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Caitlin Tobias

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Everything posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. Kewl, this thread is moved...It took me a while to find it back, a notification would have been nice.
  2. Via some clicking around, I found the wikipage for the usergroup of My.secondlife.com! Apparently there have been meetings, but I can't see who is the chair-Linden - nor when the next meeting is scheduled. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/My.secondlife.com_User_Group
  3. Thanks Ceera! Yes, the Trending as it is now is...well, not useful. It only takes two loves to get a post Trending, that is bit too easy to manipulate. Also, oddness that one can love their own posts, which may only contribute to manipulating trending. As for filtering commercial announcements from the social talk, YES! There are moments I just feel like chitchatting about and sometimes I want to see what is new and going on in the market or am looking for an event. Choice would be lovely!
  4. Freecilla Kuhn wrote: If you got to Settings > Privacy, you can set some of the options you have mentioned you would like added. I understand the knee jerk reaction for people to say the feed is facebook based but now that it is out, it seems better since it does not have all of the nonsense that facebook does, (remember facebook only has facebook so they have no choice but to continuously cram tons of junk in it to try to keep it interesting). The feed is simple and easy to use. If you want to add friends to a list create a group and add them there, your groups are already in a list in the Groups tab. You can set your feed so only your friends can see it so if you do not want someone to see it remove them from your friends list. To reply via email, if you get an email notification click the link in it to open your feed and reply. I am guessing on most of this because I do not use the feed however it seems to me the feed is meant to work with the rest of the SL system. I am sure if I used it more I could find improvements that could be made but the more complicated anything becomes the more complaints, fixes and time is spent on it by all. I would rather LL spent time improving the inworld experience over other things. Hi Freecilla! Yes, there are some privacy settings, but they do not offer what I mentioned in my 'wishlist'. I would like to have my feed open to all SL residents, not only for my friends. However, some posts I may wish to share with friends only, or with my SL-Samurai Clan only, and I can't do that now. Also, I cannot block an individual from my feed, not even by muting them in SL. The email replying I mean is: post directly via email (lets say e.g. from my iPhone). I can now indeed receive notifications, but when i hit the reply in email, it will open my feed on a webpage - I cannot skip that.
  5. Venus Petrov wrote: Good OP, Caity! While there may be someone at LL who will read this, do not expect a reply (this from Viale Linden at the last CTUG a few weeks ago). What became very clear to me, particularly this past weekend, is the need to sweep the feeds for spam. Someone littered all over several feeds with a 'so what' attitude when challenged (even Rod's feed! the gall!). Then, in an attempt to sweep up his shame, he deleted most, if not all of them. If only he realized that people have an option to send notifications to email. P.S. New poster! Welcome to SLF Fidor! Thanks, Venus. Yup, the flood of spam that happened also hit my feed. The only thing I could do from my side was keep on deleting it and ignore it, giving them no platform on - at least - MY wall. Not sure if I would want a 'moderator' checking on the feeds, I even doubt this is possible with so many accounts and feeds. A button to flag/report such spam/junk-post would have been great, and more so: the option to block someone and thus preventing them from posting on your wall. In fact I would not at all mind going for the block method facebook has: once you block someone they dissapear for you, but you also dissapear for them, blocking always works both ways. When you unblock someone on Facebook, you can only block them again after 24 hours....making it less attractive to block/unblock/troll and spam/block again. At this moment it is almost an 'all or nothing' with the limited settings one can use on the feeds.
  6. Oh, good points Fidor! Security, spam (in all forms) , griefing/trolling and PG vs Adult are not so easy to tackle maybe. Although some of that could be covered in a specific set of rules, something like 'terms of use for sl feeds/profile", which you should be able to access easily with a button on your feed (so you can't say you did not know)? Also, now I am thinking about these feeds anyway, I would like to have the option to publish via Flickr/Tumblr or whatever site one uses to host images and vice versa. Same for Plurk. At this moment you can already share your update on twitter and Facebook, but Plurk is also used by a large group of SL'ers (even Linden Lab has a Plurk account!).
  7. Since this is the only section on the official Forum that is for feedback, I would like to give my pro-active feedback on the SL Profile Feed in here, even if it is not specifically forum related - I have no idea where else to put it. First: I really like the new SL Profile feed and it's options to share snapsnot including locations! I am an enthusiastic user and already found some wonderful places to explore, thanks to the snapshots including location! Yay! However, having used all this for some weeks now, I have a 'wishlist' with some options/extra's I would love to see in the profile feeds: - to be able to create lists for friends/groups (filters!) - create community photo-albums/or albums for which you can set the access/view-rights - have muted/blocked residents also blocked from my feed! (this is a need-to-have, not a nice-to-have) - have the option to decline a follower (much like the follow-request on Twitter) - have the option PER status update on who can read it (like on Facebook) - allow me to choose per status update if others can love it or comment on it - an app for iPad/tablet/iPhone/Android - ability to respond/post via email - tags for commercial/advertising posts - much like event-listing - and the option to have them displayed or not (filters!) - the option to flag a post as inappropiate/spam etc. (mini RIC) No doubt there is more to add, am sure others have ideas too! I would appreciate some feedback from LL on this, or let me/us know where to go with our feedback on the profile feeds.
  8. Charolotte Caxton wrote: A prim person! Oh! Love the pic...! But..where did you find that guy?!
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: Caitlin Tobias wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: To make something trend it has to be posted on your own wall. You can not post on someone else's feed and have it tread, it has to be your own feed. So if I wanted to get a message to you Keli and have it trend, I should write my message on your wall and then write on my wall the same message? Which message gets the 'love'? My apologies for not understanding. Keli is right. If you want something 'trending' it needs to be an update/post on your own wall. Not posted to someone else. If enough people 'love' your update/post on your own wall, it becomes trending, I am not sure how much love you need, I think it's 2 as far as I have seen. But, one can never have too much love eh? OMG, I've been loved 10 times! That's more Slex than I have had in the past 6 months combined. And....you can love yourself too!
  10. Storm Clarence wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: To make something trend it has to be posted on your own wall. You can not post on someone else's feed and have it tread, it has to be your own feed. So if I wanted to get a message to you Keli and have it trend, I should write my message on your wall and then write on my wall the same message? Which message gets the 'love'? My apologies for not understanding. Keli is right. If you want something 'trending' it needs to be an update/post on your own wall. Not posted to someone else. If enough people 'love' your update/post on your own wall, it becomes trending, I am not sure how much love you need, I think it's 2 as far as I have seen. But, one can never have too much love eh?
  11. Knotter Blogfan wrote: I think the Profile Feeds are great because you do not have to be in the world to read the words of your friends and other people including Mister Linden and to be able to talk to them on http://my.secondlife.com. Do you use these Profile Feeds from your browser? Who do you follow? You can follow anybody. You can ask Rodvik for a sparkly pony and sometimes he says he will send you one. Knot I love the profile feeds! I use them for fun and pics, but mostly to keep myself informed of stuff when I am not able to get inword. I follow the CEO and have posted messages to him. I also read what others write to him and support them if I feel it is a worthwhile case. When a post gets enough 'love' it apparently appears in 'Trending' (or 'popular comments') so you get a larger audience, which in some cases can be useful if you want to to inform people. Also, 'love' is a way of showing you find a message important and give it attention, even if you do not want to add a comment yourself, for whatever reason! I love a lot!
  12. Phil Deakins wrote: Carole Franizzi wrote: What's he on about? Well, he's some sort of performance artist. German. The name probably wouldn't mean much to me, frankly, as I'm not really up on contemporary performance art. Call me old-fashioned but I prefer Shakespeare myself. I didn't realise somebody had hijacked his thread. That's a shame. Some people just don't appreciate art. I didn't mean that someone hijacked his first thread. I meant that, in his first thread, he wanted people to write garbage in other people's threads that's nothing to do with the other threads. He specifically didn't want people writing the garbage in his first thread. Then he was going to go looking for the garbage posts and 'perform' in the other threads. In other words, he wanted people to use other threads for his craziness - hijack the other threads. Oh. I did not read it that way at all. I thought he invited all to post random stuff to his 'performance' OP and then he would reply with something random and witty (if possible). Just a lighthearted 'roleplay' kinda thread, as we have had before. Harmless in my opinion. An acquired taste, yeah...
  13. As far as I can remember it has always been in the SL viewers, but I never got it to work...cool feature eh?
  14. Keli Kyrie wrote: This is the latest development viewer (3.2.3).... How do you see anything? Oh. Look. You have a social life. No wonder my screen is so....spacious, I don't have all that....Its a good thing I have some HUDs, although they are not so talkative....
  15. What I find odd....I looked up who my 5 (new) followers are, and all five happen to be people I removed from my friendslist earlier this week. Three of them are cancellend accounts even, they do not exist anymore! ETA: for what it's worth, I like the whole concept of the profile feed and including pics! Then again, I also like facebook and twittter .
  16. What Innula said. It can be a bit unclear, the part about refreshing, took me a while to figure out! Also, it sometimes can take quite a long time for it to actually load to your feed, i've had pics that took about 10 mins! Probably because it is still beta?
  17. I think the new game, Linden Realms, released this month for Premium Members only - and listed in Destination Guide, is a gift. https://secondlife.com/destinations/realms (sorry, I wanted to reply to the OP but picked the wrong button....)
  18. AngelOfWirdness wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: AngelOfWirdness wrote: the resson i wanted to know is so i can report second life for not reading my reports on players who say they are 9yo, 14yo, 12yo and 16yo in real life, in the adult sims, and the player who said she is 9yo in real life asked me for online sex in second life while inside the adult sim, i reported her but she still is in second life, i reported them all, but linden lab done nothing and the way Linden Lab has the "verafie your age thing" today, anyone at any age can get into an adult sim, i did not even have to put my real birth date! i puted a fake birth date and it still verafied me as 18+, and yes i am 28 just.. i think Linden Lab needs to make it where you can not get Age-Verafied w/o giving them a typ of RL-ID agin! and i have ran across some age players in second life, and age play groups, linden lab did not read those reports ether! i even made a report in the forume of a youtube video on the subject of age play and watched the "view count" it stayd at 0 views, so clearly Linden Lab dose not read anyones reports on Age-Play or child sex or udneraged 9 year old's in second life you put in a birthdate that was over 18 for verification and you are wondering why it still let you in even though you are 28? Oo if you would have entered a birthdate that was younger than 18 it would not have verified you as an adult.. as far as the other accounts that you were saying were telling you they were under age.. if you used the AR system they may have checked out to be valid accounts..did you see if those accounts are gone from the grid? as far as telling the forums what happened..it's all hearsay to us.. we can form opinions of what happened..but it won't make a bit of difference in the outcome.. that is not the point i was tyring to make, i said "someone told me they are 9 years old in real life" and i reported them but they are still playing second life, i met them in a sex sim! i want to tell the police that Linden lab is ignoreing everyones reports! i even met soem age players and reported them, allso the 9yo is my friand, on my friandlist, she still comes online even after a report lol Well, maybe LL did investigate and found out the so called '9 yo' is in fact an adult, so no reason to ban? LL does not have to report back to you about their findings. Just consider the fact you are possibly being fooled, by someone who likes to pull your strings - stating they are 9 years old.
  19. What Canoro said, or go inworld with a LL viewer and click on your profile, you will then see this. Online, on the web, it looks the same. I like it!
  20. Venus Petrov wrote: LL is responsible for the age-verification process. Sim owners are responsible for putting a rating on their sims. It is not the sim owner's responsibility to police age-verified residents who enter a sim and claim they are under 18 years old. Who knows if someone claiming to be 16 is telling the truth? You may question the wisdom in merging teen grid with adult. However, it is a done deal now and LL has to deal with it. ^^ That. And also, this may sound harsh, I am not in Second Life to babysit other people's children and the last thing I want to do when enjoying my leisure time online is wondering, or worrying even, if some 'parent' knows their offspring is fooling around. To be clear, I do not do anything that may get me or teens even in trouble, I live a sheltered SL on mostly G-rated sims. Venus got it right in her last sentence.
  21. When I rezzed in 2007, I choose the female character. Just because I am a rl female as well I suppose it made sense. (I was that lovely girl-next-door, in purple shirt, jeans and flipflops. Oh and system hair! argh!). The first days/weeks I spent on Orientation Island (that's another story) and created my own clothes and fiddles with said system hair, thinking I looked fabulous! Well, soon after I left Orientation Island I found out I looked awful. Hahah! Anyway, in the 4 years I have always been a female and always wear light/pale skins. Lighter than my rl-skin, and as for the hair...well, that varies from black to blond to pink or blue or whatever colour I feel like wearing. Why the light/pale/white skin? Um, I guess because I like how it looks on my screen. I also like to run around as an Android or Robot, but always the female version. I have had an alt once, a male one, specially created to experience SL as a guy - together with a friend. I have to admit: I am a terrible man. I felt weird and it was awkward even, just...not me! I don't know how to describe it, but I had the feeling everybody just knew I was a girl in a male-avatar...lol.
  22. Dresden Ceriano wrote: What in the world are you talking about? ...Dres Tsk, don't play innocent Dres...fix it !!! LOL. Oh, happy rezzday again ))
  23. Hm! Okay, Gogolita - a blogger from Juicybomb, uses this skin a lot (or similar) - not sure if she is the creator, but you can ask her? http://juicybomb.com/
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