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Kylie Jaxxon

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Everything posted by Kylie Jaxxon

  1. UGH...I do the "just in case" with houses. Have a ton of them AND. anything Neva makes Will never be able to use all, but I just can't help myself, lol
  2. "I have owned this Linden Home since Belli started and have yet to see a neighbor. My experience with art galleries is that big crowds are not an issue" Gotcha,
  3. Looks like the 2 Ranch regions just released...
  4. Jeez, why would you want it to be??? You could be swamped with people checking it out, and neighbors complaining
  5. Really cute and nice article...was wondering if she stated how much LI she put down just for the front & back yards?
  6. If you use the Firestorm viewer, you can "derender & blacklist" so it doesn't show to you any longer...
  7. I thought I remember reading that you cannot already own a Linden Home when putting in a request. Someone will come along and verify or correct my statement, I'm sure ETA: from the FAQ's: I heard that Premium Plus members can request specific Linden Homes for themselves. Is this true? Yes, it is! Premium Plus members can request a specific Linden Home, as long as the home is not occupied, the region is released (if a Linden Home region begins with "SSP", it is still unreleased), and they do not currently have another Linden Home. To do so, Premium Plus members can request a Linden Home by submitting a support ticket (click Submit A Ticket on the top right of this page!) and choose the Issue Type of Land & Region with the subtype of Linden Homes. Please be sure to include the SLurl for the Linden Home you would like to claim in your support ticket. Please note that Premium Plus members can still only own one Linden Home at a time.
  8. That works!! Thanks for the tip
  9. Yes, not sure why they don't include them, same as the palm trees from the Stilts theme Ok, this is what I've been using for the cypress on my parcel. From left to right.... Botanical - Italian Cypress Fastigiate, Mediterranean Cypress from Fundati, LB_Cypress{4Seasons}, and the small, medium, large Cypress from Katz Republic (these are cute in pots by the front door or in raised beds under the window. Happy shopping!! Firestorm-Releasex64 - Kylie Jaxxon (gyazo.com)
  10. Me too, also the street name in RL, or I won't live there
  11. Yes, was really disappointed when I found her gone. Y.B. was my go-to for surrounds Haven't found anywhere that compares. If you haven't already, you might want to check out PROJECTBLANK, they have a few that I like...worth the look. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fury/129/81/1997
  12. No texture change on either, but it's still cute
  13. @Marianne McCann Can you help her?
  14. Hi They are from Nutmeg, and are called "Hallway Decor Decorative Plates," it includes a hud that allows you to choose from 3 different patterns. This one is "plain."
  15. I think that being my first thought is because stories of racism, etc is all over the news, every single day, sadly So my thought process is this first.
  16. I don't consider Nutmeg as 'hyper-white." There's no shine or anything that stands out to me, except highlighting the decor more....love Nutmeg
  17. Get your mind out of the gutter jk, I thought the same
  18. I actually feel a little nauseous when I go there, lol
  19. That entryway really is impressive...love it
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