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Caitlin Tobias

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Everything posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. Lovely to see you surface, if only for this occasion! I, for one, always enjoyed your posts and adventures on your blog . Be well, be happy!
  2. yw...and I found the blondes pack too: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Vanity-HairSunset-Blvd-v2-blonds/3503992
  3. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Vanity-HairSunset-Blvd-v2-reds/3503989 This is the red, but they have all colours.
  4. I am pretty sure you will find this hair at Vanity Hair (sorry, am not inworld for a landmark - but it's in search), as I have that hair myself, no braid though, but the first picture for sure.
  5. Yeah on the blog maybe, but Lana also posts on her profile feed and then it looks almost the same and you cannot process pics as they are directly from inworld.
  6. I know Lana Quicksand wears this hair a lot, you can IM her? Or leave a message on her blog: http://lanaq.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/chedira-passion/ (this is a post in which she wears it) Good luck! ETA: I did not respond for the reward btw - not interested in that - , if Lana can help you out, she deserves it
  7. SLtesterL2 wrote: I always wondered, what was the symbolisim with the hand/eye icon for SL? Does it mean anything or is it just random? :smileysurprised: It has a very deep meaning.... http://www.darkfiber.com/eyeinhand/
  8. Kezio wrote: Caitlin Tobias wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: Oh, let me guess you are a student and you have to finish some work for school? You beat me to it....So the next question will be how much hours per week/day we spend in SL. Or if we spend real money and how much, where we live, if we consider our avatar a real identity.....and so on. I find your reply rude and unnecessary to my question of male or female. You deliberately answered in such a way as to cause grief or anger to the OP, myself. I asked a simple question, so if you cannot answer in a nice polite manner then please dont answer at all. Really? I mean: really? I cause grief and anger? LOL. You better step away from the computer and have a nice long walk in the fresh air. Seriously. Also, once you post something in a public forum, people can and will reply, and not all will be rainbows and butterflies and agreeing with you.
  9. Syo Emerald wrote: Oh, let me guess you are a student and you have to finish some work for school? You beat me to it....So the next question will be how much hours per week/day we spend in SL. Or if we spend real money and how much, where we live, if we consider our avatar a real identity.....and so on.
  10. Ricky40 wrote: Just curious about what age most people make there avatars? Is the way you dress and play your avatar the same age as you in Real life or younger? Especially I guess I'm the fashion sense I am wondering. This topic comes up every year. No, my avatar is not the same age as her operator, she also has a different haircolour, elf-ears which her operator does not have and wears very tight and short skirts that would probably be illegal in reallife.
  11. Err yeah, just as Innula already posted? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/LL-authorises-L-resellers-maybe-solves-the-problem-of-buying-L/td-p/2011381
  12. You cannot change the layout of the house via the control panel, that is only for changing textures and colours of walls, doors and windows and such. If you wish another type of home, you have to abandon the current one first and pick a new one on the website (you can scroll through the various themes).
  13. What Rolig said. Alternatively, and this has happened to me recently..ahem, are you by any chance wearing mesh shoes and forgot to wear the 'shoe shape'? If you dont wear that, your feet will also sink in the ground. You can check that in the folder of the shoes, if you are wearing it all, or in edit outfit - tab: wearing.
  14. Yes, my.secondlfe.com is indeed offline, LL is working on it, see this message on the grid status: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2013/05/16/post1957/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SecondLifeGridStatus+%28Second+Life+Grid+Status+Updates%29
  15. The message you get, as I got the same when trying tonight, is that the service/option is temporarily not available and it also says 'please try again later'. Ergo, they (LL) are probably aware of the issue on the website and working on it. As for the 'why'...I cannot answer that. Just try later
  16. LunaticRaven wrote: Day 4 and it was finally cleared up! \o/ I'll take a note to RA Gov Linden if it happens again. Just still find it amusing it took so long. It took over a week. Also, these sandboxes have an autoreturn of 4 hours, so every 4 hours the crap was gone, till the griefer placed it back. It is possible LL took a look, or maybe two!, while it was gone - I have seen the places all empty a few times and thought it was solved. But hey, it's so much more fun to keep complaining and assuming the negative sides!
  17. Damien Pawpad wrote: I think its all bull**bleep** how am i supose to get lindens now? i dont have a creditcard cause i am dutch and i cant use paypal anymore cause my ex abused it and got closed so what the F am i suppose to do now? i normaly get my lindens of a dutch site by phone........... I am Dutch too, I live in The Netherlands and have a credit card. Well, more than one actually. Being Dutch is no reason. I am sorry for your other reasons though, but apparently LL is working/talking with the other exchanges at the moment and they re-opened for now.
  18. I am glad I am not a forumer and not cool. Saves me a lot of thinking and worrying,
  19. LXBABY wrote: Def not looking for free stuff I just want new things to blog about, things maybe not everyone knows about. I buy pretty much everything in my blogs, just looking for more things and different styles to fit into it do it dsnt l look the same ya know? Ah well, the title of your post : blogger for hire, made me assume you wanted (free) stuff from designers to blog about. If you just need input on where to find exclusive and new things...I suggest exploring the shops yourself, there are a LOT of fashion bloggers and of course you will see some same things on various blogs (specially when some popular designers have new releases). I would say: keep looking out for shops, if you see someone wearing an awesome outfit just ask where they got it from, read blogs, browse MP and enjoy, as this is the fun part!
  20. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: KaelemDajuan wrote: Facelights are a must have especially for ladies, you can see the difference when you wear one they really make your face so amazingly smooth and beautiful, i dont think the guys need worry though unless theyre really bothered about how smooth and flawless their face looks. But the ladies look stunning, and i'm not talking about the bright light ones, there is a facelight called a glamour facelight and that is perfect, and it doesn't seem to light up everyone else its just a gentle one. The gentle ones are the best, but the too bright ones are a no no :matte-motes-sour: there is windlight settings of course but if you want others to see your beauty you need something everyone can see, not just on your screen, not everyone has their windlight setting adjusted to make avi faces look nice. Heres the thing.. i have attached lights turned off. So i dont actually see you as you see you. Most older avs that i have spoken to have this setting as well. We don't want to see your face light ighting up the sim. Even if its "well made" to you, it may mess up our view. Just a side note. It's like the 12 hours of painstaking work you do to match your mesh/rim/sculpty feet to your skin. That only works if my settings match yours. Including the color settings on my monitor. My advice, skip the face light and just wander. ^^ that. I have attached lights disabled as well, so no matter how smooth and beautiful you look on your screen while wearing it, I will not see it and I do not want to see it. I live my SL usually in high graphics with shadows enabled and use various windlights. Facelights are ruining the view on MY screen and do not make people look good to me, on the contrary. ETA: since we are able to turn them off, I would say: wear them if you must, if it is good for you on your screen, by all means: enjoy! Just like I enjoy my version of the world
  21. LXBABY wrote: http://cinderellahuntspenguins.blogspot.com Looking for content to blog contact me in world lxbaby resident Although I am not a fashion-blogger (and seeing your blog, you are) I am pretty sure this is not the way to get content - or as I read it : 'get free items' Best is to keep on blogging with items you buy and like showing off, tagging your posts with creator-names and shops and let the creators know you blogged about their stuff. Also, put your pictures on flickr and add them to creator-groups (many have one) and tag them. Once your blog is getting more and more readers and creators will see it too, you may get some attention and maybe even some free items to blog about, but do not count on it. Also a good one, for if you really need free stuff: apply to events to become an official blogger. Many events have websites and application-forms, where you can fill in all the details and get the change to become an official blogger (so you get stuff before an event opens, and early access). Then there are feeds, like iheartsl and so, in which you can list your blog and have it featured for many thousands of readers, a good way to get attention too. I would like to add, and this is personal, if you are only blogging because you want free stuff...well, that doesnt seem the way or reason, at least to me. I blog about places I like, things I do and show off the occasional outfit I bought. Blogging for me is for fun and not for the benefits (I have none, it only costs me money...lol). Anyway, good luck!
  22. LunaticRaven wrote: For two days now the following premium linden sandboxes have been griefned by the user"floressasilkstream resident": Sandbox Decorus, Sandbox Lautus, Sandbox Mirus and Sandbox Peritus I submitted one report yesterday at 5:14SLT and then another today, nothing. I contacted live support three times telling of the issue to see if they'd have someone look at it - It's a linden labs owned sandbox. Today on live support, what do I get? Nothing? Can someone please tell me why i pay for premium if I can't even use it for the one thing I use it for - empty sandboxes. I mean, really? Has anyone actually seen the abuse reports do anything at all lately? I have sent in Abuse Reports too, for those same sandboxes. It has an autoreturn of 4 hours, but this griefer just comes back and rezzes the crap over and over again. All we, residents, can do is AR it, I've done it for a week now, every day and will keep doing so. It's the only thing one can do.
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