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Caitlin Tobias

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Everything posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. Ticka Alphaville wrote: I am brazilian and i have question about the last update of TOS. Most of brazilians doesn´t have international CC or Paypal: normally we buy from another one who has. How can we buy lindens now? Well, if you normally buy lindens from 'another' who has a CC or Paypal, you can still do that? Unless you mean the 'another' is a third party exchange provider, then...you can't, unless you get your own CC or Paypal.
  2. OMG. How come I just had to discover this Megatron facelight now, after 6 years of walking around in the dark! TY TY TY for the tip, it sooo enhances my 1K LS skin and hair!
  3. oberon Zuta wrote: Hello everyone: pls sign the open petition (choose language top right on the website) with the link below: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/wiedereinfuehrung-von-exchange-unternehmen-in-second-life Reintroduction of Exchange Companies in Second Life German: The residents in Second Life demand that all Third Exchange Company be permitted or allowed properly so as to continue to promote a free market economy and to maintain it. Deutsch: The inhabitants of Second Life asking did all third Exchange companies are Properly Allows or approved THEREFORE continue to promote a free-market economy and to maintain. Later receiver (forwarded by Linden Research, Inc) Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220 Reason: German: Second Life thriving for each of the income and the selection of Exchange. This will allow the citizens have to decide for themselves how and where you buy your Linden dollars. Furthermore, resellers and service partners have benefited from the shops of Exchange company and therefore have bolstered your monthly income. Deutsch: Second life is thriving since each of the income and the selection of Exchange companies. These have enabled the inhabitants to decide how and where you buy your Linden dollars. Continue to have benefited from the transactions of the Exchange Company reseller and service partners and have upgraded it to your monthly income. On behalf of all signatories. Neuwied 08.05.2013 (active till 07.08.2013) "The residents in Second Life demand". Err. No. I am a resident too, and I demand nothing. I guess : 'some residents' or 'the residents signing this' would be more accurate.
  4. squashy Beeswing wrote: Sephina, i'd be lying if i said i didn't like it sometimes. But ONLY if it's a quality 'hit', know what i mean? I.E., someone who also took the time to look at my profile & it shows. Conversely, i HATE to be hit on by chancers wearing a hairbase in lieu of hair, short arms, no AO and a pin-head. I also ignore the "hi" "how are you?" "that's cool" brigade. Soooo fricking tedious! Idk if that's me being mean or not. MOSTLY i'm polite and approachable, but i know i give good chat and expect to get it in return! </rambling> :matte-motes-big-grin: Hi. A/S/L?
  5. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Im only told no bling or face lights where ever I go Tsk! Bling is Vintage and I heard it will be all the rage in 2014 again!
  6. Oooh, the good old facelight discussion. I do not use them, not even for photography, as I always work with the windlightsettings and shadows. As for others wearing them, and they vary from 'gentle' to 'nuclear lighthouse' (!!).... I have attached lights unticked, so I do not see them, and so they do not bother me. For people on machines that do not handle windlight/shadows or higher graphics well, I can see a gentle, subtle, facelight may help them looking better for themselves. So, as Dora said: by all means...wear em, I do not see them anyway! Helpful eh!
  7. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Caitlin Tobias wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: squashy Beeswing wrote: Why is it so many forum females seemingly feel the need to boast about / complain about / boastfully complain about how they keep "getting hit on" becos their avatar is just too damned attractive? I can't help it... it can get rather annoying being this gorgeous... ...Dres It is about being hit ON, Dres....not being hit! Poor you, who did that to you and do I need to hit them? Hey! you leave my mommy alone! ...Dres
  8. Venus Petrov wrote: Oh my! I am so happy you posted this OP. As a DJ, there is nothing more *irritating* than to look out on a crowded dancefloor and see everyone bopping and jiving to their OWN beats! WTH! *I* am the one who sets the rhythm and they better as hell go along with it! People like you who pay attention to these things make me very very happy. *tongue firmly planted in cheeky* You mean it annoys you I only dance the Gangnam Style during your two hour sets? Good news! I haz the PSY Gentleman Dance now too!! \0/
  9. Dresden Ceriano wrote: squashy Beeswing wrote: Why is it so many forum females seemingly feel the need to boast about / complain about / boastfully complain about how they keep "getting hit on" becos their avatar is just too damned attractive? I can't help it... it can get rather annoying being this gorgeous... ...Dres It is about being hit ON, Dres....not being hit! Poor you, who did that to you and do I need to hit them?
  10. Azanor wrote: This is a multiplayer environment and since there are no NPC's around human to human interaction is a big part of SL. Do you think maybe people are too quick to assume they are being hit on? If the person is still around one week after the first hello, you may start to think they carry an interest. But how often any interaction lasts a week in SL? ^^ That. I guess one can assume too quickly that a, perhaps somewhat clumsy, first attempt to a chat means being 'hit on'. And of course it happens to all of us, although I have to admit that I have a more than gorgeous, hawt, avatar *coff coff* I am not that often being 'hit on'. Darn, I must be doing it wrong?! I do get nice IM's and the occasional compliment, but I don't mind. Hey, I spend a lot of time and effort - and linden dollars - on my avatar, so if I would be ignored..I would be pissed off! Jokes aside, I find it hilarious when people complain about 'being hit on', they may miss opportunities to real nice chats and meeting people. New residents often come inworld with the perception SL is one big dating place, once they grow up and have explored, they will see it can be that, but also way more. And of course, I suppose it depends on what sims you hangout....?
  11. RiiCassidy wrote: I didn't tell anyone to get a job, but if they are going to complain about all the changes and all of this and that they can't afford for their family because of LL, then they need to not only get one, but also need to get a reality check. I've known a guy who had only one hand and on that one hand he had 2 fingers and he drives to work and home EVERY morning. And a 65 year old woman who was homeless in a wheelchair but she went to work everyday. Not only that she set up a christmas tree outside of her little corner.While theirs others complaining they can't do this and that anymore while their are disabled people out their working, which is what you forgot to leave out. Secondlife to me should not be your ONLY source of income meaning you should have a back up job, and if you are saying they don't need one, I hope you are ready to take care of all the people you are telling this to. Yeah all nice and stuff and thumbs up for those people you mention, who found a rl job despite all that. Did it ever occur to you that in RL....NO rl job is guaranteed for life these days, basically the same as being a merchant in SL? I think it is great that people are able to make money, rl money - if not for 100% but then as extra, in a virtual world. For many creators it IS a job and often with long days and a lot of effort, while attending to family-members, themselves and so on. See it as working from home, but without the hassle of traveling, special workplaces in some cases and a schedule that fits their needs etc. Ever considered that? I guess not. I hope for you, you are one of the lucky few that has a rl-job for life and nothing ever happens to you, forcing you to stay at home and being dependant on the internet and your creativity to survive. It is 2013, ppl can and will make a living online, that is not being lazy, it is great!
  12. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: what that tattoo told the world she was - and definitely not my type. Edited to add: I actually think its refreshing that a 22 year old isn't into tattoos, because in my home town the younger generation really seem to favor them, with a sheep-like mentality. Good on the OP for being an individual with their own very strong mind. Agree - I found that refreshing. I actually agree. Something's are deal breakers. Hers happens to be tats. What I was surprised at is the fact that you can invest a half a year into a relationship with someone and just drop them. Must have been a bad tat or not that good of a relationship. I would hope no one is that shallow however even if she was its her life. Bolded part mine. No, she did not write that, she mentioned this happened 6 month ago. Not that the relationship lasted 6 months. As in "I once went to a beach with a guy 6 months ago"......
  13. RiiCassidy wrote: Lately I feel like, i lose my temper way to fast in both RL and SL and i feel the reason is do to certain second life users that just annoy the hell out of me. Rather it's them not listening or them just not being very smart. Im just so annoyed with certain users.Espcially the huge boobed blonde hair gaped teeth mean girls on here. And with people who just sit and hang out in Truth Hair, I mean if you are done shopping why don't you let somebody else on the sim. What about you ? Hey now!
  14. The only coffee I drink in SL is this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Large-Coffee/3317950
  15. No thanks, why would I want to 'hurt' LL ? I enjoy SL too much.
  16. How about you? What now? About me? Nothing changes for me personally - as in I have never used another exchange than Lindex - and I will continue to do as I am doing now.
  17. Sephina Frostbite wrote: You dont need to be rude. I have dont nothing wrong neither am I left, right nor center, I am me. I never said it was their fault or did I say anythng wrong. If you feel the need to attack me then do so private. I never said anything mean or call out names. I wont have sex so they delete me. So yes that is the reason they delete me. Some have been nice enough to explain why, actually most have. I never called them children either. I said some peoples children.. thats not an insult. I didnt bring any drama nor did I ask for pity. All I did was state my issue as many have and if I can get some land marks. If they feel the need to delete me then they will. I am not crying about it. I wouldnt be a friend so someone so rude to begin with, so you dont have to worry. If you feel the need to pick on someone or "tell it like it is" with out knowing reality please choose someone else. Thank you. Imatest wasn't rude, you are posting plain oldfashioned drama and now you get replies. Even though you may think it is not about the dramaz, it is for others. But that is fine, carry on!
  18. Well deserved Softpaw!
  19. Lucretia Brandenburg wrote: My impression from the OP is that most of those dumping her like a hot potato are "friends with benefits" or why dump her because they won't be getting a piece of the cookie any more? While say, sending out a group announcement or posting it on adboards would be a bit much, I don't think letting her friends know she's not interesting in bumping pixels anymore constitutes a desire for drama, especially if those friends are used to sticking their hand in the cookie jar ... sort of a warning, get away from that, or the lid is going to smash your fingers. OK, let me put it this way then: this whole OP is about the dramaz. Losing 'friends'over an 'announcement' or how you want to call it and then wonder wtf happened? But hey, that could be just me eh?
  20. Gadget Portal wrote: I just looked at your feed, and I gotta echo the last few posts. It's your own fault. I second that. The snapshots on your profile-feed, I am adressing the OP - not Gadget- , are sending out a message of 'slex' and your participating in it. All fine and dandy, you do as you please. The other thing, also mentioned in another reply, why the heck would you announce your decision to your 'friends'? It seems a private decision to me. I am in SL for well over 5 years and never, ever, announced or discussed my online sexlife or lack thereof to friends. I sense a need for drama in here. So, carry on.
  21. Noesj wrote: Beste Second Life gebruiker, Ik ben een studente communicatiewetenschappen en naar aanleiding van mijn bachelorpaper doe ik een onderzoek naar reclame en marketing binnen Second Life. Daarvoor ben ik op zoek naar meerderjarige, nederlandstalige Second Life gebruikers. Ben jij dat? Zou u dan zo vriendelijk willen zijn om mijn enquête in te vullen? http://www.thesistools.com/web/?id=340285 Alvast bedankt! Nee, er zijn teveel surveys op dit forum door mensen die de moeite niet nemen om zich echt te verdiepen in SL. Ga gewoon inworld en zie voor jezelf. Je bent al de zoveelste met een survey, dus: meh.
  22. https://my.secondlife.com/caitlin.tobias/snapshots/517ac6d84e6820119c000001
  23. Darren Scorpio wrote: ...because the forums are dead as it is. Plus it really looks bad on LL when its CEO must look to 3rd party forums to interact with Second Life residents. What was wrong with the old forums where we were allowed to go offtopic and discuss things like a good community would? It would be great to have the old posters back, heck even Pep and Suspyria would be fun to have back. The last time I made a post on the GD forum it got deleted because it was "not about Second Life". Does anyone know if they have eased up on that rule? You better start a survey or something, that seems to be safe.
  24. Seriously, the few times per week I check this forum for interesting stuff, I see these surveys. It is yet another reason to just avoid this forum more and more and more. Meh. Yes and I know I can scroll and skip it and do not even have to bother to reply, but sheesh, what a waste of what used to be a nice platform.
  25. Awesome picture, love the lights and shadows! Congrat Venus!!
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