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Caitlin Tobias

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Everything posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. Sy and me, doing a photoshoot for the Stand4love campaign (the endresult is this one)
  2. Raven1 Short wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: I personally like knee lights better. This way I get to wear two lights and I get to show-off my knees at that same time. I don't know why, I guess I like staring at my knees; and when others stare at my knees it is a real turn on. I see the need for butt lights maybe. I've seen this problem more than once where the person's bum looks....infected. Hm. More a reason to just keep your pants on in public? Heh! (My skin, not even a cheapo - from Glam Affair - has the same by the way, not always charming...)
  3. Storm Clarence wrote: I think there is only one way to settle this debate. Every participant with an opinion must take an in-world pic either with a facelight or without (choose your poison,) and post the photo to the "VaNiTy ThReAd". I guarantee, regardless of your preference, you will be welcomed and cheered. PS I look forward to seeing you all there. Oh! Well, ALL my pictures in the VaNiTy ThReAd are made without facelight!
  4. Coby Foden wrote: Yesterday I saw one female avatar burning the ground textures (and her textures) with super strong light. I was was wondering where the light came from as there were no balls orbiting her. Further inspection revealed this: • Both earrings had light • The necklace had light • The hair had light :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated: Personally I have never understood the use of facelights. They take off the effects of environmental lighting effects. To me facelight sends a message "look at me". :smileywink: Coby Foden wrote: Yesterday I saw one female avatar burning the ground textures (and her textures) with super strong light. I was was wondering where the light came from as there were no balls orbiting her. Further inspection revealed this: • Both earrings had light • The necklace had light • The hair had light :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated: Personally I have never understood the use of facelights. They take off the effects of environmental lighting effects. To me facelight sends a message "look at me". :smileywink: Heh, I do not mind the 'look at me' message, after all I want ppl to look at me too - I spend a lot of time dressing Caity up and make her look good! Then again, a VERY bright facelight makes my eyes water and makes it hard to look at them - so they reach the opposite effect.
  5. Oooh, thanks )
  6. Penny Patton wrote: Freya Mokusei wrote: In my opinion however, people who complain about facelights are considerably worse than the people who wear them. Can we ditch those, instead? I have to disagree. If we were talking about simple personal fashion sense that would be one thing, but a poorly set up nose lamp isn't simply bad fashion, it affects everyone around the person wearing it. For those on less powerful computers which cannot run deferred rendering, they are still limited to six environmental lights, each noselamp eats at that number, breaking the lighting in an environment to the point where it can be difficult for others to see. Blindingly bright noselamps also affect everyone else's ability to see by washing out the nearby enviornment in blindly bright light. The people wearing these often do not even have local lights on so they serve no purpose whatsoever. Bad nose lamps force people to turn attached lights off, breaking good use of attached lights (like flashlights in dark sims) and even with attached lights disabled, nose lamps STILL count against local light sources. Over use of noselamps can also cause crashing and framerate issues. All of these issues contribute to why people feel so strongly about whether or not others are wearing nose lamps. I LOL'ed at 'nose lamps' but fully agree with all you wrote. I am one of those that likes o explore and go places, being in high/ultra graphics with shadows enabled and everything. Just because I can and because I love it. Facelights indeed ruin some of my experiences and yeah, force me to either derender a complete avatar or in most cases I have to untick the attached lights. When I go to a club I switch to medium graphics and disable a lot, not because my machine can't handle it, but just to get rid of the excessive lights people around me tend to use. I am aware most wearers of face-lights have NO clue on what they do to the 'environment', and sometimes pointing it out or sending them a picture/snapshot on what I (and others) see ....helps. Facelights can have a purpose I suppose, when taking pictures of oneself, although I have never used one. Well maybe back in 2007.... And let's not get me started on full bright buildings!!! (but that is another story.....)
  7. Love the colour effect in your pic, Venus (it's one of my fav windlights for fooling around too ). Okay, I am all dressed up and ready for some more exploring on SL9B!
  8. Since Holland is out of the Euro 2012 Championship, I am now supporting England, hence my colours of today
  9. Great pics everyone! It took me a while to catch up with this thread...! Here's one I took yesterday:
  10. Ready to go out for a Saturday in town!
  11. KC Hinchcliffe wrote: Hi, I've been having trouble uploading pics onto my feed, I'm on the new firestorm viewer. I've tried making the pic smaller but it still keeps saying posting. Has anyone else had the same problem? A little help would be appreciated thanks KC Hinchcliffe Yes there is a workaround, that will cost you 10 LS. First upload a pic to your inventory....than after that, you can post to feed. Dont ask why or how, but it worked for lots of ppl already....
  12. I was feeling all glamourous after cleaning the kitchen...
  13. 09142011 wrote: I noticed that most of the mesh clothes I'm trying on are following the trend of having hips so wide, it looks like they were stretched out by some gross forced torture, probably to fit the avatars with hips that look like that. I never understood what all that is about. Can someone please explain to me the reason women want their avatars to look like a pear with legs??? What's the attraction with that? It's kind of annoying now that mesh designers see this as the norm and those of us who like to keep things realistic have to deal mesh that wont hug hips that are in proportion with the rest of our body. Most? Really? I have seen it, it's a fashion-stream/trend or how you call it, but MOST? Nah, I don't have that experience at all. There are so many designers now, that sell mesh and I, for one, think it is good they cater to different trends/fashions. I am convinced, and I seriously shop A LOT, the majority of mesh clothing for females is still pretty 'realistic' .
  14. UncommonTruth wrote: ummmm... ooohkaaay. As random as this thread sounds >.> I'm thinking it should probably be in the destinations section rather than lifestyles and relationships. It's there already, feels a bit spammy to me....
  15. Everytime someone, somewhere says ***bleep***, a viewer crashes.
  16. Marianne McCann wrote: Interesting. Sounds like an "unintended consequence" of https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTeleportAgentGlobalCoords That it allowed you to go to The Corn Field reveals a serious design flaw, IMO. That sim (not the numbered clones) is not pubicly accessible. Which means one could potentially use this to get into places they should not. Filing a SEC JIRA... Hm no, the Cornfield is open all year, it is even listed in the Destination Guide as a SL Origin: https://secondlife.com/destination/the-corn-field
  17. Storm Clarence wrote: Either you do it, or you don't. Do you? I do. I find some of them a form of entertainment, specially when they are google-translated. Or in case of IKEA, describe 4 type of cupboards in one drawing.....
  18. After endless fiddling with DoF settings I ended up with a blurry picture, that I quite like myself!
  19. Julius Chiantelle wrote: Hello, I don't gameplay weapons on SL - just use them for RP (and clearly not very often) but I have the following issue. When a weapon is holstered or in a scabbard then I see it - but as soon as I draw it (put it in my hand) it becomes invisible in my hand. It appears as an invisible prim - I don't have many weapons (about 6 ish) and all but a single pistol do this. Can't help thinking I have missed something obvious but all my searches come up empty, so I am hoping you guys can help. I have tried to use these in a variety of places including my Linden home and on different viewers. I have not done any exhaustive tests yet because I hoping that you guys know the answer Any feedback will be most appreciated Maybe I am suggesting the obvious, but are you wearing two items per weapon (holster and pistols, sheath and sword for instance) For my katana's , I have to wear the sheath and the sword both. The sword only turns visible the moment I am drawing it, but when it is 'sheathed' it is still in my hand (invisible then). If I only wear the sheath, indeed nothig happens when I draw the sword .
  20. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Then she went on saying "I trust my friends more, who told me how very effective the shield is, rather than a stranger. Besides I paid a lot for it so it must be effective". Well, even after the proof of non-worthiness of the shield she said that she will continue wearing the shield to protect herself from being inspected and copied. Well, I was just telling her the truth and she got mad... :smileymad: :smileysurprised: :smileytongue: I once told a lot of people that their viewer was coded by a pack of hackers who were up to some very suspicious conduct and would get very weird when asked about details. I wasn't alone in telling them this, nor even the most vocal voice. Most of them laughed at me, called me names, and even started getting personal - because their viewer was popular and their friends said it was good and they liked some features... so it couldn't be run by crooks. Then Emerald got banned, because they got exposed doing a Denial of Service and someone posted server logs that people still said was just fine, but LLs thought otherwise not wanting a visit from the FBI over it. So it renamed itself, booted out one or two people, or had them make new alts, and was back on the grid in a few weeks. Yeah, same here..and I still do not use it
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