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Ceera Murakami

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Everything posted by Ceera Murakami

  1. Second Life has no pre-defined "Ceremonies" for anything. Not even a simple civil wedding ceremony. Defining a "Partner" in SL has no ceremony, and no meaning other than that the two avatars wish to declare in their profiles that they are soime sort of couple. You can create any sort of ceremony or union that you can imagine, and act it out. I helped write and perform a lovely Wiccan handfasting/wedding ceremony for a couple of friends. I made the script for what vows would be exchanged, and what actions would be taken, and gave copies on notecards to the participants. I set up suitable props and pose balls to make it all work in-world, on a parcel of land that one of the couple owned. Then we got together and did the ceremony as their friends sat nearby and watched. All who participated thought it was beautiful. Make what you want, and what has meaning for both of you, and enjoy SL together.
  2. You usually only see the hold while it is in effect, or if you look very carefully at your statement. It's actually a fairly standard practice, to prevent someone from changing a huge purchase at several different merchants in quick succession, and appearing to have sufficient funds to each because the prior transactions hadn't cleared yet.
  3. leliel Mirihi wrote: The viewer intentionally caps the frame rate when the window is not in focus. You can control it with the debug setting BackgroundYieldTime, setting it to 0 will cause the viewer to always run at full speed. Tried that, and ugh! Was at about 30 FPS with one window open. Second window got 3 FPS, while the one that had no focus jumped to 40+? Had to change it back to defaults. That was just too unstable.
  4. Tattoos will still be tattoos. They will not changem for non-mesh avatars. But Tattoos that work on a Mesh avatar body will have to be custom-made to work with the UV mapping for that body. There's no reason at all to assume that a maker of a mesh avatar body will use the standard SL avatar body UV mapping, and many, many reasons why they should discard the old mapping and make a better mapping of their own. Like, maybe, one that has two arms, and doesn't trash the details in the groin area.
  5. You can download the last 30 days transaction history, no matter how many transactiosn that is likely to be, as an excel file and in XML format. Select the date range, view the first 500, and it will show two buttons for XLS and XML format download of all records in that date range, even if it exceeds 500 entries.
  6. Well, what I mean by "it doesn't work" is that proper multithreading would assign one instance of SL to one core, a second instance to a different core, and maybe my web browser to a third one. Or it would spread the load evenly across all cores. SL doesn't do that. With V1, it only saw one core, period. With V2, including Firestorm, it spams all the cores available, but the window that has focus gets the vast majority of the CPU cycles, and a much higher frame rate than any other concurrently running SL instances.. If it worked right, two instances of SL running on a 2 to 4 core computer would each get the same frame rate. But on most computers, the bottleneck isn't CPU power - it's graphics card power. And most computers only have one graphics card in use. A really well-done multi-threaded application would be able to overcome that.
  7. Take a closer look at your statement. One of those is probably a "Hold" placed against the purchase amount while it was being processed, while the other is the actual removal of funds from your account. Check the math, and you'll probably see that the fee was actually only deducted once from your balance. If you did get double-billed, you'll have to contact LL's billing department. The residents in these forums can't help you there.
  8. Tier paid to Linden Lab is taken first from any US$ balance you may have, and then from the credit card you have on file. So as long as your credit card isn't over-limit, you don't do anything to pay your tier. They just take the money from the already-designated sources. You can change the credit card info (if your card expired, or the one on file is over-limit and you need to have them charge a different one) by using this website and doing it before your rent comes due. Change billing info here: https://secondlife.com/my/account/billing.php?lang=en-US If you have L$ in-world sufficent to cover the rent bill, you can sell them and leave the funds in your US$ balance, and tier will be deducted from that first. Sell L$ here: https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/sell.php Rent paid to someone in-world via a rental payment system or by paying money directly to them in L$ in-world can only be paid by logging in to SL and making the payment in-world. There is no way to send money to someone else without logging in and going in-world in some manner. (For example, if you're renting a homestead sim from someone in-world, you pay them, and they end up paying Linden Lab). Your best bet in this case is to find somewhere that you CAN log in from, and contact the landlord to explain the situation. Maybe you can work something out with them. Many landlords have a way to pay them via a website, such as accepting PayPal payments.
  9. Preterences > Advanced > Allow Multiple Viewers That will allow multiple instances of SL to run on the same computer, with Firestorm. If by "Multi-threading" you mean the ability to properly spread the processing workload across multiple CPU's on a multi-core computer, that function has never worked in SL, with any Viewer that I am aware of.
  10. The problem isn't that any LL-provided avatar height reading in the Viewer is "right" or "wrong". Most Residents don't even use Viewer 2.0, and have never seen that height indicator. Avatars are the size they are in SL for three reasons: 1: The scripted function to return avatar height returns the height of their eyes, not the top of their head. 2: The follow camera is above and behind the avatar, and this causes perspective issues that makes it feel like a properly-scaled avatar is "too small". That camera position also means that if you build a room with accurate 1:1 scale 8 foot ceiling heights, the follow camera is either in the ceiling, or scooting along the carpet like a mouse on the floor above the avatar. 3: The default "Ruth" male and female avatars are both near the top end of normal Human growth, if measured accurately against a prim. But the slider settings allow the avatar to get much taller than normal, and not terribly much smaller than a ten year old child. Changing the height reading reported in any one Viewer will do very little to change the height problems that exist in SL, because everywhere you go, existing structures and furnishings are all overly large, to compensate for the three factors I just listed. Your friend is essentially advocating building at a scale of 1.65:1, or increasing the size of any "to scale" build in SL to 1.65 times as large as everything actually measures. I find that somewhat excessive, myself. 1.25:1 is quite sufficient to seem to be normally proportioned in relation to the avarage avatar in SL, and to the restrictions imposed by the intersctions of the follow cam and celing heights.
  11. I would walk into the CEO's office and have a VERY long heart-to-heart chat with him, about what Second Life is, what it could be, and the many tragic judgement errors of his predecessors, and how best to reverse the damage done by M Linden and Phillip. And I'd lock the door so no one could throw me out until I had said my fill. Somehow I doubt he would pay the slightest bit of attention to my opinions - despite my being a content creator who has been here close to 6 years, and built numorous full-sim projects - but I would at least try, before tendering my resignation and getting a better job at a company that understands customer service and customer satisfaction.
  12. If you're referring to one of the 'free' Linden homes that comes as a perk of being a Premium member, the only customization you can do to the house itself is by the options available using the house's control panel, located by the door. You can't make your own changes, because you don't actually "own" the house. It has a root prim that sits just outside your 512 M2 parcel (and therefore counts againts the sim's maintenance areas between the homes, and not against your parcel), and it remains owned by Linden Lab. You could put down a prim "Carpet" just above the actual floor, by making a thin box prim and streaching it to fit. That prim would belong to you, would count against the 117 prim total for your parcel, and could be textured however you see fit.
  13. Will there be transcripts of any of these sessions, or will their slide decks be available? I tried to listen to that recording, could barely hear it at max volume, and gave up after several minutes of them hemming and hawing and not saying much of anything while they tried to get their first slide to display.
  14. It will be available to users of Viewer 3.0 or the 2.x Mesh Project Viewer around the end of August. Maybe by then one or two of the TPV's will at least be able to see mesh, even if they can't upload it. But the majority of residents in SL won't be using either Viewer for a while yet, so will see your pretty Mesh creations as a trashed mish-mash of triangles or box shapes that bear no rel;ation to your designs. Until a majority of the Third Party Viewers used in SL support Mesh, it'd going to be fairly useless except as a curiosity for the people who just have to have the latest "shiny", and don't care if no one else can see their wonderful new stuff.
  15. First, get out of the defeult "Basic" mode, if the only option you see for appearance is to choose from a selection of pre-defined avatars. The "Advanced" mode in Viewer 2.x and later is the normal playing mode, and has the same appearance changing options that you may remember form back when you used to be in SL. To change modes, log off, select "Advanced" the next time you log in, quit, then log in again as advanced.
  16. Yes, you need to spend real money to have a house in SL, unless you can find someone else who is generous enough to pay the bills for you and let you live for free on their land. Setting up a house requires land large enough to support the number of prims in the house. A 512 M2 parcel allows you to set up 117 prims. Someone has to pay the monthly cost of running the servers that makes that land available. So even if you get the house itself for free, which is quite possible, someone still has to pay real money every month to pay for the land you will set it up on. If you become a Premium Member, you're still paying real money for that monthly, quarterly or annual membership. But one of the benefits is a "free" 512 M parcel, and a "free" home in a sim full of nearly identical starter homes. You don't have to pay for that limited-use parcel of land or the free house that is situated on it, but you still have to pay the membership dues, with real money. If you have skills that are in demand, and if you learn how to earn money in-world, you could possibly earn enough L$ in-world to pay rent on an in-world parcel to someone else who pays the monthly maintenance fees with real money. But even though you, personally, would never be seeing those L$ as real money, your landlord would be cashing them out into real money to pay the actual maintenance costs for the land your home is on. You could just as easily cash those L$ out yourself, and pay real money back into the system to live somewhere else, so it's still "paying real money", even if you earn 100% of it in-world.
  17. Yes, it is possible. The following object and primary object would have to remain in communication, with the secondary listening for instructiuons from the primary, and the primary broadcasting its position - via a non-zero chat channel, most likely - every time the primary object moves. Use a "changed" even in the Primary to see if its in-world position moved. If its position has changed, get its in-world position now and broadcast that set of sim coordinates to the follower. Then, when the secondary object gets that signal, it uses the prim coordinates sent by the first, applies an offset so it doesn't move to exactly on top of the first, and uses llSetPos or some similar command to move itself to the new position close to the first. How smoothly it follows would depend on how often the primary checks for a "changed" event, and on whether the follower moves itself in a single jump, or attempts to move from its current position to the new position in incremental steps. You may want to look at the scripts for a "physical elevator" for guidance on h get an object to move to a new position in incremental steps. The code that moves an elevator car would be useful to you. The part that gives that code the coordinates to move the car to when it goes from one floor to another would in your case be getting that data from the broadcast sent by the first object.
  18. There is not really any simple or effective way to just "do that" with the in-world building tools, I'm afraid. Most builders use simple trial and error and do it by eye. Some may, in the case of things like sculpties, do it with the extermal application that they use to create the 3D mesh for the item in the first place. Even with a scripted device or an external program running a bot, that esentially acts just like a copybot and analyzes the original objects prims and duplicates it, while reversing the value on one axis, which axis would you choose? How would you tell the application which plane to mirror on? As an example, a torus that is tilted 30 degrees and has a certain amount of twist and taper to it would need to be changed in quite a few parameters to make something that looked like its mirror image. If someone does have a simple solution, I'd love to hear it too. Especially if it doesn't break all the rules that are in place these days to make copybot actions illegal.
  19. Any Viewer using the V2 type profiles now requires you to save the profile pic to your computer, change it from TGA to jpg format, and then upload to the profile from the computer via my.secondlfe.com/username . On the plus side, if you take the snapshot directly to disk, there is NO fee, and you can edit the pic with a graphics program before using it for your profile, again with no fee. The fact that my.secondlife.com is incapable of accepting a tga file, the format that SL saves a picture to disk in, makes no sense at all, but is how LL coded their site. Firestorm and some other TPV's still use the old style Profile UI, but don't count on that lasting forever. If a photographer gives you a picture of you, and it's no transfer, insist on getting a full-perms coipy that you can save to disk. It makes no sense for a photgrapher to give you a picture of you that is restricted in how it can be used.
  20. Gets my vote. I've wanted this for as long as I have been in SL. Storing things inside boxes within other boxes as a substitute for proper folders, as we must do now, is a lousy substitute, and makes finding anything in those storage boxes so difficult that they rarely ever get opened/unpacked again after you create them.
  21. Balance is important. If the RL person you are talking about is a girlfriend that you live with, or a married partner, ask yourself this: Which is really more important to you? Your real-life partner or your on-line fantasies? I think if you answered the latter, it's time to gracefully get out of that relationship, because you aren't being fair to either of you by continuing it. I also think the latter answer is likely to be the wrong one for most people, and that if you're asking that sort of question, you should seriously consider quitting SL for a while and working on repairing that real-life relationship. If you're still living at home and it's your mother, consider that she's likely covering most, if not all, of the expenses that pay for your food, shelter and possibly school. She has every right to set rules of behavior while you live under her roof. Don't like that? Get a job that will support you, and move out, if you're old enough. Or listen to mom and do what she says. In the long run, SL is a fine form of entertainment, but it should never be a substitute for real-life relationships, family, or friends. If it's interfering with your real life, you really ought to back off and spend less time in SL.
  22. Nope. The SL template for the upper body's skin and clothing only has one arm, mirrored to both sides. It's a stupid limitation based on the very old Poser figure that LL used to base their avatar mesh on. Using invisiprims to hide the arm is the only way to hide only one arm. But if rumors are true, upcoming versions of the Viewer won't be supporting Invisiprims, so that idea may not be good either. That leaves only one option: a mesh avatar upper body, that hides both arms, and replaces the "normal" arm as well. With that, you could do it, but only in Viewer 2.x and later (Viewer 3 and later?), and the hands will be rigid and unchangeable, unless you script the mesh body part of change shape or show/hide multiple parts, or unless you keep the original hand on the normal side visible, and blend it in to the mesh arm. In short, you're not going to do it with anything short of a full avatar package. You'll never be able to make it so all Viewers will be able to use it on even a fraction of the normal avatars out there.
  23. Are you in Basic mode in Viewer 2.x? That crippled newbie mode can't see inventory. At login, make sure you select Advanced, then quit and log in again. Then you ahould see your inventory normally again.
  24. Having payment info on file does NOT require buying a Premium membership. To get the payment info to show in-world, you need to make some sort of a purchase from Linden Lab ($2.50 USD worth of L$ will suffice), or contact billing support and get them to manually bump the info so it shows up in-world (Much harder to do, if you aren't a Premium member). Buying a Premium membership is a purchase from Linden Lab, and so also will get your payment info to show in-world, but it certainly is not a requirement. This has been a known glitch for years, that paytment info entered and accepted on the website doesn't show in-world until you buy something, and LL has never bothered to fix it. Just buy a few dollars worth of L$, and you'll be fine to travel to Adult regions, and do all the other things allowed for "Payment info used" accounts.
  25. That sounds like a fake message to me. Do NOT click on any links in that e-mail. It is very likely to be a Phishing scam. It is NOT illegal to use a viewer that is not in the Third Party Directory, unless they very recently made a policy change and told no one about the change. (Note that while some specific viewers intentionally designed as tools for hackers and thieves have been banned, and some older versions that have features that Ll prohibits, becaus ethey make it easier to steal content from others have been banned, the current version of Phornix is perfectly legal, as are the last several versions of that Viewer.) The third party viewer directory is ONLY a list of viwere's whose creators have violuntarily stepped forward and claimed they comply with certain standards set forth by Linden Lab. There are other Viewers that are perfectly legal to use, and which are not in the directory. Are you using a current version of Phoenix? Some older versions had a security issue, and have since been replaced by newer ones that fixed that security bug. That is the only reason I can think of that ANY version of Phoenix would cause a legitimate message like that. Have you tried accessing the grid with Phoenix? Did you get blocked from doing so? Have you tried accessing the grid with the official LL Viewer? Either 1.23.5 or V 2.8? Does it give you an error message if you try to log on? Or are you basing the assumption that you can't access the grid solely on that e-mail?
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