed a Support Ticket. Probably a good idea for others to file them as well so that the Commerce Team realizes it is affecting numerous people.
  22. Hi Pamela, I just woke up and was checking the MP for some new items. Looks like pictures are not showing up on new listings. There's also a number of people reporting it over here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Market-place-web-page-not-showing-pics/qaq-p/2724368 Just checked my own store and the majority of the pictures are missing.
  23. Artur, if Theresa's solution doesn't work for you, another possibility is that it is a viewer issue. Fitted mesh looks stretched out for a long distance on older viewers. Since the new mesh avatars are fitted mesh, that could be what's happening. Make sure you are using the most up to date viewer and see if it disappears (things appear normal).
  24. I honestly don't know how I got it to work, which is why I say it is broken after the maintenance they did the other day. I kept trying to reset it, pulled out some hair, tried some more. It finally took.
  25. My comment was referring to objects in inventory with mixed creators, sorry that I wasn't clear when I posted it.
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