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Marigold Devin

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Everything posted by Marigold Devin

  1. You could get a different answer for this enquiry every week really. Almost every Tuesday, new code is introduced and rolled out to the whole grid. As a result, some weeks sim crossings can seem a bit better than during other weeks. Relogging is often the easiest and best option if you do get stuck. Personally, I always try to teleport my way out of being stuck by opening up the world map and attempting to teleport. Sometimes, just clicking on the world map where my avatar is has unstuck me. Trial and error, but if in doubt, relog.
  2. I don't use "voice" so that feature is lost on me, but I love the "Do Not Disturb" and being able to suppress the pop-ups. Also, often happens that I get IMs as I'm logging out, and if I get system failures, it's nice to be able to retrieve previous conversations much easier, in one box. I liked Viewer 1. I like that this feels a bit like old viewer 1 in some ways, and thank you, thank you, thank you, for listening to us and adding features some of us like. I've been trying to get on with certain other viewers and frankly it's not getting any easier, and I've been feeling like a leftie in a right-handed world.
  3. Thats jolly and sweet - jolly sweet :catvery-happy:
  4. Hilarious - about your alts having ridiculous names for the week.
  5. I'd want a huge cat sofa like my Big Daddy cat sofa, only much bigger, that I can set out in an open field, with about 20 different seating poses on it. ***** And I want rock and roll (apologies, but the title of your thread brought this straight into my mind)
  6. Welcome to Second Life Answers, AndreaAll I have a Windows 8 laptop, and have encountered no problems with accessing Second Life. However, it really does depend on what type of graphics card you have inside your laptop/computer. What make/model is yours? Have you checked if it meets the minimum requirements? http://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/
  7. Why does this type of thread always seem to occur on Saturday nights. Is it because: (a) we're all too old to go out and party? (b) we're all too lazy to go out and party? © we're old and wise (and lazy) enough to have learnt that going out and partying on a Saturday night really means spending most of the time queuing up at bars waiting to be noticed by bar staff who only serve the tallest/ugliest/prettiest/one-waving-the-biggest-wad-of-cash-in-their-face? (d) secret option number 4? ***** I don't notice if/when you troll. I have a (bad/good ((depending how you look at it ))) habit of not returning to threads, because I notice a piece of wallpaper peeling off that I must go and attend to and get distracted by that.
  8. Welcome to Second Life Answers, PrincessAii You can, as has been stated in this thread elsewhere, opt to save chatlogs as well as IM logs directly to your hard drive. However, I'm like you, I use copy and paste often, and sometimes it doesn't seem to work. Have you just tried rebooting your computer? I find this usually fixes the issue. Or if that's inconvenient, open up a separate window outside of SL for Notepad, highlight what you want to copy and right click to see the options (if you've been using the "edit" option from the top of the viewer screen and this isn't working, the right click option will usually work). If you need to add more information to this thread, please do so by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit".
  9. Czari Zenovka wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: Ack! I've met that man!!!! I miss him, I miss him, I miss him.
  10. Welcome to Second Life Answers, Terry012767 This is happening suddenly? Whereas you/your friend could stay in Second Life for a while before it happened? Check graphics card drivers are up-to-date and the computer is not overheating. Providing system specifications also would be very useful (as valerie says in her post too). Over time computers can become outdated, or suffer from general wear and tear, often a little faster than your other household appliances or toys. Keep checking back here for suggestions, and also do please add more to your original post by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit".
  11. What? There was a Valentine's gift from LL? In days of yore (!) I stumbled across a mysterious heart in the middle of a mainland highway. It contained all manner of Valentine's-themed goodies, courtesy of LL, including a clue to another parcel of treasure. I don't tend to participate in treasure hunts, but it sure was fun to find this, and made me feel like LL were thinking about the residents, to have planned and placed their booty all around the grid. And then, you will remember, being an older resident, the annual Kiss-a-Linden (or volunteer) over on the Isle of View sims. As it would seem more people were wanting to kick-a-Linden rather than kiss one, and as Linden Lab culled rather a lot of Linden people in one fell swoop, maybe (maybe) this was the reason for the demise of the two Isle of View sims. Or maybe some people were just getting that bit too friendly and close to the Lindens. Or maybe it was the outbreak of virtual herpes. ***** 10L$ is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, and undoubtedly new residents will appreciate it. It's a gesture, it shows the residents haven't been totally forgotten. And it saved them having to referee the melee that last year's Valentine's contest on the blogs became. Kids puuhhh!
  12. Panic Mode, you have a marvellously appropriate name, and now you've found the solution again (well done, and thank you for sharing that), you should be called Panic Over. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  13. I am told I look adorable like this, but I am so unsure about the bow.
  14. Unsure what Adult Hub you're talking about, Pantyboykristin. I was at an Adult Hub just earlier today and it seemed same old same old. If the owners of the Adult Hub aren't Linden Lab/Governor Linden, then you probably need to have a friendly word with them and ask them why the changes. Read the owners' profiles too, see if there are clues there. Has the ownership changed recently?
  15. ProfessorSchaeler wrote: EVERY DAMN DAY THE LAG GETS WORSE AND WORSE! WHAT'S GOING ON? I'VE INVESTED GOOD MONEY HERE AND YOU CAN'T EVEN IMPROVE THINGS? WHAT THE HELL KIND OF PROGRAMERS YOU GOT WORKING FOR YOU? I KNOW IT'S NOT MY COMPUTER BECAUSE THINGS WERE RUNNING FINE ON THE SAME COMPUTER BEFORE! GET IT TOGETHER WILL YOU? Please go back to basics and check your graphics card drivers are up to date, that you have plenty of spare RAM, and that does mean giving your computer some basic maintenance. Disk cleanup, defragment, and a jolly good blow out with air spray to keep all the components dust/fluff-free and cool. You would be amazed at how these simple little things can vastly improve your Second Life. I was in Second Life today for the first time in a week or so and apart from crashing after a griefer attacked the busy sim I was on, I did not suffer lag. The Linden people do not wish to swim through lag, so do not create the lag or leave the lag on purpose. There are occasionally rollouts (Tuesdays) that may cause issues. Embrace the quirks, but remember 99% of the lagginess we experience is actually down to us, our script usage, and just like if we forget to check the oil and tyre pressure in our cars they let us down too, and it ain't the car manufacturers' fault.
  16. Janelle Darkstone wrote: All of human civilization, billions of lives over millions of years, trillions of man and woman hours of struggle and strife and accomplishment and failure, have led to this moment. The crowning achievement of the human species. The Cat Fountain. Ohgodmyheadhurtsss
  17. Phil Deakins wrote: LOL! I don't get around so it would surprise me if you see me on your radar. I'm logged in when I'm awake but I don't go anywhere. Maybe you're mistaking me for a red admiral (it's a butterly). Well... maybe it is that I am sleepwalking when I see your name on my radar... or maybe you are trying to call my bluff. Time will tell, my friend, time will tell.
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: Add me to the spankers list please. I'll give him ice cream afterwards. Enjoy being on the list, Marigold, but they are useless at organising the audition, so don't hold your breath I don't need them anyway, I see you around sometimes, a name on my radar, and I'm just stitching me a big butterfly net and stocking up the freezer - vanilla for you was it? Expect a surprise any day now
  19. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Last Friday I ended up with an already Banned IP . I am a premium member and submitted a support ticket 4 days ago and to this day it is sitting there un-answered by the next department.. Premium is not any more priority than a non. Worst support ever in my entire Second Life That truly stinks, Dilbert. I'm one of these people who has tended to be all butterflies and rainbows when sticking up for Linden Lab, and I have been extremely lucky with Support, although there have been occasions when I have been fed bullsh1t, and felt devalued. As Janelle says above, every single customer should be valued. Today's pauper could be tomorrow's millionaire, and what is it they say about the people you trample on on the way up, won't catch you when you fall back down again. Something like that. And although Linden Lab haven't forced any of us to give advice on these here forums/answers, we do it because we genuinely love our Second Life and want others to enjoy it too. If we totted up those hours of valuable time we've spent and sent in a bill of charges to LL, or if we refused to help any more, LL would have to rethink their customer services, or hope that Patterns and all the other stuff caught on.
  20. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I hadn't thought of upload fees. That's paying LL directly and that would make a person a customer. Starting a group is another way to pay LL directly, and it would also make a person a customer of LL. So there are more Basic users that I'd though who are actually LL's customers. (emphasis is mine) yes ! you said it !!! :smileywink: So im a LL customer !!!! And still.... no customer support !!! End. (and well, you are just admiting half of your mistake, but well, its already a step, and i will aknowlelge you did a step... keep this way Phil, you are almost good :smileywink: but since you have been pretty studborn, you will be spanked at the end of the audition and not only one time.. but by Czari, 16 and I.... i hope you will learn from this lesson for next time :smileywink:) Add me to the spankers list please. I'll give him ice cream afterwards. /me adds right away Marigold's name on the list.... then looking around her "Someone else ? The list is still open"... @ Marigold : Will the spankers have some ice cream too ? Vanilla for me :smileywink: Vanilla is always on offer But I'm having rocky road. Maybe Phil will have tutti frutti or something with nuts in.
  21. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I hadn't thought of upload fees. That's paying LL directly and that would make a person a customer. Starting a group is another way to pay LL directly, and it would also make a person a customer of LL. So there are more Basic users that I'd though who are actually LL's customers. (emphasis is mine) yes ! you said it !!! :smileywink: So im a LL customer !!!! And still.... no customer support !!! End. (and well, you are just admiting half of your mistake, but well, its already a step, and i will aknowlelge you did a step... keep this way Phil, you are almost good :smileywink: but since you have been pretty studborn, you will be spanked at the end of the audition and not only one time.. but by Czari, 16 and I.... i hope you will learn from this lesson for next time :smileywink:) Add me to the spankers list please. I'll give him ice cream afterwards.
  22. You submit your Flickr photo to this group... http://www.flickr.com/groups/secondlifeofficial/pool/with/8305454946/ Please ensure you read the group's rules. You do need to ensure your Flickr photo is set correctly - ie the owner settings licence for your Flickr photo. The group's owner (whoever Linden that may be) then selects the SL Flickr photo of the Day for the blogs. Good luck!
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