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Ceera Murakami

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Everything posted by Ceera Murakami

  1. There is no convenient link for that from the website, that I can find. http://my.secondlife.com/ followed by your userID is the URL.
  2. Spam. Because that is all it is to most of us. More spam, in our profiles, e-mail and IM's, unless we opt out of this inanne idea. I've opted out of the feed (set it to Nobody in privacy settings) and unchecked all SIX notification checkboxes, for every one of my accounts.
  3. Parhelion Palou wrote: https://my.secondlife.com, Settings, Notifications will let you get rid of various email and in-world notifications. Sorry, I duplicated Roseysun Galicia's post when I answered WolfBaginski's post. I should've read the first posts first. Great... Six checkboxes to uncheck for every account, to opt out of this inane idea. *sigh* *Starts logging in as every alt I have and opting out there, too.*
  4. Apparently the spam I had on that one alt was because of one person on my Friends list that loves the new shout/spam feature, and was using it a lot. I didn't remember ever Friending her with that account. I de-friended her from that account, as that alt really didn't even have any reason to be friends with her. I finally found the completely hidden, doesn't show unless you mouseover the exact spot, tiny 'x' that allows you to 'hide' the spam you have already been hit with. Those past spam items don't go away even after you set the privacy setting for your own feed to Nobody. Don't know yet if future spam will show on the home page if you turned your profile's feed option off. The page still shows, so it probably still will receive spam.
  5. Nope. That only removes the feed tab from your own profile. It doesn't make it go away when you view anyone else's profile. And the "home" link still shows a feed shoutwall, spammed by all your friends, and no way to opt out or shut that up.
  6. Can anyone explain why I see all that spam on my "Home" page? What determines whose spam chatter gets posted there? One of my alts that has no Interests recorded and virtually no "Friends" other than my own alts had a wall full of spam from strangers to him. WTF? How can I turn that "Home" tab off completely? How can I turn off seeing the "Feed" instead of "About" as the default for everyone else's profile?
  7. Mylar wrote: ... You can shut off the feed in the settings panel so people don't see it, and, more importantly, can't post to it. ... THANK YOU! Logging in with all my avatars and shutting that damned feed off now. Is there any way to make it so I never see that feed on anyone ELSE'S profile page, too?
  8. Why do you like it? Seriously. Why do you think getting linked to a shout wall full of spam instead of information about the person whose profile you're seeking is an improvement? I'd really like to know.
  9. That should not be a problem, no. I've used several versions of Phoenix and am currently using Firestorm, and it works fine. You need to go to the Phoenix website for Phoenix Viewere support, though. They can help you much faster. Try clearing cache?
  10. Accessing a profile now defaults to the "Feeds" tab, a shoutbox wall of spam from everyone else BUt the person whose profile it is. Maturity rating doesn't matter, mine's at the highest adult rating allowed.
  11. I agree, The new social networking version is pure crap. Even if I switch to the "About" tab, which is - DUH! - , what I want when I look up someone's profile, I get less useful content then before. Follow the fads, and to hell with function or what the customers need or want! That's The LL way, lately. *sigh*
  12. It depends on what you mean by "used". An unscripted thing like a bench can be sat on by anyone, and is the least-restrictive type of use. Setting an object to group allows it to not be auto-returned on group-owned property. Setting an object to group or 'share with group' may allow things like a group member being permitted to copy or move the item. Restricting access to scripted functions, like making a door that can only be opened by group members, or a sex bed that can only be used by group members, requires integrating functions in the script that runs the item, and can't be enforced by an extra script of your own dropped into an otherwise scripted item.
  13. The most likely cause is a typo when you typed in 1000. If you typed in 10000, instead, the house would stop at the build height limit, which is 4096 Meters. That is probably where it is now.
  14. I take it you've never bought any software, then? Most software has a terms of use agreement that you have to agree to in order to install and use the software. You don't get to read it on the outside of the box, or in the ad that you buy it from on line. And those terms absolutely HAVE been enforced in court.
  15. For Ceera? Most likely Julie Newmar. The way she played Catwoman in the old Batman TV series, I am certain she could play a sultry anthro vixen with a hint of a French accent. Though you'd have to turn back time a good 30 years to get her in her prime.
  16. You would pretty much have to get creative and make your own custom textures to apply, or hire a skilled individual to do it for you. The textures applied to each prim on an avatar that has prim body parts, like a Furry avatar, have to be custom-designed to work on the shape and distortions present in the prim when it is in use, There is no single "skin" texture that also includes each face of each prim in the avatar. The "skin" component only covers the avatar's own body, and doesn't map anything to the prim parts. I've custom modded my own furry avatars, and even as a texture artist, it is a non-trivial task. Sometimes it boils down to pure trial and error, making a guess at how the texture has to wrap, and experimenting until you get it to fit right. As an example, look at my picture. That is a KZK red fox avatar I am wearing, and they normally have black markings on the sides of the muzzle. I made several custom textures until I was able to make one that looked right, but had those black marks removed.
  17. I've seen just about every kind of furry imaginable in Sl, so it's actually fairly likely that something already exists that can be modded to make your fursonna. Try looking in one of the really large furry malls, like "Rocket City Furmeet", and see what the vendors there sell. Then contact the makers that are closest to what you want, and see if they or anyone they know does custom modification of their avatars. Out of curiosity, what is the description of your fursonna? Do you have a good text description you can post here, or a link to art of that character on some other site? I'll bet I could point you to a source for something very close to anything you could imagine. Given what a high-quality furry avatar goes for in SL (About ten dollars, US), I would expect that if you could find an avatar maker willing to do a one-off custom job, you could expect to pay at least ten times that much, or about $100, and probably a lot more. But if an existing avatar can be modified, by re-texturing, changing the skin, or changing out parts like the ears or tail, or adding wings, or whatever, that could cost a lot less from someone skilled at making modifications. One good example here. Look on SL Marketplace, and do a search for "Bernese". Now, no one in SL sells a Bernese Mountain Dog furry avatar, but there is a merchant that sells a mod kit for the KZK Husky, that allows you to re-texture the avatar and replace the ears, making something a lot closer to a Bernese. I took that a step further and made my own tail and ears, that I thought looked more like a real Bernese, and added purchased hair and clothes for a complete look. The result was an avatar for one of my own fursonnas that can't be purchased anywhere, and that I am really pleased with. In your case, a skilled avatar modder could probably make a few specialized textures, apply them to an avatar that you purchased for yourself (by you rezzing the pieces in-world and giving them mod rights) and create your fursonna for you.
  18. The problem there is that virtually all the cosplay outfits, merchandise, and other fan-fun stuff that is common at a comic convention is illegal in SL, because it involves violating the copyrights of the creators of the comic characters that you're trying to dress up as. (The fact that there is a lot of "dress up like my favorite character" activity in SL doesn't change the LL policy that those avatars are copyright violations. In real life, comic book companies tend to turn a blind eye to fans that make their own costumes and dress up as comic characters for special events like comic cons. By definition, those costumes tend to be one-of-a-kind efforts, often only worn to attend that one convention, and they won't have much impact on the creative rights of the comic character creators. I've attended real-life cons myself in the past, and had a blast dressing up and enjoying the event. (I still have a few old costumes tucked away in the back of my closet, though I haven't gone to a con in many years.) But to make an avatar or sellable merchandise in SL that looks like a comic book character or is related to copyrighted works is an activity that, by definition, creates something that could be infinitely copied and distributed, world-wide, in an instant. That is potentially far more harmful to the copyright holders, and is something they are far more likely to create lawsuits over. Even if Linden Lab said it was okay, an organized comic con event in SL would be shining a spotlight on activities and individuals that the copyright holders would want to target for legal action. So, sadly for us fans, it isn't a good idea in SL.
  19. Also take into consideration that before the 16 and 17 year olds were permitted to access the main grid, SL was entirely an adults-only, must-be-over-18 environment where virtually any sexual behavior short of kiddy porn was socially acceptable and completely anonymous. Approaching someone you don't know in SL isn't the same as approaching a stranger on the street in RL. It's more like approaching a stranger that is hanging out in a swingers club next to the nude beach in red light district. There's a far higher probability that a sexual advance will be taken positively, because they are voluntarily in an environment where sexual advances are commonplace. And if the first person you ask doesn't respond positively, there's plenty more to choose from that probably will. This environment is extremely attractive to anyone seeking to fulfill a sexual fantasy, and as such, you'll get a lot more people, of both genders, who are pre-disposed to being open and frank about their sex fantasy desires, and who will jump straight from "Hi!" to "You wanna ******?", without ever bothering to get to know the person. Just like in a swingers bar.
  20. Yes, the layers are still very useful for clothing. If you want to be able to organize your clothing better than a single pig-pile of "outfits" that V2 uses, then you need to use the old-fashioned Inventory folders, and add the contents of a folder to your avvie, or replace outfit with the folder. But that method won't multi-attach layers. If the folder contains two shirts, only one will get worn, and you have to manually go back and attach the other item again.
  21. Use of the word "Daddy" by one adult avatar while referring to another adult partner itself in a sexual situation isn't explicitly a banning offense from LL. Incest RP between adults isn't explicitly banned at all. However, it is skating on thin ice, since the vague definitions of "sexual ageplay" do include a participant "talking like a child" as one criteria for considering the situation to be sexual ageplay.You could still get abuse reported and banned, if the people around you don't understand and accept the nomenclature you're intending. I would think that if you are in a sim where everyone accepts and understands that in that context, "Daddy" is just a synonym for "Master", you would be okay. But if a visitor to that sim didn't understand your meaning, they still might AR you, and you could still risk LL banning you for ageplay. LL has a nasty habit of banning first and investigating later, if at all. Personally, I would only use that term in a sexual situation if I was in a non-public sim where all the residents and guests understood the intended meaning of the word and the roleplay age of the participants, in the context of the roleplay done in that sim.
  22. The information in cache can become corrupted, usually because of memory leaks. Corrupted asset data can cause textures that won't ever display properly, or body parts or clothing items that don't appear correctly. It can even cause the viewer to crash. Clearing cache dumps the potentially bad data, and starts fresh. Cache allows your computer to locally store certain asset data, such as the textures on your avatar or on the walls of the room you are in. Locally cached textures are faster to access than assets that have to come from the asset servers. But you have a limited amount of cache space on your computer, and could never cache everything for every place that you go. It changes too much, so less-frequently used data or obsolete data is always being replaced by newer data. In a perfect situation, once a texture is cached, if you keep needing it, you shouldn't ever have to fecth it again from the asset servers. LL's code isn't written that well, and as a result it frequently dumps the old cached version and gets it all over again, causing textures that you recently saw sharp and clear to be fuzzy for a moment, then get sharp again. All that re-writing makes for more chances for something to go wrong, and get corrupted.
  23. It depends a lot on what viewer you use, what places you go, and most importantly, how powerful your computer is. The best settings for a photographer that uses Kirsten's S20 Viewer on a high-end system are very different from the best settings for someone who goes club hopping, using Viewer 1.23.5 on a marginal system. What are your graphics card specs, and which viewer do you use?
  24. Unfortunately, LL does not make any transaction history information available that is greater than 30 days old. It's impossible to get older data. The only longer-term records they keep are the L$buy and sell info, so you can track what went into or out of your account in real dollars for tax purposes.
  25. MaddieAldridge1 Baudin wrote: Question #1. Can my Avatar Pregant??? Yes, there are ways to simulate conception, pregnancy, birth control, and even delivery of the baby. None of these are standard capabilities. They all require either creating or purchasing scripted add-ons, like a pregnancy HUD, or require doing text roleplay to simulate the same effects. You can adjust the appearance sliders to look pregnant, or can purchase pre-made shapes that make you look like you are in various stages of pregnancy. Question #2. How does my girl get pregnat??? Either by simply roleplaying it in chat ("Oh, dear, I need to tell you, I used a pregnancy test kit today, and... we're gonna have a baby!"), or by using scripted gadgets that automate the process. One good example that you can find on SL Marketplace is the "Mama Allpa HUD", but there are several other options. Question #3. Does she have to have sex with another avatar to get pregnant??? That is the usual method - interacting with someone else who has a compatible sex simulation system that supports conception and pregnancy effects. But most of those also allow you to simply set your condition to "Pregnant". Question #4. Can she adopt??? Yes, there are 'Adoption agencies" in SL that will roleplay doing an adoption, and many of those can connect prospective "Parents" with other players that want to roleplay in a family setting as child avatars. Question #5. How can my girl adopt??? By getting a friend to play along with the idea as roleplay, or by going through an 'Adoption Agency' to find a stranger that wants to roleplay the part of a child in your family. Answers given above.
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