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Caitlin Tobias

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Everything posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. beethros Karas wrote: Well... I can live with all the rest... but I cannot live with: LlazarusLlong wrote: Assuming that SL V2..... there is NOT an SL V2... There is a new project called high fidelity and has NOTHING to do with SL or a SL 2 or a whatever people want to present as a substitute of our beautifull world. I can take everything, but I had enough with e name of.... Secondlife No2 ..... High Fidelity has nothing to do with the new virtual world LL is creating, and yes...they are creating one as has been in the news quite a bit a few months ago. Ebbe Linden even participated for a while in this forum, about this new product.
  2. NotAPrincess112 wrote: I will, however, admit that I have not be entirely honest in this thread. Oh really.......how surprising.
  3. Aethelwine wrote: Love the artworks with sailing boats ! Are those your own works (and boat) ?
  4. LlazarusLlong wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Perhaps you're simply freighting the word "friend" with more significance than others do. It may be that Europeans imbue the word friend with more intimate connotations than our colonial outcasts, since the great geographical expanses of the USA, and subsequent necessity for mobility, has led to a diminution of the quality of "community" that the population density of Europe has engendered. In that context, it is the colonials who are the true "others". [Camus used the word "Etranger", and described exquisitely the sense of dissociation felt by those who had no real friends.] Hah. I was just looking it up in the official Dutch Dictionary, and unlike the variety of definitions Theresa had for the English word 'friend', our Dutch 'vriend' has only two: 1. Someone you trust, like and have a close bond or relationship with. 2. A donor-like term, as in 'friend of the club/charity' etc (hope this one makes sense, it has nothing to do with actual friendships between persons, I think Patron is the right term) The rest, they are 'people you know', acquantainces. So yes, that is why I am probably freighting the word friend with more significance than others. Of course I try go with the flow, online and with other cultures and try to understand the need for 'friendslist', 'friending' and 'unfriending' (for the latter we do not even have a Dutch word!), it is nice to see other views/experiences .
  5. CheriColette wrote: Oh YES, pretty colours. Thats so much harder to get the right balance than monochrome rooms. You do have a good eye Caitlin. My bedroom is up in the loft and the walls slope many ways, making it difficult to put anything on them or even up against the wall. Sill I love it and there is a floor to ceiling window at each end with great views. Thank you! And for sharing your picture, looks lovely and yes...the challenge of sloped walls..! My home has some too, but that is due to the fact I am terrible in rezzing objects and never seem to be able to rez a building without it being some degrees off
  6. LlazarusLlong wrote: Do you agree with me that there are more lonely people out there in SL because their expectations and behaviour have been modified by other (Anti)Social Networks? I think it goes beyond SL even, 'social' media is not only causing loneliness inworld but also in real life. (many studies have been done on this, e.g. this one, although the topic is Facebook, it could apply to SL as well) But sticking to SL, yes, I think too that expectations are set due to the use and pressure of social networks, in which we are led to believe to get friends and an active, fulfilling social life with just one click of the mouse: 'friend' and voilá you have a new friend! In (virtual) reality this is of course not how it works, but perhaps the definitions of the words 'friend' and 'social' need to be re-defined? Or maybe we, the.. ahem...older ones - who grew up without internet, whatsapp, instagram and whatnot - need to adapt? Not saying we must, but I doubt we can actually change the way how communication is shifting from just hopping on your bicycle and go to see if your friend is home to nowadays conveniently just 'whatsapp' them with random chat and by doing so maintaining some sort of relationship. Or multiple even. As for SL. Yes, every now and then I get the random friendship offer from total strangers and upon declining their responses are more often than not are all sorts of offended ('I like your pictures and want to be your friend' or worse 'sheesh, you are not as nice as you pretend to be on your blog! ') instead of apologising for an out of the blue friendship request. I, by the way, always tell people I do not accept friendship offers before I have actually had some more contact, conversations and so on, it is even in my profile. Obviously I consider a 'friendlist' a list of people I enjoy talking to, or meeting up with, and it is for me not a 'collection of names' to look at and think: omg, I have so many friends, I am popular! (my list has 23 names on it, 3 of them being my alts...). I try to keep it short and also believe one does not need to be on eachothers 'list' to be friends or have an occasional meeting/dance/chat/party. A matter of typing a name of someone you want to speak for whatever reason in search and "IM" and there you go. It's maybe the pressure people feel, by seeing how happy and overly social and accepted a lot of other people are, compared by themselves, when they look at social networks as facebook, plurk, ASN and Flickr etc. All the showing off on how wonderful those Second Lives are can make one wonder: 'why am I exploring and dancing all alone?! I need (more) friends! I want what they have!' Hence the: 'Add me!' While they may not realise it is often a facade or in best case, I hope : play. And last but not least, there is nothing wrong with alone time. As much as we are social beings, we also need solitude to stay healthy..and I think solitude is often wrongly perceived as loneliness, due to said social networks and the pressure coming from it.
  7. I said good night to my friends in a bar where we were chatting and dancing, tp'd home and logged off.
  8. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: Good times, good times
  9. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: WOW, Caitlin...I LOVE your place! The colors are magnificent!!! aw, thank you so much! I got a new house today and am totally out of control now..I.cannot.stop. 600 prims left to use and so many stuffs to put allover the place.....aarrgh!!
  10. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: Is everyone forgettting the Saturday Sendoff, when they get so p#$$*d off they vow never to return??? Ooh it's been a while since I have seen a good, oldfashioned 'rage -quit'!
  11. Anyway. I have been decorating today, replaced my house on groundlevel - for the first time in almost three years - and so I also put some new pics on the wall (yes, in a copy of the same frame as in my skyhome, because: easy).
  12. LlazarusLlong wrote: Why do some of those who feel the need to gain kudos over in Answers (not all of them; for example, Rolig is too busy and Lindal knows better) think that they can come to General Discussions and apply the same attitudes, expecting threads to remain on track, not recognising humour, and thinking that everything has a single, correct answer? I have news for you, guys. You won't enjoy the way GD is going, so you might be better off sticking to your cut-and-pasting. But don't worry, we'll send over any threads started in GD which should be in Answers, so you'll still have stuff to do. [Ditto for threads appropriate to Technical or Commerce; we might keep some of the Adult ones though.] Wait till the Wednesday Whinging starts, that's when they are really warmed up...
  13. Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: Little Hitler with his rule book. LOL Well. Thanks for the Godwin.
  14. Tari Landar wrote: Here you go, a wall with pics Of course, most of them were taken in 2008-2009, minus a couple.....We've come a long way since those days, lol Lovely! I should dig up some old pics too! Love the frame too, i think its from the same shop as I got mine
  15. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I don't put friends or family's pics on the wall anymore... I put up friends' artwork on my wall... This is my good friend Trinity Yazimoto's artwork on my wall. This is Whiskey Monday's artwork on my wall. ...Dres ooh nice! I have a one from Trinity too, and a work from another artist, in my groundlevel home! My own personal pics are only in my skyhome.
  16. Derek Torvalar wrote: Caitlin Tobias wrote: See, wallspace enough...and I can also cover the windows, I am easy like that: Oooohhh, lots of space left. Looks like it's going to be a long shoot. ;-P <waits for Dres> You want a pic of you and Dres? Fine with me, as long as you don't bring your turkey. I do have my standards..
  17. See, wallspace enough...and I can also cover the windows, I am easy like that:
  18. Derek Torvalar wrote: No, as I, and the Llazgun echoed, I have no issues with what Cleo posted in the least. Just a little exercise. And this wasn't a derail, we may have been up on two wheels but not completely off the rails. We should get together for another shoot, if you have the wallspace. ;-) OK, then maybe I will see some more wall decoration tomorrow morning over breakfast! Ah and another shoot sounds good, I have some walls left and I also found some pants for you to wear -a vailable at the mens department new round, which will be nice for a change: https://www.flickr.com/photos/xuelovespizza/16686760922/
  19. Derek Torvalar wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Derek Torvalar wrote: PS Dres, check your mail. I did and have been thoroughly insulted by the lack of dick shots. ...Dres They are all on my wall. You sent him the pics I made of your...err, your portrait?
  20. Derek Torvalar wrote: Thank you for making my point for me. I posted the pic in the hope of mollifying you as you seemed to have needed a pic rather desperately. It is usually a good practise (watching McMasters?) to familiarize yourself with the players before wading into the fray. For instance, Caitlin and I have been good friends for 5 years and if she had a problem with my posting to the thread in the manner I have she would have told me to back off. And out of repsect for her I would have. But then Caity knows what I am referring to as she has read a number of the threads posted in the last week that refer to the issues here. You can also look at my posting history, as I have done with you, to get an idea about my style and concerns. I have been following the thread, of cours, and have kept quiet because I was a bit unsure and curious on where this was going and also, as Derek and Llazarus know I am very careful in what I post (pictures as well as text), due to past experiences in this forum. Posting or having pics of actors portraying characters from a tv show, I personally have no issue with this and can't see it as a problem - fan-art/posters/photos with autographs etc are often free available on official websites as long as you don't use it for profit..but just as a fan, why not ? I do not think this was your issue with Cleo's image, right? I had no idea a simple thread on wall decoration would go the way this one went, but hey hoo..I've seen worse derailings . Oh and Derek, I would have loved to show the other wall in my home, with our pic... but alas, I would have had to blur the complete wall for disneyfication.. Anyway, for every one else: show them walls!
  21. Derek Torvalar wrote: Caitlin Tobias wrote: Derek Torvalar wrote: CleoSertorii wrote: this is the wall of my bedroom in SL. It is a work in progress and at the moment, and the only actual photo i have is on the nightstand At some point, ill be adding more of my SL adventures. You had better black out the photo on the table. You will have the post pulled for revealing Personal Information. Even if it is a picture of a photo of yourself? You could be right though, but I guess only if someone complains? I am not so much into putting rl photo's in my SL, but i've seen it in other peoples homes My understanding is that even if you are in the photo you would need the expliit permission of all others in the photo. And no, apparently no one has to complain. But my understanding only goes as far as the Community Manager has communicated the policy to me. Which is, not at all! Nothing new here in that regard though, that kind of indifference to forumites concern's has been going on for YEARS! I get it, as said..I am just not a fan of RL pics in my SL at all, a personal choice, but there are lots of people who love to keep them in their SL home. Heck in profiles even. As for the forum, yeah...I suppose you are right, I am always careful about images I post in here - it is why I blurred out one of the (SL) pics on my wall-picture, as it shows some nudity - if you would look really close.
  22. Derek Torvalar wrote: CleoSertorii wrote: this is the wall of my bedroom in SL. It is a work in progress and at the moment, and the only actual photo i have is on the nightstand At some point, ill be adding more of my SL adventures. You had better black out the photo on the table. You will have the post pulled for revealing Personal Information. Even if it is a picture of a photo of yourself? You could be right though, but I guess only if someone complains? I am not so much into putting rl photo's in my SL, but i've seen it in other peoples homes
  23. CleoSertorii wrote: this is the wall of my bedroom in SL. It is a work in progress and at the moment, and the only actual photo i have is on the nightstand At some point, ill be adding more of my SL adventures. Looks colourful! And yes..decorating seems never ending...I just finished my home, for now...but surely I will change stuff soon .
  24. CheriColette wrote: Your wall is nice Caitlin. I have picture frames on table in lounge and big one in the main bedroom (that scrolls though my photos) BUT I think your wall has a decorators look. I like how you used same frames of different sizes. Oh, I am a terrible decorator.....getting stuff in my home takes me ages and those frames:...ahem, it's a set in one piece I purchased on MP, here.....all I had to do was drag pics in the right spots.....
  25. Oh all you people with fancy TPV's.....I am a simple LL Viewer user and can only make one 'busy message'! I feel left out. Hahahaha. No. I don't.
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