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Vick Forcella

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Blog Comments posted by Vick Forcella

  1. I love it! For the old pearsons the current deal doesn't bring much but for the new clients, this is great! Love it!

    More new Premium clients. Yay!

    Sure I'd like to see a price reduction on everything but all know that would shake and break the market for that.

    In reality we get a price reduction every year! Normal prices increase every year, LL tiers and fees have been the same since about always.

    Great! Love it!

  2. It appears I am the first to comment, that on it's own is worrying. Somehow the blogs and forums do not attract the crowds it used to attract. But back to the data presented.

    The new method of registration works. The step in the graph is clear and is related to the new method. Compliments.
    Websales appears to be flattening.

    Now the rest, erm, well, erm, it's sort of, dunno how to bring this kindly, the people come, but they don't stay.
    Why? is the question we ask about every quarter since the last few years.

    We all know once we can keep someone in for a month or so they are addicted for ever. So, what is wrong with that first month?

    Sure it's not flat like Ze Webz. It's not type and click. But yet SL has been able to bring in and keep them in the past but not any more. The outflow is in balance with the stayers. And the stayers appear to stay less time on-line, next to that the stayers appear not to have the same need for land as us oldies. Why?

    I think there is a shift in users. Less creators and merchants, more chatters and socialisers.

    To start creating appears to be a big step, with Mesh the step is becoming even bigger. To start a new store in a world that is already swamped with stores is also a big step to take. Perhaps not a practical step but a psychological step like in: Why bother? (graphs on this?)

    The chatters and socialisers spend L$. But how many jeans would someone buy? After a few they stop buying jeans and the jeans market crashes unless new residents come in.

    Why can't we keep the visitors and turn them into clients?

    Make it easier? It's almost impossible to make it more easy (unclutter options). Or perhaps, make it harder?? (you have completed the challenging task of mastering the SL Viewer, took you a month and now you can't leave)
    Give more help? Provide more things to do?

    One thing I do know. The world appears empty for new residents. Look at 9/10 atmospheric images of SL, barren and lonely.

    Help new residents to find meeting places!

    Help them as best as you can since that is the way to keep them that critical month.


    oh, and get people onto the blogs and forums again. Bribe us, there must be some land left over looking at the graphs...(buy this posting for 16 sqm! Cheep! )

    oh, and mesh won't keep the visitors. Sorry I am the one that told you. (Web brings them is, point made, Second Life must keep them, with or without Mesh)

  3. I must be missing something. People talk about opt-out and privacy in relation to webprofiles.

    Profiles have always been accessible through web. The new profiles are in their standard setup not accessible through web. The only thing that needs to be accessible through web is the avatar name.

    Linden Lab has disabled leaching of profile information about two years ago afaik.

    The link between profile and twitter or other accounts has to be activated by the user. It can't be activated by default. It can't be activated by others.

    The tweet button and other buttons only give information the user has allowed to be shared with web.

    So, I think I'm missing something big here.

    @Torley: What am I missing? Is there need for further explanation?

  4. I already commented but I will add some to it.

    I see the potential of this sort of profiles. Many like profile browsing, specially during socialising (if they can find a place where there are green dots since search still isn't capable of doing that easy).

    The profile is huuge blobbing up the screen. It should be about the size of an open sidebar. There should not be horozontal slidebars, vertical are ok. The bug of ever openeing own profile is very annoying. The bug of the few sec between openeing is very annoying.

    Positive, I have noticed that the inv is cached better and more efficiently.

    Modifying group info goes very slow, can be more as 5 mins.

    Should I start Jira's?

  5. The identified ports are the LL outgoing, me incoming ports. The me outgoing ports are somewhere in the 50xxx-51xxx range. My software filrewall just declares slvoice, slplugin and secondlife as trusted so they can chat whatever they want.

    On my (wireless) router I know ports have to be opened to prevent massive lag. My NAT has two methods for that, next to DMZ that I don't want to use. Virtual Server linking incoming port (range) with a local IP. Special Applications linking outgoing Trigger ports with incoming ports (range).

    I have used the Special Applications so far without really knowing what I was doing, but it worked making SL lightning fast. I will now try Virtual Server on 5060, 5062, 12043 and 44125. The rest can be negotiated as usual.

    I found it odd not seeing traffic on 5060 or 5062, perhaps that only happends doring negotiation during log-on setting another port. Also I find it odd to see 44125 as a very stable port for traffic.

    I could sniff out traffic and make stats, but that feels like energy wasted. I just want to make sure NAT isn't a cause for lag.

  6. Inspired I checked traffic

    I have traffic on the following incoming ports


    • 52061
    • 52062
    • 10501
    • 10502

    SL Plugin

    • 50659
    • 51620


    • 12043
    • 44125
    • 50662
    • 51621

    That excludes http, https and login handshake.

    I have set the above ports in my NAT as Virtual Server linking them with my local IP.

    The Wiki is incorrect. Or I'm infected with a bug. Can you check that Torley?

  7. The viewer is even faster as V2.4.

    The privacy settings are confusing, above the three options is a checkmark and I have no idea what it does. Seems redundant to me. Please explain.

    As with all webcontent there is a few sec's delay between click and open for that it's slower as before. Is there a trick to make it faster?

    The profile looks nice but it's big and bulky. (like Search) I would like to see it much smaller with less whitespace so that opening more profiles is a real option. Reintroduce tabs. I would like to see it open (like search) in a size without scrollbars.

    Swapping between profile and sidebar is confusing. Often one click isn't enough and two clicks are needed, but that behaviour is quite unpredictable.

    I'm not a fan of the profiles yet, but I love what has happened under the hood of the machine. It's faster as the shadow of a click.

  8. Hi Amanda,

    Glad to see improvements are coming our way. What I read, things will be basically the same, just a bit different.

    Voting in Jira was silly so that it goes is no problem for me however. When closing a Jira there must be a good foundation to do so and re-opening a Jira should not be punishable, it should be welcomed. People using Jira are the most motivated in improving our world and the service you provide. Some have abandoned Jira giving us less eyes to look and improve. Some very valid points and improvements are missed now due to past actions, or lack of it. Please re-open Jira again for all.

    Improving communications is always good. Current participation of Linden Lab on the Forum is at an all time low. Very understandable since it appears there are no recourses to pick up the points made. It is important to tell us why attention has to go somewhere else, repeat the message if needed so we can change our plans and focus. It is time well invested.

    Support has been down. It has been announced but that message should have been repeated. It would have prevented much frustration for the people that did not know. I am glad to have noticed Support is crawling back on it's feet. I advise to set one standard for all Support fields including in-world, with focus on all residents less then half a year old.

    Do not fear to discuss. If have seen Dakota's participation and it was very refreshing setting new standards for the merchants and their listings. Many compliments for Dakota and I hope to see more of that.

    Though I participate on the GD I would like to see it removed from the Dashboard. It enhances the feeling that the Forum is a snakepit (and it is.. a bit..) and scares off first time users that want to ask valid questions.

    Second Life is an Adult community. I want to see more promotional activities pulling in new residents. Selling it as a Disney world is not a good idea since it is not. Do not fear to represent an Adult community since most Internet communities are.

    Give attention to privacy issues and make Second Life a safe playground again soon. For the time being it is very important to warn new residents in very clear language (do not link your avatar with RL) so to prevent legal action against Linden Lab (as the host). If needed change the TOS preventing the connection between RL and SL profiles.

    Moderation will remain an issue for many. It can help to replace a posting with a boilerplate containing the motivation. Perhaps make one forum where forum-moderation is allowed to be discussed, Linden Lab participates and explains the standards. That would help many confused residents and perhaps raise the standards towards an acceptable level.

    The forum is one of the front-ends of Second Live. Recognize that position and that people decide to enter Second Life based on the perception of the forums. The community will help if the standards are clear, well maintained and applied.

    I love Torley but I'd love to see more of the Other Linden Lab Dwellers. Specially the nerds and coders.

    If Linden Lab does good, so will we. Tell us what Linden Lab is doing. Tell us what direction you choose and that the world we have created is safe with Linden Lab for now and the future.

    Thank you

  9. Welcome Rodvik! Great seeing you here for the first time!

    You are the caretaker, not of a company, not of a game, you are the caretaker of the world we created. We, the residents, with a little help from Linden Lab that gives us the tools.
    We need a lot of things to make it work better.

    • Our world needs to be Predictable. So sudden changes in world or in fees. No crashes, no downtime.
    • Promote Second Life. Bring new residents and help us bring new residents, we desperately need them.
    • Keep the new residents. Work on Retention. Make it easy to learn, make it easy to recover from bugs and crashes. Give them the best support available. Talk to them.

    Follow the metrics every day. Promote creativity within Linden Lab and give them room to play, the rewards will be amazing.

    If you help making this possible, the profit will follow and we will all dance the Linden dance.

    In a year Linden Lab will be the only provider of virtual goods.

    Keep your alt, learn every day about our world. The fun, the complexity, the community. Listen to us, but know when to ignore us.


    Other than (LSL-)scripted radars which put load on the simulator by constant polling, a client side radar shouldn't cause much lag, as it merely displays data the Viewer already has: The region sends it anyway, for the minimap etc.

    Indeed. What many don't notice is that Viewer 2 has a good inbuild radar. The sidebar displays who is near, and you can zoom in towards the individual resident. The minimap that also gives the resident name when you hover the mouse over it.

    @Torley. Is the above an idea for a vidtut?

    Linden Lab's New CEO

    Rodvic Linden is his name? Looks like an impressive Rèsumé indeed. I knew there was a chance someone would be better as I am. I'm glad it's Rodvic.

    Why can't he start earlier? I'm sure there are some chores for him to do, like make his own introduction in the blogs so we can welcome him.

    Can't wait for next year, with all that has been teamed up so far I'm sure it will be amazing.

  11. I do not oppose this campaign. Simple reason, if others are willing to help LL into black numbers, they pay for my game. It's off-world so there is no nagging while I'm in world.

    As a poor merchant I would love to go and try, but, only CC are accepted, no L$, no PayPal and the price... well... kinda out of my leage, even while being a discount. Next to that, I do not trust external parties with my RL info (that is why I do not participate in events that require a subscription on an external website).

    Still hoping someone resolves, in a positive way, the Jira for advertising Adult items. As a seller of an Adult item I get a fraction of the impressions compared with normal items.

    And like others have stated, it would be nice if old issues are resolved too...Now this beta has started I expect the Merchant Team to look at the Jira's again. They must cos it's kinda crippled at the mo.

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