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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Sheesh, give me time... I'm signing on now... lol. ...Dres (If someone knows where I can get some decent fishnets... *holds out his hand, opening and closing his fingers as if to say gimme gimme gimme à la Stephen Cobert*)
  2. At least you didn't say wanking, but of course I, being who I am, read it that way at first... lol. ...Dres (Unfortunately I don't use the official V2, so I don't think I can help... don't worry though, someone will come along that can... good luck.)
  3. Thanks, Valerie. I had posted a couple of times earlier in this thread, but then I took a bit of a sabbatical from SL. Now I'm back and hope to participate more. I'm having a great time dressing up with the possibilities that multiple layers brings (I'm as bad a Barbie dress-up queen as any girl I know... lol). Here's a close up of my face in that outfit... hope you enjoy. ...Dres (Btw, I will be shopping for fishnets today)
  4. You are skating on thin ice doing this. It's one thing to not except it, but it's another to willfully break TOS in a misguided attempt to... oh hell, I have no idea what you're attempting to do by doing that. There is no reason to break TOS just because you take offense to what someone says to you privately. What would posting it in chat do except stir up more drama? The only thing that will do any good is letting LL know, not everybody that may be in the vicinity. Not only that, if what they said was sufficiently vulgar, what would stop you from getting in trouble for broadcasting that in public? All I'm saying is use a little common sense. Either mute (block) them and move on or deal with it on a one to one basis. Sometimes just telling someone you don't appreciate their behavior can do wonders; if they insist on continuing to mess with you, there is always the option to AR them... simple as that. ...Dres
  5. I figured I'd jump back into this thread... I've been away from it for far too long. Now that I'm on Firestorm and can use the multiple layer options, I've been playing around with them a lot. (Next will be shadows and DoF... guess I'll have to use Kirsten's for that.) Anyway my newest, fabulously ridiculous outfit... And I simply adore my new boots (as if I wasn't tall enough already... lol). ...Dres *thinks about adding a lovely pair of fishnets, giggling insanely*
  6. If the creator knows what they are doing there will be a kill option, if not then don't buy from them again. Before you kill the script (if possible) make sure to make a copy of the hair first, that way you'll have a copy with the resize script intact, in case you change your shape at a later time and still want to wear that hair. In any case, it's always good to make a copy of something first if you intend to modify it in any way, that is of course as long as it's copyable. ...Dres
  7. If something is no-mod then the only way you can resize it is with a script, making it more likely that no-mod hair would be scripted. If you had no-mod hair without a resizer, there would be no way to fit it to the size of your head, you'd have to resize your head instead, which would be crazy. Personally I would never ever buy no-mod hair. Of course it could be different with long hair, but with the shorter hair that I usually like to wear, I find I almost always have to go in and modify prim by prim... around my ears especially... it get it to fit just right. I'm a perfectionist in that respect. ...Dres Edited to change one word. I'm a perfectionist in that respect as well... lol.
  8. Because you can connect at one cafe and not the other means that there is nothing wrong with your Second Life viewer or your laptop... therefore, the problem has to be the internet connection. As Peggy stated, there could be a block on high usage internet connections (such as Second Life) or it could be that the internet connection is just not good enough to connect to Second Life. You have to talk to whoever owns the internet connection at your place of work to get it fixed, that is the only way. There's nothing we can do to help you with that. Hopefully, the owner can work with you to figure it out. Good luck... Dres
  9. I do love the hair bases, but what I really love is being able to use the multiple layers in Firestorm (and of course the LL V2 viewers, though I won't use those). Your warning to merchants is very solid, if you give away nice stuff instead of throw-away crap then people will think you know what the hell you're doing and take the time to go check out the rest of your stuff. If all you can manage to do is slap some crap together, why should anyone bother? ...Dres
  10. What message comes up when you try to connect? ...Dres
  11. I used to know quite a number of my neighbors, in fact became good friends with one that lived right next door. When he decided to leave SL, he sold me his land for a very nice price. Then the guy on the other side put his property up for sale and I bought it as well (kind of sadly really, because he was very hot and my friends and I used to enjoy perving him when he'd walk around his beach nekkid... lol). Since then almost everyone I knew has left, but it's still a nice neighborhood. And the up side is that now I have a nice beach where I can walk around nekkid if I want... yay! ...Dres
  12. I agree with what most have said in reply to your OP. But I must point out that while sharing IMs is not allowed inside of SL, I don't believe the TOS covers sharing then outside of SL, nor can it. Many, many times I've seen people posting IMs on blogs and such with no repercussion. I suppose the same would go for directly emailed IMs. Unfortunately LL has little control over that kind of thing... they can barely police the grid, no way they could police the whole of the internet, even if they had the jurisdiction. I believe the people that put these sorts of statements in their profile are actually saying, "I do not wish to talk to anyone with any kind of sense." Since no one with two brain cells would bother holding a private conversation with someone like that unless a) they just don't care or b) they haven't even read that person's profile (I'm amused at some people's ability to start a conversation with someone without even glancing once at their profile... I can't resist pulling up everybody's profile that IMs me if I don't know them and usually even if I do... lol). ...Dres
  13. Arrehn Oberlander wrote: You can use the preferences to easily change this behavior to one you would prefer: Preference: Chat: Pressing letters keys: () Starts local chat (*) affects movement Firestorm has many, many more preferences and customization available than V2, allowing you to tune it to the style of viewer you best prefer. Thanks, -A Thank you, I knew there was a setting for that... I just couldn't, for the life of me, remember what it was, since I never mess with it. ...Dres
  14. Welcome to the forum, Rich. Remember that Firestorm is still in beta, it will take some getting used to. I don't see how the chat vs walking thing is any different from any other viewer, but that could be because I only ever right click my avatar and use the arrow keys for movement. I'm sure given time you could figure out what the best solution is for your own style. But of course, you don't have to do that, you can use whatever viewer works best for you. Personally, I find Firestorm one of the most user friendly V2 based viewers out there for the simple fact that they've made it so customizable. Because of that, it can seem more complicated than the regular V2 viewer or even Phoenix. One good thing about it is that the Phoenix team has started giving Firestorm classes to help people learn more about the different settings and help them become more familiar with the things they can do with the IU. That plus the excellent resource that is the inworld Phoenix/Firestorm Support group shows that the Phoenix team are committed to providing their users a level of service you will never see from LL. So, really, it's all about choice. Use whatever viewer you feel most comfortable with and works best with your system, whether it be one of LL's V2 based viewers, Firestorm, Kirsten's or whatever. But by all means, find a V2 base viewer now and start getting used to it, because V1 viewers (such as Phoenix) will soon become obsolete. Take care... Dres
  15. I hope you guys are happy... all this talk about the Hair Fair made me have to go to it... lol. Here's what I got... love it! Not my usual style, but I can definitely work with it. The hair base was a great freebie from MADesigns and the hair I bought from :F@C: Faze for 100L. I am so glad I went. In fact, I'm there now with my sister (my RL roommate... just FYI, we joined SL together years ago and both fell in love with it... I only say that because I think it's kinda unique... only kinda). Anyway, there wasn't a lot of guy's stuff there, so when I went there alone, it went rather quickly (thank heaven for double click tp). Now I've having to go to each and every shop with her and we've both been drinking so we're having a great time. Unlike some people, for us, shopping is an event... lol. ...Dres
  16. Conifer Dada wrote: A glance through the blogs on the site 'SLProfiles' will reveal just how emotionally entangled some people get in SL, how bitter they feel when their virtual relationship ends and how, for some inexplicable reason, they feel the need to write a self-pitying blog about it! Oh that should be good for a few lols. ...Dres *considers the possibility he's woken up on the wrong side of the bed today*
  17. Pussycat Catnap wrote: None of those cover though - naming a bad land baron or bad product maker. You may be right... I may be crazy. I tried to read it literally and logically; then tried to interpret it the way LL might, which sometimes seems illiterate and illogical. Pussycat Catnap wrote: - Not invading privacy. You're not giving out any real life info by calling out a bad product, merchant, or land baron. If I say 'Z has land in Sim 1, 2, and 3 that has improper whatevers on it' - that's SL info, not privacy related. Privacy would be 'Z's RL phone number / email / address / or name is.' I wasn't thinking that it was a privacy issue, I only included the whole section for thoroughness. The part I was considering with was the "defamatory" part. But I did say near the end of my post that it doesn't seem to apply to businesses, only people. Pussycat Catnap wrote: - Not a personal dispute / flame. You're not arguing with somebody or bringing up a personal dispute if you say 'X took my money and evicted me,' or 'Y puts scripts in her hair products.' A personal dispute would be attacking X or Y personally in the forums. Has the Republican party had such a low level of discourse over the past decade that we no longer know the difference between issue-based discussion and personal-attacks? There's a difference between a dispute and an attack. Last time I checked (I'm not checking again... you can't make me... lol) LL still considers financial matters between residents a personal dispute. Oh and has the Republican party ever known the difference? I blame Sarah Palin. (Oh hell... was that a personal attack?) Pussycat Catnap wrote: - and the spamming would apply to spamming, not to mentioning good product. Do we not know the difference between an advertisement from a business and a recommendation by a satisfied customer? I know, I was trying to be snarky... I'll have to try harder next time. :matte-motes-wink-tongue: It honestly makes little difference to me, I was just curious. It won't change the way I conduct myself except for what I said I'd warn people about in my previous post. Cheers... Dres
  18. Pussycat Catnap wrote: - If we can't name and shame abusers (actually that's not even in this version of the forum's ToS btw, I went looking today. I think we now -can- name and shame, unless I misread it), then we can at least do the opposite and name and grats the good ones. Current ToS's "no naming people or harrasssing" stuff only seems to apply to RL details. You saying this made me have to go take a look (damn you, making me read boring stuff... lol). But I think it's safe to say naming and shaming someone is still not allowed. This alone... (from the TOS 8.2) You agree that you will not: (v) Post, display or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy ... I think covers it. But then there's this: (from the Community Participation Guidelines) Interpersonal Disputes or Personal Negative Commentary: If you have a personal disagreement, do not post about it on the Second Life community pages. Residents who have personal differences have other channels of communication available to them — private messaging in the forums, IM within Second Life, or chatting within Second Life. Personal negative commentary covers it, I suppose, if you were to call someone out by name... though that may not apply to a business name. All this means is that I won't be warning someone if the say something negative about a business, but I will if they name someone specifically. (I do this to try and help people to not get in trouble, not because I'm trying to police the forum of negative content... just so you know.) But then there's this: (also from the Community Participation Guidelines) Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service.  The "No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants" might lead one to believe that saying something positive about a business is not allowed... lol. Whatever. ...Dres
  19. Well, you know, I have this friend who has this friend who knew the girl's cousin and she said what really happened is they drove down SLovers Lane and started making out until they were brutally murdered by some guy with a sculptie hook. So you see... no reason to be afraid. ...Dres
  20. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Lets pretend LL is a person. What's might they be thinking over time about profiles? Imagine (revised with your input) -------------- .... SL is really amazing... we need to spread the word but there's no money ... if we focused on the quality of service rather than the quantity of sparkley new features.. yeah, back to basics, improve the good stuff we have, make it better, bigger!  .... wow, this profile is so cute, that photo of the little bunnies in the pen, I wish everyone could see this stuff .... we have all the profiles on the web now but it's like no one knows.... we should do something ... eureka! we'll relaunch profiles on the web... we'll call them 'web profiles'... and well make them bigger... everything should be bigger .... this is gonna be great ... , some users don't want their profiles out there... was there b4 so what's the diff?.... hmmm, some of them do have adultish stuff. gotta do something .... eureka! we'll let anyone opt out of web profiles. solved. ... this is gonna be great ... , some users say they need to find ALL the users in search and they can't if they opted out of web profiles. gotta do something ... eureka! we'll FORCE everyone back IN to web profiles & give them options on all the pieces so those can be OUT or IN. ... this is gonna be great ... I wonder if the dash board could all be . . . utilized to remove the social media clutter from the viewer allowing the viewer to once again be a viewer to view and interact with the virtual world and others in it... not now.. too sparkly.. back to basics ... hmmm... we have the web profiles but it's like no one knows... we should do something ... eureka! we'll make them bigger... everything should be bigger. we'll add more pages.. there could be action shots... bunnies in a pen or on a meadow... wait a min... that darn adultish stuff could be a problem... LOL, not gonna make that mistake again... gotta do something ... eureka! we'll maturity rate the profiles. haha! solved. ... we can let the users set their own rating.. yeah..and set up a community review panel... cross platform consistency... later.. after we push out the basics ... this is gonna be great ... , some users say they need to find ALL the users in search and they can't if they can't access that maturity level ... why do they say ALL ... do they mean ANY?.... why are they never happy, a tiny minority of users are such a pain ... wait a min... did we make that mistake again?... darn it.... gotta do something ... we'll tell them in search that they can't access that profile because the user has content included they can't see...maybe not... if they can't access the profile we'll hand them a dialog box that allows them to drop a note card on the user, AR them or start an IM. ... still kinda awkward... simple basic quality that's bigger... ... eureka! We'll enable residents to see all profiles, but without the parts that don't match their maturity preference or restriction. Simply hide pictures, texts and picks as necessary. haha.. getting ahead of the problems this time. ... this is gonna be great ----------------- Thank you all for your input. ... wait a minute. We could just spam everyone's emails with cute pictures of bunnies in pens and forget about all this sh*t. ... this is gonna be great
  21. Void Singer wrote: oh, so you've met my neighbors =D Yeah, in jail. :matte-motes-wink-tongue: ...Dres
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