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Kylie Jaxxon

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Everything posted by Kylie Jaxxon

  1. Wow, Venus...that is the perfect description :matte-motes-little-laugh:
  2. Jacki Silverfall wrote: It ain't summer. :smileyhappy: Hi Jacki, ain't that the truth :matte-motes-silly:
  3. MADDIE!!! For some reason, I didn't think you had returned to SL...I took an extended break also and canceled my account, deleted all on my friends list, will have to re-friend you Thanks for the video. Funnily enough, we spent two weeks up north for our vacation and brought back a bushel each of peaches and corn...spent all the past week putting them up. I know where you are, we share the same type of winters, am looking forward to hunkering down also. Hope to see you soon inworld :matte-motes-grin:
  4. Tari (love the name, btw) We don't have A/C here at home, last night was the first night it got cool enough to sleep with my windows closed...ahhhh, blessed relief. I have to change my place a lot, I get too bored with it looking the same all the time :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  5. Wildcat, lol...too cute!! Good luck on your budgeting
  6. Well, now that I look at it, it's not too overdone...although this is the fall stuff, I still have Halloween things to add to it ETA: forgot to insert the pic
  7. Void Singer wrote: (especially since it's been a long time since I was a kid) Lol, bet I beat you on this :matte-motes-tongue: I don't do Halloween anymore, my kids are too old, but I love seeing the neighborhood kids.
  8. Liisa, trees are starting to change here already...we're going a little further up north to Michigan over this coming holiday weekend and I'm really looking forward to it...gorgeous color up there. In SL, I just know went nuts with the fall colors re-doing my parcel Will have to post a pic soon. Good idea about the growlights :matte-motes-nerdy:
  9. Me too, Chelsea...my favorite time I live in the midwest and although we don't get as hot as you, I look forward to the break in the heat and getting out my sweaters and start cuddling :matte-motes-inlove: As for a slump in sales, I've been doing my part in that. I've spent more money in the past week than I have all summer in SL...here's hoping for a raise for everyone!
  10. YAY!! It's that time again.... Apple-picking time :) Just one of the fun things I love to do in the fall. We have a local apple orchard, here in my hometown, that has THE BEST Apple Spice donuts imaginable...I'm glad they are a seasonal thing, otherwise I would be huge, lol.
  11. lol, can't help you, you're speaking a foreign language to me...wanted to say that I greatly admire you guys. I know it's probably something you all love to do, but I'm sure hard work all the same.
  12. You seem hard at work, Mitchell...keep going. Good luck
  13. Keli Kyrie wrote:   ^^This^^ Just look at Rebecca Black. ^This^ Never read stories themselves about her, but surmised what was going on by the headlines...soon after, happened to be watching a show where she sang as a guest...OMG, really, really bad...I'm thinking WTF? Just goes to show you the power of bad publicity, with the media combined, can do for you
  14. Thanks...I've always been here, I just lurk a lot :matte-motes-nerdy:
  15. Venus Petrov wrote: What does 'Your world. Your imagination.' mean to you? Hi Venus. As you've stated in your OP, it allows us to express ourselves, do/achieve anything we set our minds to. For me most of all, it represents "freedom"...the freedom to do what I please, without worrying about the constraints that RL put on us In my case, it's the freedom of finances...I love to decorate, if I had it to do all over again in RL, I would have pursued that as a career. In SL, I am constantly purchasing new homes, new plots of land to decorate/landscape, with minimal money compared to RL. I love SL for this reason...and, it keeps me out of trouble! :matte-motes-inlove: :smileytongue:
  16. This has happened before in the past couple of months...just give it a day or two for LL to sort things out. It's a glitch, it has absolutely nothing to do with a virus or having your money missing. If your L$ is less than you think it should be, check your transaction history on your dashboard to see where it has gone.
  17. Marina Oxygen wrote: I don't know what a QHUD is. "Google" is your friend https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Quantum-Core-QHUD-Combat-System-Multi-Tool-Quantum-Products/193914 ETA: to add link
  18. Cerebrix Absolute wrote: a) stay on top of your advertising. im sick of teleporting into unsuspecting peoples homes because you were too lazy to take your ad down. Hi Cerebrix, I just went through the process of finding the right place too...it can be time consuming & frustrating As you know, the buying of land process is completely automated...the seller/landlord doesn't have to be online for the purchase to take place. Someone could have purchased it after they last logged off and before logging in again. In this situation, they wouldn't have the opportunity to change an ad. Good luck to you in your search
  19. Lol, Pep, good one! There is a poor guy over in Answers that is having a real billing nightmare...picked this sentence out of his post, because everytime I look at it, I want to read it a different way...IDK, just struck me as funny "As an answer the issue is that one, what the LL ask me it's to call them on the phone, but the employe wont talk to me CAUSE i'm not a mother tongue english speaker." Hope he gets his issue straightened out and glad Katerina's is solved.
  20. Pep wrote: Following the earthquake there are rumours that the effects on the East Coast energy distribution and communications infrastructure will provoke another reduction in the US Government's credit rating, which is causing the NYSE to plummet. Pep (Sell! Sell! Sell!) LOL :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  21. Hello to Venus & Ima...good to see all of you too
  22. Ima Rang wrote: Orfeu Miles wrote: I would merely point out, that the voice of dissent is a useful thing…that people who disagree with us…and can state why in an eloquent and persuasive manner….are also builders of community. True dat! I saw a news report last week discussing the fact that men and women who tend to be more aggressive and that are typically considered assholes at work, actually yield a higher salary than that of their always friendly and never disagreeable coutnerparts. I would post the link, but I can't access it at the moment. Assholes need love too Nice to see you here, BTW It's probably because the friendly & never disagreeable ones, don't stand up for themselves...they let people walk all over them
  23. I live in the midwest, so didn't feel it...hope all is well with you and others
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