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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Oh I don't know, a lot of places I've been are almost exclusively men and they are not playing war games either. *wink wink nudge nudge* Seriously, I've always thought it had something to do with the fact that women out number men in RL as well... but PeeWee does have a point. @PeeWee: It's strange what sleep deprivation can lead your mind to think of that you've never considered before... like the thought of how many men have had it off with each other as women avatars since the start of SL. *giggles* ...Dres
  2. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Jacki Silverfall wrote: Alls I gotta say is they better not mess with the older folks. If my Momma has to go hungry because of greedy politicians there's gonna be hell to pay. AARP is already after them.:smileymad: You said, "they better not mess with the older folks". Who is "they"? Also, what do politicans have to do with your mother's acquisition of food? Who would this retribution of "hell to pay" fall upon? And why? The hell would be paid by the majority of voters that don't want to see their security net, which they've paid into all their lives, dismantled and turned over to corporate entities that are only concerned with making a profit instead of what's in the best interest of the people that can no longer look after themselves. @Jacki: Since I haven't yet answered the question in your OP, I will take the opportunity to do so now. Yes... only because of the creation of this post and the direction it has turned. Something told me not to get involved when I realized where it was going, but I didn't listen to my inner voice and, once again, I regret not doing so. I follow politics very closely in RL and I come to SL, and correspondingly this forum, to get away from all of that mess. I have a strong aversion to discussing politics or religion with people who's opinions I normally respect on any other topic. Therefore I will stop following this thread and will see all of you in another thread that will better suit my purpose for being here in the first place. Have fun... Dres
  3. Wow, I was gonna stop reading at "Uncle Sam's Plantation" but, in a way, I'm glad I didn't. All I can say is wow. ...Dres
  4. I'm with you on the white jewelry as opposed to gold, never been a big fan of gold... silver suits me just fine. Of course, white gold is nice and platinum is divine (I say that as if I can afford it... lol). Lovely pic btw. ...Dres ETA: I can't believe I'm about to post this little train of thought that popped out of my crazy head, but I was rereading what I just wrote and it occurred to me that part of it rhymes and could easily be rewritten into a poem (a silly poem, but a poem). Precious Metals a poem by Dresden Ceriano I've never been a fan of gold, Silver suits me fine, Though white gold is delightful, Platinum is divine. Silly, I know.
  5. Alazarin Mondrian wrote: @ Dresden: Your critique of the obvious failing of 'trickle down' economics is correct. Keynsianist approaches work better. Give the people at the bottom of the heap money to spend and it will immediately go into economic activity to buy goods and services thus stimulating the economy and increasing employment. Exactly, businesses are not going to hire people to create products that no one is going to buy... no matter how much you cut their taxes. ...Dres
  6. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I told you to stop saying stupid stuff.......it's unbecoming to you. Smart people say stupid things too. And what you said was stupid. I didn't call you stupid. Okay. But let me point out that the analogy you used in your sarcastic and mean spirited reply to my statement is a disingenuous, bordering on dishonest, assessment of what I had actually said. If you want to equate governmental finances with personal finances a more accurate statement would go something like this: You take out a loan to put yourself through school... thereby, not only bettering yourself, but making it possible to get a better job where you'll make more money to eventually get yourself out of debt and be in a better financial position in the long run. Stupid, right? Sometimes rational people react irrationally... I won't hold it against you. ...Dres
  7. While we may disagree, I wouldn't have stooped to calling you stupid. If I thought you capable of having a rational debate about this I might have continued with this discussion. As it is, I'll leave you and your choir to your singing. Have a good night. ...Dres
  8. There is no way that drastically cutting spending will be good for the economy, we need more money pumped into the system and not by cutting taxes on the rich. The rich are not going to put that money to work to strengthen the economy, if they were inclined to, they would have already. Trickle down economics just doesn't work, if it did we wouldn't be where we are now. The problem with the stimulus is that it didn't go far enough, you have to spend money to make money. The deficit can wait until our economy recovers, how is laying off thousands upon thousands of government workers going to help that recovery? It's not. If we pump some money into the economy and, at the same time, work on our nation's failing infrastructure, the economy would get better; unemployment would go down so there would be more people working, therefore we'd be taking in more revenue. Then we can think about cutting spending and be able to start taking care of the deficit. Now is not the time. Things are not worse now then they were at the end of the last president's term in office, it's just frustrating because the recovery is slow and what the republicans are trying to do would put it in reverse. This economic crisis lays squarely at the conservatives feet and yet they think they know exactly what needs to be done now. Ridiculous. If insanity truly means doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, then they are truly insane. ...Dres
  9. Okay I just asked in the support group and was told that they will have to merge with 2.7 before it will be in Firestorm and they don't know when that will be. ...Dres
  10. Don't take my word for it, but I believe it's not. Firestorm is based on an older version but the next release will be based on a more recent version so it's quite possible that it will have DoF. From what I heard, it'll be about a month until the next release. There could be something you can do with another viewer to help it run better on your system. I know Kirsten's has a forum and a live chat on the site, it couldn't hurt to check it out. ...Dres
  11. True, but I couldn't resist... hopefully this will make up for it... I was lounging at my sister's place while she was going through her inventory... what fun! ...Dres *hopes this qualifies him for consideration of a possible admittance into the Ladies Who Lounge club* (Just disregard the facial hair, I missed my wax appointment.)
  12. That is a cute do and the outfit is great. Oh and I got my fishnets, been meaning to upload the pic for days now, better late than never I suppose. ...Dres
  13. Oh the duck walk is alive and well. Has nothing to do with chickens... as Babs said... a chicken's only good for consommé. ...Dres
  14. It amazes me that anyone pays any attention what-so-ever to rank. The significance of rank may be lost on me because I use Cerise's script to hide everything except people's names on their badges; and I rarely find it necessary to move my cursor over a person's badge to expose it. Maybe if I saw everyone's rank all the time, I'd see some that would make me wonder why they aren't higher. I know that when we first switched to Lithium, before I got the script, I saw a few people's ranks and wondered why they were so high. Sure they contributed a lot in the Jive forums, but what they contributed was imo of questionable quality, most of the time anyway. So that led me to believe that the ranking system had to have little value in deciding who really contributes quality content as opposed to who just likes to hear themselves type. As for your idea, I think it would be a disaster. How would these people be elected or even nominated? People will start nominating the people they like, friends will vote for friends, what would stop people from pushing to get someone's rank elevated simply because they have the hots for that person? How would the community manager (Lexie?) really know who's really worthy and who's really not? Except, maybe, by a predefined set of standards that they'd be able to research easily and not have to spend countless hours going through all of that person's posts to figure out if they actually qualify. Seems to me that is how the system works now, only it's automated. Not only that, but this ranking system was a featured part of the Lithium software before LL decided on using it and could very well be part of the reason they picked it... have you seen the Lithium website? Specifically this... don't they make it sound wonderful? That being said, I nominate myself for the rank of "Forum Royalty"... lol. ...Dres (Now I just have to decide if I want to be the King or the Queen.)
  15. Welcome to the forum and to Second Life, Agnesse. Second Life does take a little getting use to. Here are a couple resource sites to help get you started: Hobo Kit - lots of great information. Resident Help Network - places you can go to find people to help you. Hope this helps... Dres
  16. If you want money on your SL account you have to purchase Linden through the viewer or Marketplace or transfer USD into your account through your dashboard. My guess is you'll want to do the former... here's some info (link). ...Dres
  17. It seems to me that the person that told her that was trying to be helpful in there own awkward way and was hardly trying to be a creep. But I suppose you see that for which you look. ...Dres
  18. This I'd like to see myself, being that I'm not that "technically astute" as far as mesh goes anyway. But I'd like to add that it would also be nice to know the difference in prim count verses prim equivalency for the objects. ...Dres
  19. The reason you have a "My Outfits" folder is because at some point you must have used a V2 based viewer or a TPV that uses V2 outfit functionality. Once you use one of these viewers those folders will appear in your inventory and are protected so you can't get rid of them. When you save an outfit in V2, or a viewer that has V2 like functionality as does Phoenix, it will automatically (by default) save that outfit (as links) into your "My Outfits" folder... it's quite useful. I suggest you give it a try. You want to try getting used to a V2 based viewer as well since V1 viewers (such as the ones you've mentioned) will soon become obsolete. I use Firestorm and find it was the easiest to get used to. ...Dres
  20. I remember you Clint, you might want to give the forum another shot. A lot less bickering these days now that we have some moderation. Some might say too much moderation, which I would have agreed with at the start of the new system, but it's toned down a lot. As for your situation, it may very well be that your downgrade request was delayed at some point going through the system. You were cutting it a bit close. Still I hope you get it resolved to your satisfaction. ...Dres
  21. Personally, I enjoy a few good bangs every now and then. ...Dres
  22. Mayalily wrote: YES! I'm quite sure! I want to walk like Marilyn Monroe in real life not SL. I've been trying to find a replacement for my RL AO for a while now, it ain't easy. Have you checked e-bay? ...Dres
  23. You can check the scripts you have on by going to the land menu in the first (General) tab... it's the button at the bottom on the left. Click on that and in that window you'll see a tab that says avatar (the second tab)... that's where your script count will be, plus a list of the script counts of everything you're wearing with scripts in it. Hope this helps... Dres
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