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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Venus Petrov wrote: @Dres: You have the power to silence your voice, yes. But why? I enjoy your posts. Thanks, Venus. As to why... it's nothing I feel I can discuss on this forum, perhaps I will discuss it on some other forum in some other place. Maybe you can continue to enjoy my posts there... if you can find me. ...Dres
  2. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: It's not a matter of being blind (or anything else like that). For the most part any posts I make in this forum (other than posts I make in the Answers section) are just for entertainment.......nothing is so serious that I would be bothered if, for whatever reason, my posts or the thread disappeared. Hell, I might not even notice it's gone. I know you used to get an email stating that a post was deleted (I haven't gotten one of those for over a year so I'm not sure emails are sent anymore). I do know that when a thread I started got moderated (and deleted) I did get a PM from the moderator who did the moderation (that happened a couple months ago to one of my threads). If the subject is one that is near and dear to me I would notice if it got deleted or heavily moderated.........but I haven't been in one of those discussions since the teen/main grid merger a year ago. I just don' that much seriously in this section of the forums. I'm not blind.......more like don't care much. You're absolutely right. I think I should take a page from your book, as far as this is concerned. Why I should care about what goes on in this forum, when the only thing that happens is that I get thrashed for it by the very people who's rights I was concerned about in the first place, is beyond me. Frankly, I've had quite enough of this crap. Perhaps I should just silence my own voice instead of waiting for someone else to do it for me. ...Dres
  3. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I'm going to be honest here..........I just haven't seen this great big crack down on threads and posts. Can't blame you for being blind. ...Dres
  4. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: This may be moved to Forum Feedback or deleted outright depending on responses and how they are perceived, but it is not meant to incite, provoke or bait. It is just meant to offer alternative views to other posts and responses that are given in other threads or even in the SL'ums... We all have different ways of communicating. We have different strategies to get our points across based on the tools that are available to us. The various strategies residents use are sometimes uncomfortable to different individuals. They may be perceived as trolling, baiting, racism, religious intolerance, ageism, sexism. How we respond is just as personal and individual as each of us is. When all tools to get an opinion across are taken away from us, we rightfully feel powerless and more likely to lash out. There has been a LOT of lashing out in the last month or so as all avenues of communication have been closed. It is easy here to have things 'disappear'. Moderation is tight. Lately, it seems, communication (uncensored except by each individual) has been moved to the profile feeds. Here is the bit about alternative views ( I know, by now all you see is blah, blah,blah) We all have concerns about privacy and attacks on the SL'ums and in the forums. There have been quite a few personal attacks and instant responses (some may have been justified - not my issue) in these new feeds that are available. One of the biggest issues seems to be that we are not allowed to block individual residents from responding to posts without also having to lock down the entire feed. Well... Those people that are making these attacks/baiting are doing a VERY good job of highlighting why we need control over the following feature and the ability to block individual unfriendly voices. So, thank you for your help! All the messages to LL employees were ignored, all our concerns went unheard. This seems like a fine strategy - albeit uncomfortable to read at times. The point is (my opinion) we use the tools we have. Most of us like comedy (there are a few who do not have a sense of humor, but they are the minority). Comedy works well as a tool when we can identify it. I happen to love stereotypes and sarcasm. Come on... White people have no rhythm, women are bad drivers, men are all pigs, gay people are trying to turn the entire world gay, Mormons just want to practice polygamy (spell check thought Mormons should have been 'morons' - which I find hilarious), Scientologists are... South Park anyone? Comedians have been pissing off individual groups for a VERY long time and even make fun of themselves. They use this as a way to get a point across and not everyone likes it. They might missing the big picture or may only take the one comment without the entire context or intent of the poster into account. Then again, some people are just mean. Whatever... If you have a strategy that you have been using, what is it? Has it been well received/understood or has it been taken out of context? Are you trying to help, but no one sees it that way? Have you always used this method to get your point across or has it only surfaced in the past month or so when the ears of the Lab closed? Cinn I am guilty of responding from an emotional place and almost always regret what I said. When it is pointed out, I accept it and apologize where necessary (this has been done in the last week, but the response post and my apology post were pulled anyway). Someone apologized to me today and I graciously excepted it, only for it to get deleted. There will be no such resolutions here between differences of opinion as long as threads continue to be pulled for nothing more than a simple disagreement. I've, certainly, made my voice heard, more so, recently than in the past, because of the ridiculousness that has transpired in the forum over the past few months. I have no regrets about that... in fact, speaking up has generated some very welcomed consequences. Now I find myself in a position to defend my stance, as well as the people that stood up with me, against the very people I was taking a stand for to begin with. I find that quite disheartening, though I have no choice as to how other people feel about me or what I have done. It's easy to tell a person that has no sense of humor, they aren't the problem. It's the ones that purposely take offense to what you have to say, even though they know it was just a joke, in order to try to silence your voice, that I take issue with and will continue doing so. As you've already stated, I'm sure this thread (or this post, at least) won't last too long... though I do hope a few people get to read my words before they are struck down by the powers that be, once again. ...Dres
  5. TriJin Bade wrote: <Old Man Yorkshire Accent>'o back when I were a lad, we 'ad to sit on us behinds for all ov an hour... jus' fer L$2. You tykes never know 'ow gud ya 'av it now.</Old Man Yorkshire Accent> jk I have no idea what this post is about, since I haven't read the thread. But I just wanted to say, I'm glad to see that you haven't given up completely on the SLF. Your voice is a very welcomed one here. ...Dres
  6. What good will that do? You haven't even asked the necessary questions to ascertain what's actually going on. Perhaps this person is having internet connection problems making it impossible to connect to the sims to which they've been directed... perhaps those sims are just offline at the time. Seems to me it would be beneficial for someone familiar with what could possibly be the issue to help this person, here in the forum, instead of sending them on a wild goose chase with LL support, where they're likely to just get the runaround. ...Dres
  7. funkilicous wrote: Hello all and a wonderful day to all, I want to dedicate a few hours on a certain day each month to a open mic night but not quite sure what preparations I need to do before I start one, ill list a few technical questions below and you may IM me in game or answer here on the forums. Do I need to buy a stream? How would the talent access this stream? Can I use local voice chat? Is there away to set it so I wont get griefers talking over the talent? Just a few questions to start any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks Funkilicous Resident Good question... I've been to open mic nights and have wondered what needs to be done to accomplish it. Perhaps you could go to some place that does it and ask the owner or manager. By all means... let us know what you find out, if someone doesn't explain it here first. ...Dres
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: I am still waiting for flexi prim penii that flap in the wind. Personally, I prefer my penii to be rigid. ...Dres
  9. I'm starting this thread so that I can post videos I like... such as this... Feel free to post what you like, but rest assured that if I don't like it, I will report it as being off topic. ...Dres
  10. Happy to have been of assistance. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: ...Dres
  11. I know what you're thinking, another damned thread about threads being moved... but hold on... this is different. Let me explain... I have my preferences set so that I automatically subscribe to any thread to which I post. I'm also subscribed to the feedback forum as a whole, which means if I post to something in the feedback forum, I get two emails for the same post. No big deal, since there's hardly all that many people posting in it. So, I had posted to the recently created vampire thread, before it was brushed under the rug that is the feedback forum... so you'd think I would have gotten double emails from any further posts to it. I didn't. Unfortunately I did not check to see if I was still subscribed to that thread before I posted in it again and since there's no way for me to tell if I got those single emails because I was subscribed to that thread or to this forum itself... I have to wonder, if threads are moved from one forum to another, does that automatically undo your subscription? I mean, how many times have I been subscribed to threads that are moved, never to get another email alerting me to the fact that someone else has posted... simply because it was moved, therefore, whacking my subscription to it? It seems like this could be happening and I would never know the difference. If anyone has been able to understand what I've just tried to describe here (far too early in the morning and with far too little coffee in my system), let me know what you think. ...Dres *could just be delirious*
  12. Ellyn Elan wrote: What happens when the vampire fad wears out and SL has put all its blood into one casket? That's a few mixed metaphors that don't really work but I don't feel like fixing them. FIFY ...Dres (I not only read this subforum... I'm subscribed to it. When I've decide I don't care anymore, I'll undo that and ignore it... like most everyone else does.)
  13. Chelsea Malibu wrote: LOL, yes I noticed that too. Vampires really don't fit within the Holiday Season. I thought this was supposed to change each month. Are you kidding me? Of course they do... ...Dres
  14. Argus Collingwood wrote: [eta forego any urges to post YouTube links ;-)] Right, could be considered SUSpicious. ...Dres
  15. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: GariGlitter wrote: Perhaps Lexie might like to comment on Moderators permabanning - with no prior warning - posters simply for supposedly ? lol, you again? You just keep going & going & going :smileytongue: WB :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: I'm exhausted just from watching. ...Dres *passes out*
  16. Ima Rang wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Ellyn Elan wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Ellyn Elan wrote: Ima Rang wrote: I'm fairly shy as shy as a Mac truck is subtle. Would you believe that I was shy? I am, so I have no problem believing that Ima could be... I am commenting upon my own experience of this avatar on the Internet. As such, my original is highly accurate as you know very well. YMMV. I don't find you shy on the Internet either and that is my only experience of you, too. I certainly am... but I RP not being shy pretty well, don't I? ...Dres You do! The few times I have tried RP'ing...I feel my face flush and then I start laughing and it is a no go for me. I guess if I spent enough time with a small group that felt like friends and community, perhaps I could overcome it enough to RP...but I would not bet on it I'm actually not all that good at RPing myself and I am rather shy when I'm not posting on a forum or a blog or something... that is, unless I'm around people I'm comfortable with... ...Dres (...or if I've been drinking, of course... lol.)
  17. Ellyn Elan wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Ellyn Elan wrote: Ima Rang wrote: I'm fairly shy as shy as a Mac truck is subtle. Would you believe that I was shy? I am, so I have no problem believing that Ima could be... I am commenting upon my own experience of this avatar on the Internet. As such, my original is highly accurate as you know very well. YMMV. I don't find you shy on the Internet either and that is my only experience of you, too. I certainly am... but I RP not being shy pretty well, don't I? ...Dres
  18. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: @Dres: Sorry, the comma got appended to the URL. Fixed. I saw this on the web, not in the viewer. Yes, I found the "remove from feed" button quite by accident, as it's not actually visible to me for some reason. That removes the post and doesn't affect "following." Oh okay, I see what my problem was... I had to sign out, then back in again. Now I have the message on top, as you've illustrated. Plus I didn't know where in my profile to click to get to that friends page... I was thinking it would be under settings since that is in the url but noooooo... it's under people. Shows you how much I mess with those things... I just go there and throw things up on the wall when I feel like it, which isn't very often. However the settings are set by default are how mine are set. I don't care who reads my feed or posts to my wall. But I understand people wanting to exert more control over it. I especially think you need to be able to block individual people, and that if you should block someone inworld they are automatically blocked from posting on your wall as well. ...Dres (Btw... when you click on that url, the comma is still part of the link... even though you may have edited it out of the text, you'll probably have to go to the html tab and edit it there.)
  19. Ima Rang wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Ima Rang wrote: AliceOneders wrote: Thanks for the welcome, guys. Not sure how to feel about the rickroll link. . . Right now I'm got in mind a more urban RP environment, but I'm open to other RP environments too if they might be a better fit given my limited RP experience. Thanks. Someone just posted in the Role Play forum an urban type RP group that is now recruiting. I'm fairly shy and I start laughing at myself so hard that I can't type or keep up with RP. It sounds like fun though! What is a rickroll? This is a rickroleplay... right? ...Dres I had to google it...From Wikipedia: Rickrolling is an Internet memeinvolving the music video for the 1987 Rick Astley song "Never Gonna Give You Up". The meme is a bait and switch; a person provides a hyperlink seemingly relevant to the topic at hand, but actually leads to Astley's video. The link can be masked or obfuscated in some manner so that the user cannot determine the true destination of the link without clicking. Persons led to the music video are said to have been rickrolled. Rickrolling has extended beyond web links to playing the video or song disruptively in other situations, including public places, like a surprise appearance of Astley himself in the 2008 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. The meme has helped to revive Astley's career. I did not know that...Huhn...learn something new everyday. Oh my... I thought everyone knew that. I guess you do learn something new every day. ...Dres
  20. Ima Rang wrote: AliceOneders wrote: Thanks for the welcome, guys. Not sure how to feel about the rickroll link. . . Right now I'm got in mind a more urban RP environment, but I'm open to other RP environments too if they might be a better fit given my limited RP experience. Thanks. Someone just posted in the Role Play forum an urban type RP group that is now recruiting. I'm fairly shy and I start laughing at myself so hard that I can't type or keep up with RP. It sounds like fun though! What is a rickroll? This is a rickroleplay... right? ...Dres
  21. I'm confused, mine doesn't say any of that and I see no friends option whatsoever. If I follow the direct link you provided it says the page doesn't exist. Maybe you have to be looking at it within the viewer to get that... I'm using the web. I have to assume there's a difference, since you can include pics with the viewer and not on the web. It's just all so confusing. I did notice, however, that if I hover my cursor over something a friend posted, there's now a little box with an arrow on the top left side where it gives me the option to "Remove from feed" (which I have to assume means the post) or "Stop following (their name)" (which obviously means the friend) when I click it. So, at least they did something to enable you to unfollow your most obnoxious friends, if you have any that is. ...Dres
  22. Hello Alice... congratulations on your delurkment. It may seem intimidating at first but, just be yourself and, once you get the hang of it, you'll be fine. No matter what, just have some fun with it... that is what it's all about, after all. ...Dres
  23. Master Trapdoor wrote: GMorning, I have about a 220prim Item that keeps rezzing and de-rezzzing.........but only when I'm withing eyesite of it ..Never moves, just keeps rezzing off an on, about every 3 minutes..does not show up on Prim counts..cannot bee returnrned deleted......Tried everything Can anyone help Me with this problem...Its driving Me nuts What you are describing is what is known as a temp rezzer. It's a prim with a script that constantly re-rezzes the other prims which have been set to temporary. Temporary prims do not add to your prim count and a temp rezzer is a way to get around prim limits. The thing about them is that they use up a great deal of a sim's resources and can cause massive lag. I would never use a temp rez object for that reason alone. What you need to look for is the single prim that is doing the rezzing. Once you get rid of that, the rest won't be re-rezzed and everything will be as it should. ...Dres
  24. Chosen Few wrote: I knew I'd been in SL too long the day I walked out of a RL restaurant, noticed the RL stonework on the RL church across the RL parking lot, and thought to myself, "Wow, that's a really good texturing job." Lol... I've done that, plus I'm always looking at things and wondering how many prims it took to make them. Once my sister and I went to a friend's birthday party at a bar in RL and almost as soon as we get there she points out the red baroque wall paper. I looked at it, then back at her and, right away, said "Twisted Thorn?" She said yes and we both burst out laughing. ...Dres
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